

Din sökning på "*" gav 535046 sökträffar

Comparison of DEXA and Bioimpedance for Body Composition Measurements in Nondialysis Patients With CKD

Objectives: The aims of this study are (1) to compare dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and bioimpedance for body composition measurements in nondialysis patients with chronic kidney disease, and (2) to investigate factors associated with any measurement differences. Design and Methods: This is a substudy using some baseline data from a randomized controlled clinical trial. One hundred twent


Detta är den åttonde skriften i en serie småskrifter som vi publicerar och som alla handlar vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet, med fokus på ett eller annat tillämpningsområde. Hittills har vi belyst följande områden: medicin, juridik, skola, miljö, politik och socialtjänst. Detta nummer ägnas åt vård. Våra kartläggningar har lärt oss att begreppet vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet definieras olika

Rotor Neurons: Basic Formalism and Dynamics

Rotor neurons are introduced to encode states living on the surface of a sphere in D dimensions. Such rotors can be regarded as continuous generalizations of binary (Ising) neurons. The corresponding mean field equations are derived, and phase transition properties based on linearized dynamics are given. The power of this approach is illustrated with an optimization problem—placing N identical cha

The thrust and heavy-jet mass distributions in the two-jet region

Dressed Gluon Exponentiation (DGE) is used to calculate the thrust and the heavy-jet mass distributions in e + e - annihilation in the two-jet region. We perform a detailed analysis of power corrections, taking care of the effect of hadron masses on the measured observables. In DGE the Sudakov exponent is calculated in a renormalization-scale invariant way using renormalon resummation. Neglecting

Differences between Monte Carlo models for DIS at small-χ and the relation to BFKL dynamics

The differences between two standard Monte Carlo models, LEPTO and ARIADNE, for deep inelastic scattering at small-χ is analysed in detail. It is shown that the difference arises from a 'unorthodox' suppression factor used in ARIADNE which replaces the normal ratio of parton densities. This gives rise to a factor that qualitatively is similar to what one would expect from BFKL dynamics for some ob

Measurement of parity-violating spin asymmetries in W ± production at midrapidity in longitudinally polarized p +p collisions

We present midrapidity measurements from the PHENIX experiment of large parity-violating single-spin asymmetries of high transverse momentum electrons and positrons from W±/Z decays, produced in longitudinally polarized p+p collisions at center of mass energies of s=500 and 510 GeV. These asymmetries allow direct access to the antiquark polarized parton distribution functions due to the parity-vio

University Incubators and the Likelihood of Women Entrepreneurship

The principal question we ask in this study is to what extent structural characteristics in the entrepreneurship eco-system surrounding incubators influence the likelihood that women may engage in the commercialization of university science by becoming incubatees. We embed our arguments in institutional theory and develop hypotheses related to (1) the share of female faculty at the closest univers

Guidance document on temporary traffic management

This report aims at providing information on principles that should be considered during planning, establishment and maintenance of work zones, and inspection works. An extensive literature review has been done within the project and some of the results, e.g. of previous CEDR-projects, are included in IRIS. However, not all findings of recent studies are mentioned, as the goal was to keep the repoThis report aims at providing information on principles that should be considered during planning, establishment and maintenance of work zones, and inspection works. An extensive literature review has been done within the project and some of the results, e.g. of previous CEDR-projects, are included in IRIS. However, not all findings of recent studies are mentioned, as the goal was to keep the repo

Are assortative mating and genital divergence driven by reinforcement?

The evolution of assortative mating is a key part of the speciation process. Stronger assortment, or greater divergence in mating traits, between species pairs with overlapping ranges is commonly observed, but possible causes of this pattern of reproductive character displacement are difficult to distinguish. We use a multidisciplinary approach to provide a rare example where it is possible to dis

Fast visual part inspection for bin picking

In this paper we present a novel 3D sensing approach for industrial bin-picking applications that is low-cost, fast and precise. The system uses a simple laser-line emitter. While a robot arm moves the object through the laser light, a synchronized camera captures the laser line image on the object. A full point cloud as well as an edge point cloud suitable for subsequent pose estimation is genera