

Din sökning på "*" gav 532089 sökträffar

Gasoline PPC: A parametric study of late cycle mixing conditions using a predictive two-zone SRM modeling tool

The relatively new combustion concept known as partially premixed combustion (PPC) has high efficiency and low emissions. However, there are still challenges when it comes to fully understanding and implementing PPC. Thus a predictive combustion tool was used to gain further insight into the combustion process in late cycle mixing. The modeling tool is a stochastic reactor model (SRM) based on pro

Conformational Entropy of FK506 Binding to FKBP12 Determined by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation and Molecular Dynamics Simulations

FKBP12 (FK506 binding protein 12 kDa) is an important drug target. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) order parameters, describing amplitudes of motion on the pico- to nanosecond time scale, can provide estimates of changes in conformational entropy upon ligand binding. Here we report backbone and methyl-axis order parameters of the apo and FK506-bound forms of FKBP12, based on 15N and 2H NMR relaxa

Critical review of salinity intrusion in rivers and estuaries

There is scientific evidence of accelerated sea level rise and saline intrusion. Some impacts, such as stratification and estuarine circulation, are subtle; others are dramatic including shifts in salt-sensitive habitats and limited water availability of suitable quality for industrial and municipal uses. These results have become a remarkable reality resulting in a set of integrated surface water

Rigorous and Relevant – introducing a critical discourse analysis to the relevance debate

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore how the notion of “relevance” is produced, distributed and consumed in the field of management research by applying a critical discourse analysis (CDA) as a theoretical lens. A CDA perspective offers a way to scrutinize the power relations that emerge with journal rankings and how these influence how the relevance discourse develops. Design/methodol

Mapping challenges and opportunities for aggregating information on systemic risks from multiple stakeholders

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction highlights the importance of all-hazard and multi-stakeholder approaches. This requires exchange and integration of risk information across sectorial and administrative borders. This paper focuses on challenges and prerequisites for aggregating risk information from multiple stakeholders in disaster risk management systems. Aggregation is here under

Naturliga medborgare : Friluftsliv och medborgarfostran i scoutrörelsen och Unga Örnar 1925-1960

Avhandlingen Naturliga medborgare undersöker hur frilfutsliv och lägerverksamhet använts som metoder för medborgarfostran i scoutrörelsen och Unga Örnar under perioden 1925–1960. Frågorna som undersökts innefattar hur organisationerna artikulerade ideal om medborgarskap, hur barn och ungdomar skulle fostras till goda medborgare samt mer specifikt hur natur och friluftsliv skulle bidra till att förThe aim of this thesis has been to examine outdoor activities and camping, framed within the Scandinavian notion of friluftsliv, as methods for promoting citizenship in two Swedish youth organisations: the Scout movement and Unga Örnar (“Young Eagles”). What knowledge and abilities characterised ideal citizenship; how was instruction in citzenship for children conducted and more specifically, how

Air pollution online : Everyday environmental information on the social media site Sina Weibo

Purpose: This study explores how information on air pollution is shaped online on an everyday basis, with a particular emphasis on digital devices and digital representations as constitutive of environmental information practices. Furthermore, this research highlights an understudied aspect of air pollution – the digital flow of multimodal representations that citizens encounter and produce in the

A new measurement of the 1s2s2p 4p0-1s2p2 4p transitions in c iv : Wavelengths, fine structure intervals and lifetimes

The n = 0 transition multiplet connecting the lowest quartet states of doubly excited C IV has been studied by beam-foil spectroscopy. The fine structure splittings obtained for the 1s2s2p 4p0and 1s2p2 4p terms confirm previous experimental results with an improved accuracy. The average transition wavelength = (1344.49 0.04)A is now more precisely determined by about a factor of eight. At the new

Oscillator strength measurements of the resonance transitions in sodium- and magnesium-like argon

We have used the beam-foil technique to measure the decay of the 3p2P1/2,2P3/2 and 3d2D3/2,2D5/2 levels in Ar VIII and the 3s3p ‘P, 3s3d ' D, 3p1 lS, and 'D levels in Ar VII. Applying the ANDC method of analysis, accurate lifetimes for the 3p2P1/2,2P3/2 and 3s3p1P levels have been determined. The corresponding oscillator strengths are found to be in very good agreement with theoretical values. A c

Measurement of the dependence of transverse energy production at large pseudorapidity on the hard-scattering kinematics of proton–proton collisions at √s=2.76 TeV with ATLAS

The relationship between jet production in the central region and the underlying-event activity in a pseudorapidity-separated region is studied in 4.0 pb−1 of s=2.76 TeV pp collision data recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The underlying event is characterised through measurements of the average value of the sum of the transverse energy at large pseudorapidity downstream of one of the pr

Innovation for biorefineries – Networks, narratives, and new institutions for the transition to a bioeconomy

I omställningen till en mer hållbar bioekonomi har mycket fokus legat på utvecklingen av biobränslen. När det gäller innovation och utveckling av kemikalier och andra produkter släpar utvecklingen efter av flera orsaker, vilket visas i denna avhandling.Forskningen visar att det nuvarande systemet är inlåst i ett fossilberoende av flera olika orsaker, både tekniska, organisatoriska och materiella. The transition to a bioeconomy is dependent on transformative changes to technologies, organisations, and institutions, which jointly can be described as a socio-technical change. The thesis contributes to the understanding of how the transition is shaped by expectations on and collaborations for innovation forbiorefineries, which can produce chemicals, fuels, and materials needed in a bioeconomy.

Hosseusiella and Rehmanniella, two new genera in the Teloschistaceae

Two new genera in the subfamily Teloschistoideae (Teloschistaceae, Teloschistales) are described: Hosseusiella S. Y. Kondr., L. Lőkös et A. Thell for the Caloplaca chilensis group including three South American species and Rehmanniella S. Y. Kondr. et J.-S. Hur for the new species, R. wirthii S. Y. Kondr. from South Africa. The new genera are supported by a three-gene phylogeny based on ITS1/ITS2

Filosofiska teorier om mänskliga rättigheter : en kritisk analys

I detta kapitel diskuteras kritiskt två relaterade tendenser i filosofiska teorier om mänskliga rättigheter. Den första handlar om synen på rättighetsinnehavaren. Mänskliga rättigheter har kommit att betraktas som något som människor ”har” och då uppstår frågan vad det är med människor som gör dem till rättighetsinnehavare. Ett vanligt svar är att människor besitter den moraliska värdighet som gör

Reflection of Coherent Millimeter-Wave Wavelets on Dispersive Materials : A Study on Porcine Skin

Differences in the material reflection are required for any contrast in microwave- and millimeter-wave (mm-wave) imaging systems. Therefore, the dielectric properties, which determine the reflection of materials, need to be characterized. The characterization of skin and other biological tissue is, therefore, necessary, to apply imaging systems for instance in cancer diagnosis. In this paper, shor