

Din sökning på "*" gav 529722 sökträffar

One big happy 'European family'? An external perspective

Close cooperation with third countries, especially in the EU’s neighbourhood, has erased a number of perceived boundaries between the EU and non-Member States. Whereas within the EU, family members are largely considered to be the natural beneficiaries of the free movement of persons with ensuing residence and social rights, it is less clear whether the same undisputed status of a family also appl


There is no official or universal definition for the concept of ‘family’. The absence of EU legislative competence in the substantive family law field means that there is no ‘EU family law’. Thus it is the individual EU legal instruments in different policy areas and the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the EU that demarcate, on an ad-hoc basis, the contours of the concept of ‘family’ and


Within the Anabar shield in the northern part of the Siberia, Late Precambrian mafic igneous units are widespread, which form dyke swarms of different ages of different trends. This paper presents new data on the composition, structure and U-Pb dating of the E-W trending Kengede dyke swarm. Three new U-Pb ID-TIMS baddeleyite ages (1496±7, 1494±3 and 1494±5 Ma) were obtained from three dykes, indic

Optimizing fibrosis detection : a comparison of electroanatomical mapping and late enhancement gadolinium magnetic resonance imaging

Background: Fibrotic atrial cardiomyopathy plays an important role in determining the outcome of ablation in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). Two main methods are being used for the evaluation of fibrosis: voltage-based high-density (HD) electroanatomical mapping (EAM) and late gadolinium enhancement MRI (LGE-MRI). The comparability between both methods in detecting fibrosis has not been sy

Circumferential Measurements to Calculate Lower Limb Volume in Persons with Lymphedema : What Segment Length Is to Be Recommended?

Background: Circumferential measurements (CMs) every 4th cm are commonly used to assess lower limb volume (LLV), but fewer measurements would be less time-consuming. The aim of this study was therefore to establish the agreement between LLV measurements derived from CM every 4th cm (V4), 8th cm (V8), and 12th cm (V12), and to evaluate the intrarater test-retest reliability for each of the three me

Upplevelseekvationen - när AI-teknik möter konsumenters värdeskapande

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att öka kunskapen kring hur AI inom fysisk Retail får konsekvenser för konsumenters värdeskapande. Vikten av kompetens och kunskap i kombination med teknik betonas för att möjliggöra förbättrade kundupplevelser inom fysisk retail. Kundens köpbeslut påverkas främst av människors kunskap och kompetens, där tekniken kompletterar och stöttar den mänskliga interakThe purpose of this thesis is to increase knowledge about how AI in physical Retail has consequences for consumers' value creation. The importance of competence and knowledge in combination with technology is emphasized to enable improved customer experiences in physical retail. The customer's purchase decision is primarily influenced by people's knowledge and competence, where tech

Multi-Meson Dynamics in Chiral Perturbation Theory

Denna avhandling behandlar spridning av lätta mesoner i fallet där antalet externa mesoner överstiger fyra (d.v.s. tre eller fler partiklar i initial- eller finaltillståndet), beräknat genom kiral störningsräkning. Detta är både av teoretiskt intresse inom studien av spridningsamplituder, och relevant för system av tre eller fler pioner som simuleras genom gitter-kvantkromodynamik.Introduktionen hThis thesis concerns scattering of light mesons in the case where the number of external particles exceeds four (that is, three or more particles in the initial or final state), calculated using chiral perturbation theory.This is both of theoretical interest in the study of scattering amplitudes, and relevant for systems of three or more pions simulated using lattice quantum chromodynamics.The int

Sustainable value creation–a farm case on business model innovation

The agricultural sector in Sweden, as elsewhere, is affected by increased intensification and specialisation, leading to fewer and larger farms. The majority of agricultural firms acquire profits by pushing an economies of scale strategy, which is not always possible for small farms. However, there are alternative strategies. This teaching case focuses on a small farm in Sweden and offers students

The Case of Vanishing Borders : Theorizing diversity management as internal border control

The aim of this paper is to contribute to the theorizing of diversity management, studied from a postcolonial perspective. This paper draws on an empirical study of a Swedish municipal school for adults in order to theorize how construction of privileged and disadvantaged ethnic identities is an integral diversity management practice, situated in the Swedish context. Further, the paper looks not o

Genetic variants associated with weight loss and metabolic outcomes after bariatric surgery : A systematic review

The extent to which genetic variations contribute to interindividual differences in weight loss and metabolic outcomes after bariatric surgery is unknown. Identifying genetic variants that impact surgery outcomes may contribute to clinical decision making. This review evaluates current evidence addressing the association of genetic variants with weight loss and changes in metabolic parameters afte

Genetic mechanisms underlying arrhythmogenic mitral valve prolapse : Current and future perspectives

Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a heart valve disease that is often familial, affecting 2%–3% of the general population. MVP with or without mitral regurgitation can be associated with an increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death (SCD). Research on familial MVP has specifically focused on genetic factors, which may explain the heritable component of the disease estimated to

Good behavior game - study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a preventive behavior management program in a Swedish school context

BACKGROUND: Early conduct problems and school failure are prominent risk factors for several adverse outcomes in later life. With the potential of reaching many children at early stages of their life, school-based interventions constitute a valuable approach to universal prevention. Good behavior game (GBG) is a promising school-based behavior management program, having shown immediate reductions

Evaluation of European-based polygenic risk score for breast cancer in Ashkenazi Jewish women in Israel

BACKGROUND: Polygenic risk score (PRS), calculated based on genome-wide association studies (GWASs), can improve breast cancer (BC) risk assessment. To date, most BC GWASs have been performed in individuals of European (EUR) ancestry, and the generalisation of EUR-based PRS to other populations is a major challenge. In this study, we examined the performance of EUR-based BC PRS models in Ashkenazi

Guest editorial: Accounting and performance measurement in the age of rankings, quality assurance, accreditation, and excellence frameworks

Over the past three decades, numbers, particularly those that can be expressed in financial terms, have come to be presented as a form of truth. Today, numbers guide and govern us, and shape and influence who we are, or who we should try to become (Kurunmäki et al., 2016). A few decades ago, this quantifying movement was restricted to a few fields. Today, however, it appears as if no one can escap

En mycket svensk historia

Svensk tryck- och yttrandefrihet har en lång och stolt tradition. Men den har inte alltid stått pall mot censur och makthavares ingripanden.