

Din sökning på "*" gav 532665 sökträffar

Intensity dependent photon echo relaxation in rare earth doped crystals

Photon-echo-relaxation measurements made on the 3H4-3P0 transition of 0.01 at. % Pr3+:YAG (where YAG represents yttrium aluminum garnet), 3H4-1D2 transition in 0.1 at. % Pr3+:YAlO3, and 7F0-5D0 transition in 0.25 at. % Eu3+:YAlO3 show that the photon-echo relaxation rate increases when the intensities of the excitation pulses are increased. Although a part of the relaxation-rate increase in Pr3+:Y

A glucose dehydrogenase biosensor as an additional signal amplification step in an enzyme-flow immunoassay.

Both the antibody affinity and the detectability of the label are essential in deciding the final characteristics of a heterogeneous immunoassay. This paper describes an approach to obtain a supplementary enhancement of the signal generated by using an enzyme label, e.g., by including the product of the enzymatic reaction in an additional amplification cycle during the detection step performed wit

Reduced myelotoxicity with sustained tumor concentration of radioimmunoconjugates in rats after extracorporeal depletion.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of decreasing the myelotoxicity associated with radioimmunotherapy (RIT) by extracorporeal depletion of radioimmunoconjugates (RIC) from the circulation. The optimal combination of radionuclide and the time interval between injection of the RIC and the subsequent extracorporeal depletion procedure was assessed in immunocompetent rats, with resp

Evolution and temporal diversification of western European polyploid species complexes in Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae)

Patterns of polyploid evolution in the taxonomically controversial Dactylorhiza incarnata/maculata groups were inferred genetically by analyzing 399 individuals from 177 localities for (1) four polymorphic plastid regions yielding aggregate haplotypes and (2) nuclear ribosomal ITS allele frequencies. Concordance between patterns observed in distributions of plastid haplotypes and ITS alleles rende

Värdering av kvalitet i lokal kollektivtrafik med Stated Preferences-metoden

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att pröva om värdering av kvalitet i kollektivtrafik med Stated Preferences-metoden kan göras i brevenkäter skickades olika enkäter ut till i förväg kontaktade bussresenärer. Studien visar att metoden kan användas i brev och att typen med parvisa val i så fall bör användas. En annan studie visar att erfarenheten av det man värderar har stor betydelse för värderingenTo test whether it was possible to conduct a Stated Preference study by mail, six different types of questionnaires were sent out to previously contacted bus passengers. Several quality comparisons showed that binary choices worked best. Another study showed that the experiences of travellers are of great importance to their evaluations.

Integration of Molecular Biology and Morphology in Effusions with Focus on in situ Detection of Telomerase and its Components

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den viktigaste uppgiften inom den kliniska cytologin är att påvisa cancerceller i olika typer av cellprover. Många olika cancertumörer sprider sig till lungsäcken och bukhålan och ger då ofta upphov till vätska (exsudat) som innehåller cancerceller. Ofta kan cancerdiagnosen ställas på grundval av cellernas utseende men detta är inte alltid möjligt, eftersom cancercellerClinical cytology is a rapid method to detect malignancy in effusions of the serous cavities, but the morphological characteristics of the cells do not always allow diagnosis and a specific marker for malignant cells would improve the diagnostic performance. Telomerase adds telomere repeats to the chromosome ends. It is the most promising universal indicator of malignancy and the project focuses o

Self-renewal of multipotent long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells is negatively regulated by Fas and tumor necrosis factor receptor activation

Multipotent self-renewing hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are responsible for reconstitution of all blood cell lineages. Whereas growth stimulatory cytokines have been demonstrated to promote HSC self-renewal, the potential role of negative regulators remains elusive. Receptors for tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and Fas ligand have been implicated as regulators of steady-state hematopoiesis, and if o

Effects of Sunlight on Organic Matter and Bacteria in Lakes

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandlingen studeras solljusets effekter på organiskt material och bakterier i akvatiska ekosystem. Särskild inriktas arbetet på UV-B strålning då instrålning till jorden av detta kortvågiga UV-ljus troligen ökar p g a ett minskat ozonlager. Ozonlagersproblematiken är verifierad över både norra och södra halvklotet. Resultaten visar på att en betydande del av This thesis examines the role of sunlight, specifically ultraviolet-B radiation (280-320 nm), on dissolved organic matter (DOM) and bacteria in lakes. Field experiments in lakes with different humic contents and geographical locations have been performed. Photooxidation result in that part of DOM is oxidized to inorganic carbon (DIC), mainly CO2. The photooxidation rate can be of the same magnitu

Mutation screening of patients with Leber congenital amaurosis or the enhanced S-cone syndrome reveals a lack of sequence variations in the NRL gene

Purpose: To determine if mutations in the retinal transcription factor gene NRL are associated with retinopathies other than autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP). Methods: Genomic DNA was isolated from blood samples obtained from 50 patients with Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA), 17 patients with the Enhanced S-Cone Syndrome (ESCS), and a patient with an atypical retinal degeneration tha

Applications of Bayesian Econometrics to Financial Economics

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna doktorsavhandling består av fyra fristående artiklar. Artiklarna har det gemensamt att de alla använder Bayesiansk ekonometri, i kombination med s.k. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) metoder, för att studera olika problem inom finansiell ekonomi. De första två artiklarna är ytterligare relaterade till varandra genom att de båda handlar om portföljvalsteori och skatThis PhD thesis consists of four separate papers. What these papers have in common is that Bayesian Econometrics, in combination with Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, is applied to study various problems in financial economics. The first two papers are further related in that they both deal with portfolio selection and estimation risk, as are the last two papers in that they both deal with

Acidosis-induced ischemic brain damage: are free radicals involved?

Substantial evidence exists that reactive oxygen species participate in the pathogenesis of brain damage following both sustained and transient cerebral ischemia, adversely affecting the vascular endothelium and contributing to the formation of edema. One likely triggering event for free radical damage is delocalization of protein-bound iron. The binding capacity for some iron-binding proteins is

Identification of brain tumours in rats using laser-induced fluorescence and haematoporphyrin derivative

Laser-induced fluorescence has been used for the identification of brain tumours in rats, which have been previously given tumour-seeking haematoporphyrin derivative. A pulsed nitrogen laser (λ=337 nm) was used in conjunction with an optical multichannel analyzer. For both inoculated RG-2 and TCVC rat-brain-tumour models, the blue autofluorescence was strongly reduced in the tumour compared with

Manuell brandsläckning med vatten

To investigate how the relation between the control time and the total amount of water varies with the water application rate at manual fire fighting operations, six different experimental fire test series were studied. In spite of being quite different, the experiments prove to give similar results. Plotting the total volume of water required against the application rate, gives a diagram in the s

Transitorisk global amnesi - godartat tillstånd som även kan drabba unga

Transitorisk global amnesi (TGA) är ett godartat tillstånd med akut insättande oförmåga till minnesinprägling, som går i komplett regress inom 24 timmar. TGA förekommer huvudsakligen hos medelålders och äldre personer och anses vara mycket sällsynt hos personer yngre än 40 år. Tre fallrapporter presenteras där TGA drabbat unga män (16–22 år) under fotbollsspel. En litteraturgenomgång visar att mekTransient global amnesia (TGA) occurs mostly in middle-aged and elderly individuals, and is generally believed to be very rare in individuals less than 40 years of age. We present three cases of TGA in young persons (16-22 years). They all had a medical history and presented symptoms fulfilling the criteria for TGA. Physical examinations and investigations were all normal. All three presented thei

Three-body correlations in Borromean halo nuclei

Three-body correlations in the dissociation of two-neutron halo nuclei are explored using a technique based on intensity interferometry and Dalitz plots. This approach provides for the combined treatment of both the n-n and core-n interactions in the exit channel. As an example, the breakup of 14Be into 12Be+n+n by Pb and C targets has been analyzed and the halo n-n separation extracted. Evidence

Reproducing kernels and potential theory for the Bergman spaces

The role of weighted biharmonic Green functions in weighted Bergman spaces was first studied in the beginning of the 50's by Paul Garabedian. In 1951 he showed that they are closely related to reproducing kernel functions of weighted Bergman spaces. Half a century later, the properties of biharmonic functions turned out to be crucial to the factorization theory of Bergman spaces on the unit disk.