

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Constructing “The new woman” in the blogosphere - A gender study of Swedish lifestyle blogs

The thesis serves to understand how women create gender identities and constructions of the world within the Swedish blogosphere. The research is based on a Qualitative Critical Multimodal Discourse Analysis of the language and imagery used in the Swedish blogosphere.The study of the Swedish blogosphere reveals how “The new woman” is internally conflicted due to old gender stereotypes and her purs

Building texture - the impact of mixing and recipe parameters on mayonnaise quality

Majonnäs består till största delen av olja och ägg. Detta är två produkter med flytande karaktär, så hur kommer det sig då att majonnäs har en sådan krämig konsistens? Att majonnäsens konsistens kan vara nyckfull är vi nog många som kan skriva under på efter mindre lyckade försök i köket. Här ska det redas ut hur den perfekta konsistensen uppnås.Mayonnaise is an oil in water emulsion with a high oil content dispersed in a continuous water phase. The egg is used as the emulsifier, which stabilizes the oil droplets in the continuous phase. The objective was to increase the knowledge of the mayonnaise production process and its impact on the mayonnaise quality. The approach was to produce mayonnaise with a high shear rotor-stator mixer and v

Utvecklingen av praxis avseende legal privilege vid konkurrensrättsliga inspektioner enligt EU-rätten vid misstänkta brott mot artikel 101 och 102 i FEUF

Sammanfattning En sedan länge efterfrågad genomgång av de EG-rättsliga konkurrensreglerna inleddes med Kommissionens vitbok den 28 april 1999. Denna så kallade Moderniseringsreform ledde bl.a. till Rådets förordning 1/2003 om tillämpning av konkurrensreglerna i artiklarna 81 och 82 i EG-fördraget. Denna trädde i kraft den 1 maj 2004 samtidigt som tio nya stater tillträdde EU. Den nya förordningen Summary A long-sought review of the EC competition law was initiated with the Commission's White Paper on 28 April 1999. This so-called modernizing reform resulted, inter alia, in Council Regulation 1/2003 on the implementa-tion of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty. The regulation came into force on the 1 May 2004 at the same time as ten new states joined t

A comparative analysis between the EU and the US on refusal to license under anticompetition policies

This paper makes a comparative analysis on to the legality of unilateral refusal to deal IPR as a dominant undertaking in EU and US. In particular the paper examines the circumstances in which the judicial bodies in EU and United States will be willing to order a mandatory license of IPR under the relevant anticompetition/antitrust policies, such as article 102 TFEU under EU and the Sherman Act se

Realisering av PLC-system och simulering med mikrokontroller

The purpose of this thesis with the conversion of the industrial press for centrumbrick on Höganäs Bjuf AB was to improve the security for the work- and maintenance personnel. To improve the security a new control system containing a PLC based control logic and HMI was developed. The new control system will improve the work security for the maintenance personal because the operating voltage for se

Exploring the relationships between biodiversity and benthic habitat in the Primeiras and Segundas Protected Area, Mozambique

The Primeiras and Segundas Archipelago Reserve, located in the waters of northern Mozambique, is the largest marine protected area in Africa, extending over 200 km of coastline. Despite the region’s importance for the local economic, information on the marine ecosystem, notably benthic habitat, is very scarce. Twelve atolls were mapped in the region using object-based image classification of very-

The Next Frontier of Corporate Social Responsibility: Discovering Consumer Expectations

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a broad area of management study and practice that has become increasingly important for business practitioners and academics alike. While the majority of authors who have written on the subject, including ourselves, are proponents of CSR in general, there is an emerging viewpoint that it is simply not enough for corporations to singlehandedly address CSR t

Att översätta värdeord i argumenterande text : svårigheten att balansera information och argumentation

Detta magisterarbete bygger på en översättning av Amnesty Internationals “briefing paper” angående vissa europeiska länders samarbete med CIA. Texten är publicerad på Amnestys internationella webbplats och översätts för att kunna publiceras på Amnestys svenska webbplats. Den första delen av arbetet är en källtextanalys som bygger på Hellspong och Ledins textanalysmodell i Vägar genom texten (1997)

Environmental Governance in China: Centralization of Local Environmental Policy in the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in Key Regions plan

The purpose of the thesis is to showcase the affect environmental policy has on the centrallocal relations in contemporary China. The thesis argues that the central government is centralizing control of environmental policy by the use of the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in Key Regions plan (Prevention Plan). The Prevention Plan introduces policies to enhance cooperation on a regional le

Att förstå HIV/AIDS-problematiken hos kvinnor utifrån ett institutionellt perspektiv med feministisk twist : en textanalys av ”Agenda for Accelerated Country Action for Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV – Operational plan for the UNAIDS action framework: addressing women, girls, gender equality and HIV”

En uppsats som undersöker innehållet i ”Agenda for Accelerated Country Action for Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV – Operational plan for the UNAIDS action framework: addressing women, girls, gender equality and HIV” och tolkar det genom en institutionell teori med komplement av ett feministiskt perspektiv. Resultatet blir att bristen hos agendan kan förklaras genom institutionella begrepp så

Anthropogenic Disturbance in Nocturnal Primates & Conservation Perception in Zaraninge Forest, Tanzania

Galagos are an understudied family of primates which inhabit much of Sub-Saharan Africa, some of which are potentially at risk. The coastal forests of East Africa are home to many galagos, however this habitat is under threat from an increasing human population seeking timber, charcoal and land for agriculture, amongst other pressures. This study used repeated transect methods when estimating the

The truth inside the wood. Can Genetic Analysis Help Us Win The Fight Against Illegal Timber Trade?

Illegal timber harvest and trade is one of the main challenges in the context of global deforestation and sustainability. Different governance and self-governance initiatives throughout the history with the aim to regulate global forest commons have received plenty of criticism. This research investigates the potential of genetic timber tracking technologies as a tool to enhance existing systems a

Commercialisation of the female body : As wombs become ‘stock-in- trade’

This study has focused on the approach of the Indian government with additional voices from women’s rights activist and researchers. The study has investigated how the surrogacy industry is approached and dealt with within the political economy sphere. It presents an exemplifying case of how business based on bio-­‐medical advancements and globalization is dealt with on a national level. The main

Marketization of Education and School Choice in Kunming: Parental Usage of Bourdieu’s Three Forms of Capital Under Scrutiny

Education is a significant topic in China. The practice of what is known as “school choice” at compulsory education level (xiaoshengchu) has attracted attention from all government, media, and academic circle. The purpose of this thesis is to explore practices and perceptions of urban middle-class parents with children who have experienced the academic transition from primary to middle school.The

Design Evaluation of a High Voltage High Frequency Pulse Transformer

Unlike commonly used regular transformers, high voltage, high frequency, pulsed transformers are generally represented in special purpose applications. This often means that these electrical devices must be tailored in accordance with the specic requirements of the project. The pulse transformer under analysis in this thesis is a prototype machine variation of which will serve as an essential part

Experience antithesis in Nobel Prize lectures: Enhancing understanding of molecular biology by means of active, spatial antitheses?

This qualitative study explores whether antithesis, as a didactic rhetorical tool, may enhance the likelihood of understanding complex biology-related information. Research shows that students lack the ability of communicating expert knowledge to laymen since they do not understand subject matter well enough themselves due to scientific language. Hence, scientific language use should be studied in

Upplevd otrygghet - Kvinnors begränsade tillgång till det offentliga rummet i Lund på kvällstid.

This thesis is about women between 20-25 years and their insecureness when they moving around Lund in the evening hours. I analyzed at which specific places in Lund women felt insecure, if the women chose to take detours. The thesis also answers which physical aspects of the places that makes the women feel insecure and also how the municipality of Lund have worked and planned the city of Lund wit

Topology optimization for elasto-plasticity

Sensitivities for elasto-plasticity are derived using the direct and adjoint method. An elaso-plastic response is solved using both theory for finite strains and infinitesimal strains. The sensitivities are then used to maximize plastic work and to perform a material parameter identification of the initial yield stress.