

Din sökning på "*" gav 531206 sökträffar

ESS progressing into construction

The construction of the European Spallation Source, ESS, started in summer 2014. At the site in Lund, the accelerator tunnel will be completed at the time of IPAC16, while prototyping and manufacturing or preparations for manpower contributions are going on in more 23 laboratories distributed over the 12 European countries collaborating on the accelerator project. Major technical milestones have b

Detection of subclinical vitamin K deficiency in neurosurgery with PIVKA-II

Vitamin K is known for supporting the carboxylation of hepatic coagulation proteins. Levels of proteins induced by vitamin K absence for factor II (PIVKA-II) reflect hypocarboxylated prothrombin and can be used to detect subclinical vitamin K deficiency. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of perioperative subclinical vitamin K deficiency among neurosurgical patients using PIVKA-

Impact of inbreeding on scientific productivity : A case study of a Japanese university department

Recent science policies emphasize academic mobility and denounce inbreeding as an impediment to scientific productivity. This study aims to investigate the impact of inbreeding on productivity, distinguishing various forms of inbreeding, and to explore the mechanism behind which inbreeding is translated into productivity, drawing on in-depth longitudinal data of academics' careers in a university

In vivo dopamine agonist properties of rotigotine : Role of D1 and D2 receptors

Rotigotine acts in vitro as a full agonist of dopamine D1 receptors at concentrations almost superimposable to those at which it acts on D2 receptors. However in vivo evidence of the differences between the agonist activity of rotigotine at D1 receptors from that on the D2 receptors has not been provided yet. In order to test the ability of rotigotine to stimulate dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in v

Determination of the neutron-capture rate of C 17 for r -process nucleosynthesis

With the RB3-LAND setup at GSI we have measured exclusive relative-energy spectra of the Coulomb dissociation of C18 at a projectile energy around 425A MeV on a lead target, which are needed to determine the radiative neutron-capture cross sections of C17 into the ground state of C18. Those data have been used to constrain theoretical calculations for transitions populating excited states in C18.

Commissioning of the harmonic cavities in the MAX IV 3 GeV ring

The MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring operates with beam of high current and ultralow emittance. These beam parameters in combination with the small effective aperture enhance possible collective beam instabilities. Three passive harmonic cavities are installed to introduce bunch lengthening and tune spread, leading to decoupling of the bunch spectrum from the machine effective impedance and mitigating in

SLAC FACET-II positron damping ring magnet design

The FACET-II facility, currently being designed at SLAC, will contain a small 20 m circumference, 335 MeV, positron damping ring. The ring has to fit in the existing linac tunnel, meaning that a compact lattice with short distances between magnets is required. The detailed magnet design is done in Opera-3d, with a finite element model of a full damping ring arc being simulated. This article presen

Examining drivers of sustainable consumption : The influence of norms and opinion leadership on electric vehicle adoption in Sweden

Transportation accounts for a large and growing part of carbon dioxide emissions. With an increasing vehicle fleet worldwide private car use is becoming an acute problem in need of urgent attention and action. Policy interference and cleaner cars are not enough; alternative fuel vehicles such as electric vehicles need to be adopted by consumers as well. Previous research on pro-environmental consu

"The need and ability for expansion" : Conceptions of living space in the small-state geopolitics of Gudmund Hatt

Although they are often subjected to critical scrutiny, formal geopolitical practices have rarely been put on trial. One exception is the case of Gudmund Hatt (1884-1960), professor of human geography at Copenhagen University from 1929 to 1947, who was found guilty of “dishonorable national conduct” for his geopolitics during the German occupation. As a contribution to the critical history of geop

Tango based control system at SOLARIS Synchrotron

A National Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS has been recently built in Krakow, Poland. The accelera tor is in commissioning phase. The control system is in operation and provides all functionalities required for the commissioning process. The system is based on Tango Controls and has been developed with strong collabora tion with MAX-IV, Lund Sweden and the Tango Commu nity. Protections system

Intracerebral xenografts of dopamine neurons : the role of immunosuppression and the blood-brain barrier

Fetal mesencephalic mouse tissue, rich in dopamine neurons, was xenografted as a dissociated cell suspension into the striatum of rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine induced lesions of the mesostriatal pathway. The rats were either assigned to a 10-day, 21-day or 42-day Cyclosporin A (CyA) immunosuppression scheme, or given no immunosuppression. The functional effects of the grafts were followe

Valentinianernas evangelium : Gnosticismen och den antika kristna idévärlden i ljuset av texterna från Nag Hammadi

Valentinus av Alexandria var en teolog och predikant vars verksamhet under det andra århundradet fick stort genomslag. Valentinianernas evangelium – den världsbild och teologi som kan knytas till Valentinus och hans efterföljare – var intimt förknippat med fenomenet gnosticism. Men vad är egentligen gnosticism och hur hänger den ihop med kristendom? Den här boken är en introduktion till antik gnos

A probabilistic approach for handling uncertainty in infrastructure LCA

To demonstrate and support sustainability of large-scale infrastructure projects, life cycle assessment (LCA) has become a common tool used in the evaluation of environmental impact. However, LCA includes a number of phases, which are all associated with uncertainties. Decisions made without regard to these uncertainties may be suboptimal and/or misleading. The current paper discusses some importa

Dussinet fullt

Review article on the recent poetry of Swedish poet Christian Karlsson.