

Din sökning på "*" gav 533280 sökträffar

Adaptations for nocturnal vision in insect apposition eyes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur kan nattaktiva insekter se i mörker med fel sorts ögon? Majoriteten av alla dagaktiva insekter har en sorts facettöga som kallas appositionsöga. Appositionsögon är anpassade till ett liv med god tillgång på ljus ? nattaktiva djur har därför i princip alltid andra sorters ögon (superpositionsögon). Anledningen till att appositionsögon fungerar bäst på dagen är att dDue to our own preference for bright light, we tend to forget that many insects are active in very dim light. The reasons for nocturnal activity are most easily seen in tropical areas of the world, where animals face severe competition for food and nocturnal insects are able to forage in a climate of reduced competition and predation. Generally nocturnal insects possess superposition compound eye

On the feasibility of using ferromagnetic materials for thin EM absorbers

In this paper the magnetization of a ferro-or ferri-magnetic material has been modeled with the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation. We show that with the aid of a static magnetic bias field the material can be switched between a Lorentz-like material with a resonance frequency and a material exhibiting a magnetic conductivity. The reflection from a magnetic material backed by a perfect electri

A study of dedications to Aphrodite from Greek magistrates

Popular Abstract in Swedish Utifrån epigrafiska källor analyserar avhandlingen Afrodites roll som ämbetsmannabeskyddarinna. Huvudmaterialet är 62 dedikationer till Afrodite: inskrifter från ämbetsmän eller dedikationer där gudinnan presenteras med ett epitet som alluderar på ett ämbete, t.ex. Afrodite Strategis, ‘Strategernas Afrodite’. Materialet visar att Afrodite dyrkades av ämbetsmän på ett paThrough the identification of a series of inscriptions, mainly datable to the Hellenistic era, a link between Aphrodite and the civic life and administration of the Greek poleis has come to light. The inscriptions in question are dedications to Aphrodite through which magistrates of various cities and varying status express their devotion to the goddess. In certain dedications, the goddess is even

Closed-loop System Identification of an HCCI Engine

Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) is a promising but challenging combustion engine concept. The potential for good fuel economy and low emissions is high but the transient performance required for automotive applications presents a few problems still to be solved. The focus of this work is identification of the process dynamics. An ARX type model is fitted to input-output data. A meth

The African Food Crisis: Lessons from the Asian Green Revolution.

This book is the outcome of a three-year project coordinated by a group of Swedish researchers and with collaborating scholars from Africa and Asia. It provides a comparative study between Asian agricultural development during the Green Revolution in food production and the current problematic agricultural situation in sub-Saharan Africa. Case studies of eight African and eight Asian countries (fo