

Din sökning på "*" gav 528059 sökträffar

Clinical and experimental studies in nickel allergy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kliniska och experimentella studier av nickelallergi Nickelallergi är vanligt, särskilt hos kvinnor. Nickelallergi leder ofta till periodiskt eller kroniskt eksem, främst på händerna. Dessa eksem kan vara svårläkta och leda till långa sjukskrivningsperioder. Nickel finns överallt i omgivningen och det går inte att helt undvika exposition för denna metall. Syftet med dKliniska och experimentella studier av nickelallergi Nickelallergi är vanligt, särskilt hos kvinnor. Nickelallergi leder ofta till periodiskt eller kroniskt eksem, främst på händerna. Dessa eksem kan vara svårläkta och leda till långa sjukskrivningsperioder. Nickel finns överallt i omgivningen och det går inte att helt undvika exposition för denna metall. Clinical and experimental studies in nic

Ödets teater. Ödesföreställningar i Sverige vid 1700-talets början

The purpose of this dissertation is to study the function of the conceptions of Fate in political contexts as well as in views on society, in early 18th century Sweden. The investigation is centered on three main concepts, namely Providence (lat. providentia), Fate (lat. fatum) and Fortune (lat. fortuna). Four specific questions are treated: Were these conceptions of Fate used as a ‘scapegoat’ or

Den heliga Anden

Artikeln utgör ett lärobokskapitel som introducerar läran om den heliga Anden i den kristna traditionen.

Automation in Wastewater Treatment

Urban water systems are vital infrastructures in the society. The systems are widely distributed and often they are operated by different organizations. Despite a large variety of demand the system has to operate around the clock, providing a drinking water quality that is consistently good and a wastewater treatment effluent that all the time satisfies the required standard, so that the environme

Using Acoustic Differential Extraction to enhance analysis of sexual assualt evidence on a valveless glass microdevice

The isolation of male and female DNA is an important step in the analysis of sexual assault evidence. A vaginal swab with female epithelial cells and male sperm cells is obtained from the female, and it is vital to separate the male and female fractions in order to obtain a single-source DNA profile of the suspect. In the case of a low abundance of sperm cells, it is very important that no cells a

Some results on fast correlation attacks

This thesis presents new results on fast correlation attacks on stream ciphers. In particular, fast correlation attacks on stream ciphers containing linear shift registers with an arbitrary number of taps, are considered. A general introduction to stream ciphers and correlation attacks is given. The introduction also presents standard properties of linear feedback shift registers and Boolean func

Nickel and iridium pincer complexes with saturated frameworks - synthesis and reactivity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Enkla kolväten och koldioxid är kemiskt stabila föreningar med mycket låg reaktivitet. På grund av en god råvarutillgång finns ett stort intresse för aktivering och omvandling av dessa föreningar till mer förädlade eller användbara produkter. Reaktioner som bryter starka intramolekylära bindningar är vanligtvis svåra att genomföra på grund av en alltför hög energibarriäAs the tridentate chelate complexes referred to as pincer complexes have expanded their scope as homogeneous catalysts, there is an increased interest in electronic and steric fine-tuning of such complexes. One accessible variable in this aspect is the hybridisation of any coordinated carbon atoms. This thesis describes the synthesis of bis(phosphine) and bis(phosphinite) PCP pincer complexes with

Aspects of Frontal and Medial Temporal Brain Functions : Neuropsychological and functional imaging studies in normals and in frontotemporal dementia

The thesis is based on five investigations. In the first study the nature and the degree of cognitive impairment of patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is explored. The results from neuropsychological assessment are described as three levels of cognitive impairment. These levels of functional disturbance corresponded to increased severity of abnormality of the regional cerebral blood flow

Software Product Quality in Global Software Development: Finding Groups with Aligned Goals

The development of a software product in an organization involves various groups of stakeholders who may prioritize the qualities of the product differently. This paper presents an empirical study of 65 individuals in different roles and in different locations, including on shoring, outsourcing and off shoring, prioritizing 24 software quality aspects. Hierarchical cluster analysis is applied to t