

Din sökning på "*" gav 533717 sökträffar

Turkey Taking the CEEC Road - Would There Be Gains From a Turkish Accession Into the EU?

This thesis investigates how Turkey´s trade flows would have been affected if they had taken the same road of integration, into the EU, as the CEEC. For this purpose we have used the gravity model and produced both cross section and panel data regressions. The method used is first an in sample estimation of the bilateral trade flows between the CEEC and EU. Secondly a trade potential for Turkey wa

Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) case study of a cantilever using OpenFOAM and DEAL.II with application to VIV

This Master Thesis in Technical Mathematics at LTH, directed towards simulation and computation,has treated the subject of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) for incompressible flowwith small vibrations. The open source packages DEAL.II and OpenFOAM have been used to create a coupling between a finite element formulation for structure and a finite volume formulation for fluid ( gas or liquid ). A s

Bevare mig väl! Äldre växtsortmaterial ser dagen ljus

Genetic plant diversity is crucial to meet future challenges through plant adaptation to new biotic and abiotic conditions. To date, conservation strategy focuses on an ex situ (off-site) approach whereas the importance of in situ (in-site) conservation has been stressed to increase the public engagement and facilitate the gradual evolutionary adaptation of the material. This essay focuses on the

The day-of-the-week effect on stock returns and volatility: The case of Latin America

It has been found that the behavior of stock markets follow patterns that are not necessarily consistent with the Efficient Market Hypothesis. Anomalies have been classified into different groups of which calendar anomalies such as the day-of-the-week effect has been under study for many years. Many authors have been following the evolution of this calendar seasonality in developed stock markets.

CEO compensation and its relation to firm performance

Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine how the pay-performance relationship behaves for firms listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange large cap list and attempt to draw inferences about how nation-specific aspects characterizing listed Swedish firms affect the relationship. Method: The method is a regression analysis using regressing performance on pay along with the control variables fir

Meröppet eller personallöst? : En diskursanslys av diskussionen i svensk och dansk dagspress om de obemannade biblioteken

Our master thesis concerns the discussions of self-service libraries in Swedish and Danish daily press. Our research questions are: What attitudes and perceptions can be observed in the media coverage of self-service libraries in Sweden and Denmark? Which values are conveyed as the governing in the introduction of self-service libraries? How does the media coverage reflect the role of the libraria

Att arkivera en utställning : en fallstudie med fokus på urval och attityder kring utställningsdokumentation och arkivverksamhet på ett konstmuseum

The aim of this thesis has been to examine the process of what material produced in the course of creating an exhibition that is considered worth keeping. The study has also intended to get an insight into attitudes and thoughts surrounding the archival function in the museum context. The result has been analyzed with basis in archival theory. Especially appraisal theory has been of great importan

Skolkuratorns och socialsekreterarens syn på samverkan med varandra : en studie av samverkan efter att en anmälan vid misstanke att ett barn far illa har gjorts

The purpose of this study was to examine the school social workers and social workers view upon the collaboration between the two. Our aim was also to study when a report should be made and the amount of feedback the school social workers receives, when a child might be harmed. We used a qualitative method where we performed semi-structured interviews. Our study was based on eight interviews, four

Demographic Dividend in East and South Asia, The Economic Impact of Changes Age Structure in Population.

The demographic transition of declining of mortality and fertility, causes changes in age structure of the population, provide countries a generation that is proportionately bigger than the predecessors and their successors. A greater share of population that is in the working age, gives the opportunities of economic growth in a country is called demographic dividend. The bulk working age populati

Familjeklass - en för alla, alla för en? Insatsens påverkan på barnet och dess omgivande system

Abstract Authors: Emanuel Franzén, Eva-Lotte Frost Ottosson Title: Family school – one for all and all for one? The effect of the intervention on the child and on its surrounding systems. (Translated title) Supervisor: Maria Bangura Arvidsson Changes within society have compelled Swedish schools to shoulder a greater responsibility for the children’s social development and problems. Family sc

Tjejer och killar i skolan - en studie i mellanstadielärares syn på avvikande beteende

The purpose of this study was to examine how boys and girls are selected to participate in social group work in school. More specifically it sought to analyse what kind of gender discourses arise when teachers discuss girls’ and boys’ problematic behaviour. Four teachers who work at a school in a large city in Sweden were interviewed. They work in grades five and six and collaborate closely with t

Synen på unga mäns utsatthet i hedersproblematik

The perception of young men's vulnerability in the honor context Despite its existence, physical and sexual abuse of men is rarely addressed in media or research. When men are put into a context of honor, they are often seen as perpetrators, which problematize the view of young men as victims another dimension. Thus young men and boys in honor structures are faced with a dilemma when they in

Vilka strategier använder kuratorn vid samtal med främst ofrivilliga elever? - En kvalitativ studie

This qualitative study is about how individual supportive conversation between school welfare officers and pupils in upper secondary school is carried out. The major interest of the study was to explore the problems that school welfare officers have during forced or involuntary supportive conversations with pupils, and how those problems can be understood and solved with the concept of strategies.

"När mamma och pappa inte dricker förvandlas skräckens hus till tystnadens hus." - En studie om barn till alkoholister

There are today about 200 000 children living in families where either one or both parents are addicted to alcohol. These children often become young carers, as they are prematurely being placed in adult caring roles. The aim of this thesis has been to illustrate the situation for children of alcoholics and to examine how these children are coping when parents do not fulfil their parenting respons

From Silence to Affirmation:Domestic Workers in Uganda from Fieldwork to Empirical Agenda:An Intersection of Class, Gender, and Ethnicity

The system on migrant domestic workers in post-industrialist countries has been widely researched, and extensive material exists on migrant domestic service from the Philippines and Eastern Europe. However, the system on domestic work performed by local women other than housewives or nonmembers of the family in the household(nonkinship) has rarely caught the attention of mainstream research commun

Smärtan som inte syns

The purpose of this study was to analyze and interpret how parents react after learning that their child was deceased, and the process that parents employed in dealing with this bereavement. This study also focused on the parents’ perceived ‘treatment’ received from relatives, friends and professionals. A qualitative study was conducted using interviews with seven parents who had suffered bereavem