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Waste management, animals and society : A social zooarchaeological study of Bronze Age Asine
Hållbar stadsutveckling i praktiken – färdplan för kollektivtrafik i samhällsplanering
Forum för innovation i transportsektorn har initierat ett arbete med färdplaner inom områden som är av strategisk vikt för att ställa om till ett hållbart transportsystem med radikalt minskad miljö- och klimatpåverkan. I detta sammanhang är kollektivtrafik en central fråga. Det finns redan mycketkunskap som visar betydelsen av att planera samhället och den fysiska bebyggelsen på ett sätt som stimu
Interactive effects of landscape-wide intensity of farming practices and landscape complexity on wild bee diversity
ABSTRACTContextThe local intensity of farming practices is considered as an important driver of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes and its effect on biodiversity has been shown to interact with landscape complexity. But the influence of landscape-wide intensity of farming practices on biodiversity and its combined effect with landscape complexity have been little explored.ObjectiveIn this stuContextThe local intensity of farming practices is considered as an important driver of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes and its effect on biodiversity has been shown to interact with landscape complexity. But the influence of landscape-wide intensity of farming practices on biodiversity and its combined effect with landscape complexity have been little explored.ObjectiveIn this study, we t
Relationships among ecological traits of wild bee communities along gradients of habitat amount and fragmentation
Amount of semi-natural habitats (permanent grasslands, woodlands and hedgerows) and their level of fragmentation are among the main determinants of wild bee diversity in agricultural landscapes. However, their impact on the distribution of bee ecological traits has received little attention. In this study, we aimed to explore whether changes in the distribution of bee ecological traits along gradi
Half-lives of PFOS, PFHxS and PFOA after end of exposure to contaminated drinking water
BACKGROUND: Municipal drinking water contaminated with perfluorinated alkyl acids had been distributed to one-third of households in Ronneby, Sweden. The source was firefighting foam used in a nearby airfield since the mid-1980s. Clean water was provided from 16 December 2013.OBJECTIVE: To determine the rates of decline in serum perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) a
Effects of Oral Contraceptive Use on Exercise Capacity in Female Elite Soccer Players
The purpose of this project was to assess the effects of oral contraceptives (OC) on exercise capacity in female elite soccer players. Fourteen subjects (N=7 oral contraceptives users (OCU) + 7 non-OCU (N-OCU)) were recruited. An assessment of body composition was determined by Dual energy X ray absorptiometry and endogenous ovarian hormone concentrations in serum measured. A maximal treadmill tes
Rummets återkomst
Gästredaktör för temanummer "Rummets återkomst"
Smartphones and the reconfiguration of retailscapes: Stores, shopping, and digitalization
The aim of this paper is to examine and conceptualize how the integration of smartphones is reconfiguring the retailscapes of stores and the implications that this has for retailers and consumers. Departing from an understandingof retailscapes as socio-material assemblages and drawing on an ethnographic study of mobile shopping, this paper shows how the integration of smartphones into the activiti
Adopting a platform approach in servitization : Leveraging the value of digitalization
This study explores how a platform approach facilitates the implementation of advanced service offerings in manufacturing firms. Understanding servitization through a platform approach is important because many manufacturing firms fail to manage the service paradox, that is, the challenge of simultaneously enriching the value proposition by adding services while maintaining cost levels. This study
Assessment of 222radon progeny loss in long tubing based on static filter measurements in the laboratory and in the field
Aerosol loss in air intake systems potentially hampers the application of one-filter systems for progeny-based atmospheric 222radon (222Rn) measurements. The artefacts are significant when air has to be collected via long sampling lines, e.g. from elevated heights at tall tower observatories. Here we present results from a study, determining 222Rn progeny loss from ambient air sampled via 8.2 mm i
The Clitoris is in the Head!’ Female Circumcision and the Making of a Harmful Cultural Practice in Egypt
The Sound of Silence in Cairo: Affect, Politics and Belonging
Macedonia at the crossroads
Examination of the interethnic tensions in the Republic of Macedonia and the political dynamics they set in motion
Royal Marginalia: King Eric XIV of Sweden as Organiser of Knowledge
Novel insights on new particle formation derived from a pan-european observing system
The formation of new atmospheric particles involves an initial step forming stable clusters less than a nanometre in size (~10 nm). Although at times, the same species can be responsible for both processes, it is thought that more generally each step comprises differing chemical contributors. Here, we present a novel analysis of measurements from a unique multi-station ground-based observing syste
Towards physiologically meaningful water-use efficiency estimates from eddy covariance data
Intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) characterizes the physiological control on the simultaneous exchange of water and carbon dioxide in terrestrial ecosystems. Knowledge of iWUE is commonly gained from leaf-level gas exchange measurements, which are inevitably restricted in their spatial and temporal coverage. Flux measurements based on the eddy covariance (EC) technique can overcome these limit
Projects in Automatic Control 2017
This report contains the student papers describing the projects in the 2017 course Projects in Automatic Control (FRTN40). The course is given annually by the Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, during the second half of the fall semester, with the possibility of projects starting at other times upon agreement. It is an advanced level course, giving 7.5 ECTS credits. The main purpose