

Din sökning på "*" gav 534391 sökträffar

Calibaner i folkdräkt - En kritisk studie av hur de populistiska väljarna konstrueras i svensk medial opinionsbildning i samband med Storbritanniens folkomröstning om EU-medlemskap och USA:s presidentval 2016

Storbritanniens folkomröstning om EU-medlemskap och USA:s presidentval 2016 represente-rar ett skifte i västvärldens politik. Denna förändring har, enligt många, lett till en polariserad och osäker samtid. De politiska konflikterna präglas av, å ena sidan, de som försvarar ett mit-tenorienterat samarbete och, å andra sidan, de vänster- och högerpopulister som på olika sätt försöker utmana rådande Unlike most research on populism and post-democracy that have examined the current politi-cal conjuncture, the aim of this thesis is to understand and explain how populist voters are constructed. To do this, the opinion and cultural pages of Sweden's six largest newspapers are studied during the time of the 2016 United Kingdom European membership referendum and the 2016 United States president

Stakeholders’ perceptions of purpose-driven brands: The case of Nike’s “Dream Crazy” advertising campaign

The present study aims to contribute to the research on stakeholders’ perceptions of brands that take a stand on social issues and by doing so, express their social brand purpose. Social brand purpose is at the core of a brand, and it reflects the brand’s ideal as well as intent to make people’s lives better. To explore how stakeholders perceive stances on social issues that are taken by purpose-d

Conflicting interests in European Union copyright law: A socio-legal analysis of what problem representations Article 17 DSMD is grounded in

For many years, critics of the European Union copyright framework have raised concerns about the lack of legal recognition of exceptions and limitations to copyright-protected works and other protected subject matter, and argued that the European Union copyright framework favours the protection of intellectual property over fundamental rights. The debate about this imbalance reached new heights wh

Äldre vuxna och datainsamling via Facebook: En undersökning av äldre vuxnas upplevelse av datainsamling på Facebook

Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka hur äldre vuxna i Sverige mellan åldrarna 50-65 år upplever den datainsamling som sker på Facebook och de potentiella risker som finns med hur deras data hanteras. Undersökning genomfördes med hjälp av fyra semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer med äldre vuxna inom de åldersgränser som uppsatsen ämnar undersöka. Tre olika delområden för vår undersökning har identifierat

Cirrus Clouds; Study of Microphyscial Properties and Their Seasonal & Temperature Dependence in the Tropics and Mid-latitudes

Cirrus clouds are high-level ice clouds covering ≈ 30% of Earth’s surface. The cirrus clouds ice crystals can be formed by heterogeneous or homogeneous nucleation, where temperatures for heterogeneous nucleation was set to -38 - -30 °C and for homogeneous nucleation below -42 °C. The study will focus on microphysical properties of cirrus clouds in the tropics, 0-30°, and the mid-latitudes, 30-60°,

The significance of inhibiting sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) generation for immune responses during experimental hypertension

A reduction of a small molecule might lower blood pressure by affecting T cells Hypertension, also called high blood pressure, is becoming a more and more serious global health issue. According to a survey by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2019, about 1.13 billion people around the world suffering from hypertension. It is an important factor contributing to diseases involves heart and ves

Capture of interstellar objects in the Solar system

Forskning inom interstellära objekt, det vill säga objekt som har sitt ursprung utanför vårt solsystem, har pågått under decennier, men det var inte förrän 2017 som det första interstellära objektet i solsystemet upptäcktes. Det fick namnet 1I/'Oumuamua och skapade ett stort intresse både inom forskarvärlden och hos allmänheten. Två år senare, 2019, upptäcktes det andra och senaste interstelläResearch on InterStellar Objects (ISOs) has been done for several decades, however, the first observed ISO in the Solar system was only recently discovered in 2017. It was named 1I/'Oumuamua and was only passing though the Solar system, but this may not be the case for all objects of its kind. For instance, one could gain a bound orbit around the Sun if the right amount of nudge is acquired wh

From Diversity to Inclusion. A qualitative Case Study of a Swedish Hospitality Organization

The purpose of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the distinction between diversity and inclusion in managing diversity, thereby elucidating the effects of workforce diversity in the organization. We drew upon the combination of two frameworks regarding diversity perspective and diversity climate to examine the reflections of diversity and inclusion in the organization. The

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av C-huset vid Linköpings Universitet under NärCon-festivalen

Rapporten är en brandteknisk riskvärdering med avseende på personsäkerhet i C-huset på campus Valla vid Linköpings universitet, under cosplayfestivalen NärCon som anordnas varje sommar. Syftet med rapporten var att förse ansvariga vid universitetet med underlag för att kunna säkerställa tillfredsställande brandsäkerhet med avseende på personers liv och hälsa. Målen som ansattes för att uppfylla syThe report was authored primarily for educational aims as part of the course Brandteknisk riskvärdering (VBRN70) at Lund University. The scope of the report entails the C building at campus Valla of Linköping University, during the annually held cosplay festival NärCon. The festival presents conditions differing from the building’s intended use. The purpose of the report was to provide university

Jump Estimation of Hidden Markov Models with Time-Varying Transition Probabilities

En Dold Markovmodell (HMM) kan användas för modellera tidsserier på ett sätt som beskriver olika beteenden under olika perioder; till exempel kan den beskriva finansiella tidsseriers benägenhet att plötsligt ändra riktning då marknadssentimentet förändras, exempelvis på grund av en pandemi. Givet en tidsserie, tänker man sig att den antar olika tillstånd som ej går att observera men som reflekteraThe Hidden Markov model is applicable to a wide variety of fields. Applied to financial time series, its assumed underlying state sequence can reflect the time series' tendency to behave differently over different periods of time. In many situations, models could be improved by including exogenous data. However, that may in some cases be inappropriate in practice as the model could get too mat

From Public Service to Corporate Positions: A Critical Policy Analysis on Swedish Regulation of Public Officials Transitioning to Non-State Activities

The topic of government and state officials leaving public service for the private sector has been a recurring talking point in the last decades with multiple countries in the OECD enacting different forms of regulation to contain potential conflicts of interest. In Sweden, legislation specifically regulating the phenomenon was not passed until 2018, when the Act Concerning Restrictions in the Eve

Att konstruera ett hållbart varumärke i en ohållbar industri

This study aims to deepen the understanding of how companies within environmentally harmful industries are able to construct sustainable brands by producing current sustainability discourses. This is done by using a critical discourse analysis and a multimodal critical discourse analysis on the “Fly Responsibly” campaign from 2019 by the airline company KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, which consist of a

Constructing European Identity - The Construction of the European Identity from 1989 to 2018 by the Presidents of the European Commission

The concept of the European identity is in this thesis regarded as being expressed as a social, political and cultural activity, constructed and narrativized by the Presidents of the European Commission. The aims of executing the research has been to detect the processual development, constant elements or differences concerning the construction of the concept by the different leaders as well as in

Implications of a rapidly thinning ice-margin for annual moraine formation at Gornergletscher, Switzerland

I denna studie undersöks bildningsprocesser och klimatologisk betydelse av hur av årsmoräner bildas vid Gornergletscher, en stor alpin dalglaciär i de södra schweiziska Alperna. Ett särskilt fokus ligger på moränryggar som har bildats mellan 2007 och 2019, en period då glaciären har retirerat snabbt och det har skett en tydlig förtunning av isfronten. Dessa moräner uppvisar olika geomorfologiska oThis study examines genetic processes and climatological significance of annual moraine formation in the foreland of Gornergletscher, a large alpine-valley glacier located in the southern Swiss Alps. A particular focus is set on moraine ridges that have been forming between 2007 and 2019, a period when the glacier has been subject to accelerated retreat and pronounced frontal thinning. These morai

The environmental control of the microbial response to drying-rewetting across the continental scale

Visste ni att världens jordar innehåller mer än dubbelt så mycket kol som atmosfären och mer än tre gånger så mycket som alla växter? Mikroorganismer i jorden, som bakterier och svampar, står för en betydande del av koldioxidflödet mellan jorden och atmosfären. Idag ser vi klimatförändringar som innebär längre perioder med torka och intensivare regn. Mikroorganismer i marken likt alla andra påveClimate change will result in altered precipitation cycles, which might reduce the soil carbon storage. Respiration and growth by soil microbes including fungi and bacteria, play an important role in regulating the terrestrial carbon cycle and thus have an impact on climate feedbacks. It has been shown that microbes can respond in two different patterns after drought followed by rewetting, either

Förslag på en förbättrad installationsprocess: En fallstudie hos E.ON

E.ON har utkontrakterat en stor del av deras dagliga verksamhet till solcellsinstallatörer. Denna outsourcing-strategi har lett till brist på kunskap över hur hela solcellsinstallationen utförs och vad det finns för förbättringsområden i den. Detta examensarbete har kartlagt hela processen i detalj för att samla in kunskap och förståelse. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utveckla ett förslagProcess improvement work is commonly used in most businesses. Much of the current theory in process improvement work is based on the typical manufacturing processes where each and every second matters. What do you do if you don’t work at a manufacturing company or if you don’t have well measured processes? Turns out there’s still a lot that your company can start to improve.

Grön produktion och fortsatt ekonomisk tillväxt? En simuleringsstudie av EU:s framtida ekonomiska tillväxt och växthusgasutsläpp

The intertemporal relationship between economic growth and climate change represents a major challenge for the economies of today. The growth in production based on carbon intensive inputs has contributed to a continuous increase in greenhouse gas emissions since the Industrial Revolution. The aim of this essay is to analyse the relationship between climate change and economic growth within the Eu

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Skånes Universitetssjukhus i Malmö Njur- och transplantationsavdelning samt Dialysavdelning

Denna rapport är en brandteknisk riskvärdering på njur- och transplantationsavdelningen, avdelning 1, samt dialysavdelningen, avdelning 2, på plan 4 i byggnad 33, på Skånes universitetssjukhus i Malmö, med avseende personsäkerheten. Arbetet med att utvärdera personsäkerheten för patienter och personal på de två avdelningarna inleddes med ett platsbesök där viktig information samlades in. På SUS iThis report is an evaluation of the fire safety level at a small division of Skåne University hospital in Malmö. The report is a part of the course Fire safety evaluation at the division of Fire Safety Engineering Lund University. The purpose of the report was to use previous knowledge in fire safety to evaluate the evacuation possibilities at the hospital. The project started with an on-site visi