

Din sökning på "*" gav 532100 sökträffar

Innovation for biorefineries – Networks, narratives, and new institutions for the transition to a bioeconomy

I omställningen till en mer hållbar bioekonomi har mycket fokus legat på utvecklingen av biobränslen. När det gäller innovation och utveckling av kemikalier och andra produkter släpar utvecklingen efter av flera orsaker, vilket visas i denna avhandling.Forskningen visar att det nuvarande systemet är inlåst i ett fossilberoende av flera olika orsaker, både tekniska, organisatoriska och materiella. The transition to a bioeconomy is dependent on transformative changes to technologies, organisations, and institutions, which jointly can be described as a socio-technical change. The thesis contributes to the understanding of how the transition is shaped by expectations on and collaborations for innovation forbiorefineries, which can produce chemicals, fuels, and materials needed in a bioeconomy.

Hosseusiella and Rehmanniella, two new genera in the Teloschistaceae

Two new genera in the subfamily Teloschistoideae (Teloschistaceae, Teloschistales) are described: Hosseusiella S. Y. Kondr., L. Lőkös et A. Thell for the Caloplaca chilensis group including three South American species and Rehmanniella S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur for the new species, R. wirthii S. Y. Kondr. from South Africa. The new genera are supported by a three-gene phylogeny based on ITS1/ITS2

Filosofiska teorier om mänskliga rättigheter : en kritisk analys

I detta kapitel diskuteras kritiskt två relaterade tendenser i filosofiska teorier om mänskliga rättigheter. Den första handlar om synen på rättighetsinnehavaren. Mänskliga rättigheter har kommit att betraktas som något som människor ”har” och då uppstår frågan vad det är med människor som gör dem till rättighetsinnehavare. Ett vanligt svar är att människor besitter den moraliska värdighet som gör

Reflection of Coherent Millimeter-Wave Wavelets on Dispersive Materials : A Study on Porcine Skin

Differences in the material reflection are required for any contrast in microwave- and millimeter-wave (mm-wave) imaging systems. Therefore, the dielectric properties, which determine the reflection of materials, need to be characterized. The characterization of skin and other biological tissue is, therefore, necessary, to apply imaging systems for instance in cancer diagnosis. In this paper, shor

Fractures among patients with dizziness : A ten-year follow-up

Background: The number of elderly people persons suffering from dizziness is substantial, and dizziness is a risk factor for falls and fractures. Fall-related fractures represent a major public health issue. Longitudinal studies can help find ways of predicting fall-related fractures among frail elderly persons with multisensory dizziness. The aim of the present study was therefore to investigate

Quantitative and Spatially Resolved Measurement of Atomic Potassium in Combustion Using Diode Laser

compact optical setup for quantitative and spatially resolved measurement of atomic alkali concentration in combustion is demonstrated. Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy and laser-induced fluorescence are combined using a single continuous wave diode laser to measure the line-integration concentration and the relative distribution simultaneously, thereby obtaining the absolute concentrat

UVI hos kvinnor – akut cystit

Hos friska kvinnor är akut cystit besvärande men ofarligt. Infektionen läker spontant, behandling förkortar tiden med symtom och ges i symtomlindrande syfte. Akut cystit är en bakteriell infektion i urinblåsans slemhinna och definieras som nytillkommen sveda, trängningar och ökad frekvens till vattenkastning samtidigt med bakterier i urinen. Diagnostiken i primärvården baseras framför allt på klin

From understanding to realizing novel III-Sb materials via nanowires

Due to their unique physical and material properties, III-Sb nanowires are considered good candidates for future devices, and test beds for understanding fundamental physics. Synthesizing these nanowires however is associated with certain challenging aspects, which are generally not present for other III-V nanowires, demanding the need for in depth investigations. For instance, growing Au-seeded I

Phenomenology meets Semiotics : Two Not So Very Strange Bedfellows at the End of their Cinderella Sleep

Semiotics is generally conceived as being opposed to phenomenology, but such an opposition can only result from taking too much for granted, about both phenomenology and semiotics. While recognising that semiotics and phenomenology are historically different traditions, the present essay suggests that these traditions have a lot in common and that their very differences may give rise to fruitful p

Mastering phenomenological semiotics with Husserl and Peirce

Both Peirce and Husserl suggested that a community of scholars were needed to bring to fruition the work that they had initiated, and both (initially) termed their approach phenomenology, defining it in almost identical terms. The fact that Peirce imposed more constraints on the free variation in imagination, which is one of the principal operations of phenomenology, serves to suggest that Peircea

Mantle cell lymphoma strategies in primary treatment

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is associated with poor prognosis due to an aggressive clinical course. Being a raredisease, there are few randomized trials in MCL and there is no defined golden standard in primary treatment.This works aimed to (I) investigate outcome in relation to primary treatment in MCL based on population-basedregistry data, (II) to evaluate tolerability and efficacy of lenalidomiMantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is associated with poor prognosis due to an aggressive clinical course. Being a rare disease, there are few randomized trials in MCL and there is no defined golden standard in primary treatment. This works aimed to (I) investigate outcome in relation to primary treatment in MCL based on population-based registry data, (II) to evaluate tolerability and efficacy of lenalid

Quantitative proteomic characterization of the lung extracellular matrix in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Remodeling of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is a common feature in lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Here, we applied a sequential tissue extraction strategy to describe disease-specific remodeling of human lung tissue in disease, using end-stages of COPD and IPF. Our strategy was based on quantitative comparison of the dis

Vector Autoregressive Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models for Extracting Finger Movements Using Multichannel Surface EMG Signals

We present a novel computational technique intended for the robust and adaptable control of a multifunctional prosthetic hand using multichannel surface electromyography. The initial processing of the input data was oriented towards extracting relevant time domain features of the EMG signal. Following the feature calculation, a piecewise modeling of the multidimensional EMG feature dynamics using

Low Rates of Transmitted Drug Resistance Among Newly Identified HIV-1 Seroconverters in Rural Rakai, Uganda

We investigated the rate of transmitted drug resistance (TDR) among HIV-1 seroconverters identified from the Rakai Community Cohort Study (RCCS) survey, a population-based cohort in Rakai District, Uganda. Participants aged 15-49 are interviewed at study visits approximately every 12-18 months and provided a serological sample. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been provided free of charge since 20

Observation of an intensity anomaly in the 3s23p 2P1/2, 3/2-3s3p22S1/2 and 2P1/2 resonance transitions in the Al I isoelectronic sequence

The intensity ratio of the two fine structure components in the 3s23p 2PJ–3s3p 2S1/2 and 2P1/2 resonance transitions has been measured in Al-like S IV, Cl V, Ar VI and Ti X, using the beam-foil technique. Unexpectedly large deviations from the LS ratios are found, particularly in the 2P–2S case. Although these deviations can be understood qualitatively from theoretical calculations (also reported)

Prevention of Childhood Obesity in Child Health Services : Follow-Up of the PRIMROSE Trial

Background: Childhood obesity is an urgent public health concern, and there's a need for long-term, high-quality, primary prevention trials targeting parents of young children. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the long-term effect of a parental support program based on motivational interviewing (MI). Methods: A cluster randomized controlled trial was carried out in eight Swedish counti

Experimental investigations and correlation development of convective heat transfer in a rotating smooth channel

An experimental study has been carried out to investigate the effects of Coriolis force and centrifugal buoyancy force on convective heat transfer in a smooth cooling channel under rotating condition in a new rotation facility. The main motivation behind this work is to obtain required data for developing heat transfer correlations based on rotating state. In accordance with the open literature, f

Short communication : HIV type 1 transmitted drug resistance and evidence of transmission clusters among recently infected antiretroviral-naive individuals from Ugandan fishing communities of Lake Victoria

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) prevalence and incidence in the fishing communities on Lake Victoria in Uganda are high. This population may play a role in driving the HIV epidemic in Uganda including the spread of transmitted drug resistance (TDR). We report data on TDR in this population among antiretroviral (ARV)-naive, recently infected individuals about 5 years after ARV scaling-u

Behavioral testing and litter effects in the rabbit

Background: Behavioral testing provides an essential approach in further developing our understanding of brain structure and function. The aim of our study was to outline a more expanded approach to cognition- and anxiety-related behavior in the rabbit. Methods: Twenty-one 70-day old rabbits (13 female, 8 male) were exposed to open field test, dark-light box test and object recognition testing wit