Din sökning på "*" gav 534833 sökträffar
Fine mode particulate sulphur in the tropopause region measured from intercontinental flights (CARIBIC)
Here the first systematic study of the concentration of particulate sulphur in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere is presented. The measurements were undertaken in the CARIBIC programme during intercontinental flights from a commercial aircraft, which was equipped with an aerosol inlet and a research payload in the cargo bay. Aerosol samples were collected and analysed for elemental comp
Blended learning för utveckling av lärarkompetens
Vad är blended learning? Hur kan lärares kompetens inom blended learning utvecklas? Och hur kan blended learning i sin tur främja utvecklingen av pedagogisk kompetens? I denna rapport redovisas det pedagogiska utvecklingsprojektet Blended learning för utveckling av lärarkompetens som belyser och diskuterar dessa frågor. Projektets avsikt har varit att utveckla, introducera och analysera effekterna
Hygroscopic properties of aerosol particles during the Holme Moss hill cap cloud experiment
Emittance improvements in the MAX IV photocathode injector
The MAX IV injector design predicts a beam with 100 pC of charge and an emittance lower than 1 mm mrad. The photocathode pre-injector is based on the now close to standard 1.6-cell gun adapted to 2.9985 GHz, in combination with a Ti:Sapphire laser system. This system reaches the requirements of the injector operation for the SPF, but can be tuned beyond specifications to open up new operation mode
Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Profiling of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Subsets Carrying Stereotyped B Cell Receptors
In recent years, subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients carrying quasi-identical or stereotyped B cell receptors (BcRs) have been identified that share clinicobiological features and disease outcome. While these stereotyped subsets show distinct gene expression and genomic profiles, the DNA methylation landscape remains largely unexplored. By applying high-resolution 450K methylati
A case study of distances in a large co-located software development organisation
Communication and collaboration is a major challenge for large-scale software development. Cognitive and psychological distance between individuals and teams affect this collaboration and can cause communications gaps. We propose a novel method for assessing distance between teams, and explore potential explanations for these distances. In an exploratory case study of the quality assurance departm
Role of blood lipids in the development of ischemic stroke and its subtypes : A mendelian randomization study
Background and Purpose-Statin therapy is associated with a lower risk of ischemic stroke supporting a causal role of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. However, more evidence is needed to answer the question whether LDL cholesterol plays a causal role in ischemic stroke subtypes. In addition, it is unknown whether high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides have a causal relatio
The Darkness Beyond The Digital : Internet of Things and Disquiet Connectivity
High Level of Fasting Plasma Proenkephalin-A Predicts Deterioration of Kidney Function and Incidence of CKD
High levels of proenkephalin-A (pro-ENK) have been associated with decreased eGFR in an acute setting. Here, we examined whether pro-ENK levels predict CKD and decline of renal function in a prospective cohort of 2568 participants without CKD (eGFR>60 ml/min per 1.73 m2) at baseline. During a mean follow-up of 16.6 years, 31.7% of participants developed CKD. Participants with baseline pro-ENK leve
Drell-Yan lepton pair production at NNLO QCD with parton showers
We present a simple approach to combine NNLO QCD calculations and parton showers, based on the unlops technique. We apply the method to the computation of Drell-Yan lepton-pair production at the Large Hadron Collider. We comment on possible improvements and intrinsic uncertainties.
The Impact of Inter-Firm Collaborations on SME Internationalisation
Several studies have proposed that small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) lack resources and experiential knowledge to internationalise to distant markets. The authors argue that SMEs can handle the lack of these tangible and intangible internal resources through external collaborations; they can achieve success in international markets by collaborating with business partners. The role of inte
A platform for phenotypic discovery of therapeutic antibodies and targets applied on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Development of antibody drugs against novel targets and pathways offers great opportunities to improve current cancer treatment. We here describe a phenotypic discovery platform enabling efficient identification of therapeutic antibody-target combinations. The platform utilizes primary patient cells throughout the discovery process and includes methods for differential phage display cell panning,
On the analysis of the exterior Calderón operator for a non-spherical geometry
Calcium : A Crucial Potentiator for Efficient Enzyme Digestion of the Human Pancreas
Background: Effective digestive enzymes are crucial for successful islet isolation. Supplemental proteases are essential because they synergize with collagenase for effective pancreatic digestion. The activity of these enzymes is critically dependent on the presence of Ca2+ ions at a concentration of 5–10 mM. The present study aimed to determine the Ca2+ concentration during human islet isolation
Measurement of d(γ,p) reaction cross sections and asymmetry with linearly polarized coherent bremsstrahlung beam
On the base of reaction of deuteron photo-disintegration it was studied possibility of the simultaneous measuring of cross sections and asymmetry of the (γ,p) reactions at the using of the coherent polarized photon beam. Measurements were performed for the proton emission angle 90°. The cross sections well agree with the literary data, obtained on the bremsstrahlung photon beam in the range of ene
Brecht, skådespelaren och rollen
Integration of Culture, Culture as Integration : The Praxis and Politics of Multicultural Theatre and Drama
Theatre is one of the artistic tools most often employed in Sweden to promote social integration. The aim of this article is to illustrate recurrent paradoxes concerning representation in multicultural theatre projects in the Swedish context. The productions discussed were studied ethnographically over an extended period of time, 2002 to 2007, with additional interviews undertaken in 2008–10 and 2
Prevalence of Voice Disorders in the General Population, Based on the Stockholm Public Health Cohort
Objective: To investigate the prevalence of voice disorders in the general population. Study design: Analysis of data from the Stockholm Public Health Cohort. Methods: A public health survey was distributed to an open cohort of 114,538 adults >18 years of age in the area of Stockholm County, Sweden. The survey included one question about voice problems, estimating the extent of occurrence of voice
A strategic and comprehensive vision for future R&D in construction ICT
The tremendous development in the past ten last years of the Internet and ICT at large (whether it be in general technologies like semantic modeling, knowledge mining, RFID or mobile technologies, or domain-oriented ones like e-commerce, collaborative spaces, digital mock-ups, etc.) has opened a large spectrum of potential applica-tions of ICT in the Construction sector. The real adaptation and de