

Din sökning på "*" gav 534392 sökträffar

Green areas and environmental justice in Tallinn

This thesis analysis the situation of green areas in Tallinn. It aims to find out, how are the green areas geographically distributed in Tallinn and whether there exist inequalities between different socio-economic and ethnical groups in terms of the differences in access to the green areas, connecting it to the theory of environmental justice. Additionally, the perception and use of green areas i

The Role of Frontline Employees in the Innovation Process

Innovation enablement is of growing importance in order to stay competitive in the financial services sector. Although frontline employees are considered to be valuable innovators, the research about their involvement in the innovation process is still in its infancy. The existing literature acknowledges that the overall participation of these employees in the innovations is limited, without furth

Tests of Autoencoder Compression of Trigger Jets in the ATLAS Experiment

Partikelfysikexperimenten vid "The Large Hadron Collider" i Genéve utforskar de mest grundläggande frågorna i fysiken, genom att mäta resterna av elementärpartiklar som kollideras vid väldigt hög hastighet. En accepterad modell av fundamentala partiklar och deras kopplingar beskrivs idag av standarmodellen, en modell som utan tvekan har stora brister. ATLAS-experimentet vid "The LarLimited data storage capability is a large obstacle for saving data in high energy particle physics. One method of partially circumventing these limitations, is trigger level analysis (TLA) as used by the ATLAS experiment. The efficiency of TLA can be further increased by doing effective data compression. One class of artificial neural networks are called autoencoders, which may be used for data

Social housing i Sverige?

Bostadssituationen i Sverige har under de senaste åren utvecklats i en oroande riktning. Den rådande bostadsbristen påverkar alla samhällsgrupper men de som drabbas hårdast är de som redan står längst ifrån bostadsmarknaden. De senaste årens ökning av den strukturella hemlösheten i Sverige har även ökat arbetsbelastningen hos den redan överbelastade socialtjänsten när hushåll som egentligen inte hThe current housing shortage affects all social classes but those most affected are the ones already furthest away from the housing market. The homelessness caused by structural factors has increased in Sweden during the last couple of years. It has led to an increased workload for the Social Services. Today, there is no unambiguous definition of social housing connected to the legal framework in

Optimering av källsortering i renoveringsprojekt- En fallstudie av renoveringsprojekt hos NCC

Inom byggbranschen ställs det högre och högre krav och fler mål sätts upp för att förbättra miljö- och hållbarhetsarbetet, detta då branschen idag står för en stor del av Sveriges miljöpåverkan. Den främsta anledningen till dess höga belastning på miljön är det genererade avfallet som branschen idag står för ca en tredjedel av det genererade avfallet i landet. En observation som gjorts är att mängHigher demands are being placed and more goals are set up to help improve the environmental and sustainability work in the construction industry. This in order to help minimize the impact on the environment from one of the industries with the highest impact in Sweden today. The main reason for the high strain on the environment is the generated waste, which the construction industry stands for abo

De svenska koncernavdragsreglerna - med fokus mot kompatibilitet med EU-rätten

En av grundvalarna, på vilken den Europeiska unionen vilar, är att företag har rätt att etablera sig fritt över gränserna inom EU. Denna fördragsreglerade utgångspunkt innebär inte bara att direkta hinder mot etableringsfriheten i regel ska undvikas utan även att nationella regler, som indirekt får till följd att etableringsfriheten inskränks, måste viktas mot de överordnade EU-reglerna. I en seriOne of the core objectives of the European Union is the freedom to establish and provide services. This core objective does not only impede direct obstacles as regards the establishment and provision of services but also, indirect infringements of said right; i.e. the national rules in the member states must be weighted in comparison to the, in some instances, superior EU-law. In a series of case

Implications of Green Bond Issue Announcements on Equity Prices

In recent years, the green bond market has grown rapidly, and yet it remains an area of academia that has received little exploration. This paper furthers the understanding of green bond issue announcements through investigating their impact on equity prices in general, across the issuing firms’ regions and sectors, and on firms’ Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) score. Using a sample of

[Konst]^X - En kvalitativ undersökning av kuratorers upplevelser av AI-konstens första möte med konstsverige

This dissertation intends to examine how the Swedish art world is responding to the exposure of artwork which has been produced using artificial intelligence as a tool. Based on qualitative interviews with curators, who have developed and formed exhibitions of AI-art, this study aims to investigate if an acceptance of such art could occur. In 2019 two of Sweden’s most reputable art institutions,

Klimat och väder i Nordatlanten-regionen under det senaste årtusendet

Ett av de viktigaste områdena inom klimatologi idag är utvecklingen av klimatmodeller. För att utvärdera hur bra en viss klimatmodell fungerar utförs jämförelser med klimatrekonstruktioner baserade på proxy-data, vilket är indirekt klimatinformation som kan fås från klimatarkiv. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka klimatmodellers förmåga att återskapa klimatet i Nordatlanten-regionen under deOne of the most important areas in climatology today is the development of climate models. To evaluate how well a particular climate model is working it is compared with climate reconstructions based on proxy-data, which is indirect climate information that can be obtained from climate archives. The aim of this study is to investigate the ability of climate models to recreate the climate in the No

Feeling Ontologically Insecure: The Anti- “Gender Ideology” Discourse in Colombia’s Second Half of 2016

Anti-genderism and anti- “gender ideology” discourses have been taken place in various parts around the world including Latin America and Europe. Political parties and social and religious movements have been mobilising against “gender ideology” in elections and protests defending the traditional family model. This thesis investigates such discourses from an ontological (in)security lenses by cond

Addressing climate change through unilateral action: The implications of adopting a European Union-wide Border Carbon Adjustment

In the European Union’s (EU) Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), free allocation of emissions allowances to avoid carbon leakage has resulted in a distorted pricing signal and a failure to reduce emissions in the most polluting industries. A Border Carbon Adjustment (BCA), a mechanism which would apply a tariff to imported goods based on their embedded carbon content, has been suggested as a solution.

Representation av genus i engelskämnet – En komparativ studie av läromedel för årskurs 7

Tidigare fanns en statlig läromedelsgranskning i Sverige. Sedan denna avvecklats har istället ansvaret för granskning av läromedel ålagts lärarna och skolorna själva. Syftet med denna studie är att genomföra en kritisk granskning av läromedel. I läroplanen (Lgr11) framgår tydligt att jämställdhet är något skolan skall verka för. Genusteori har därför varit utgångspunkten för denna granskning. Stu

Med kroppen i centrum – en kvalitativ studie om rytmikmetoden och dess tradition

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur fyra rytmiklärare definierar och beskriver rytmikmetoden samt hur de förhåller sig till den rytmikutbildning de fått på Musikhögskolan i Malmö. Studien intresserar sig också för rytmikmetodens tradition och hur denna kan förstås med hjälp av informanternas beskrivningar. Insamlingen av data gjordes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. LitteraturkapitletThe aim of this study was to examine how four eurythmics teachers’ define and describe eurythmics as a method for musical learning and how they relate to their former eurythmics education in their daily teaching. The study also explores how the structures of the tradition in which eurythmics are transmitted in music education may be understood through the descriptions made by the teachers. The dat

Transnationalizing the European Parliament: Analyzing the 2018 Debate on Transnational Lists

This thesis aims to analyze arguments made for and against introducing transnational lists in the European Parliament elections. The focus will lie in understanding the arguments made in terms of relevance and performance, with aspects such as political affiliations being regarded as well. The chosen material are speeches from a debate in the Parliament in 2018 regarding a suggestion of implementi

PLL for 5G mmWave

This paper presents research and implementation of a high frequency Integer-N phase-locked loop for digital beamforming in mobile devices. Multiple topologies investigated whereof two were implemented. The transient phase noise of the PLL is -104dB/-95dB @1MHz. The output frequency range is from 8G-10G. Reference signal is 163.84MHz, reference-spurs is -80dBc/-98dBc lower than main frequency. RMS

Family Policies and Women in the Labour Market: Evidence from Southern Europe

Previous research has analysed the relationship between women’s labour market outcomes and family policies in the general context of the European Union or among OECD countries. The current dissertation investigates the effect of a set of family policy’s instruments on women’s labour market participation and maternal employment in the countries of Southern Europe – Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal

Mötet mellan socialarbetare och arbetsorganisationen - en undersökning om sambandet mellan arbetsorganisationens regler och upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse

The purpose of the present study is to investigate whether there is any relationship between job satisfaction and the view of the organization's rules for social workers in Sweden. By using Michel Oakeshott's theory of nomocracy and telocracy an online survey was conducted with 87 social workers working in adult social service. The study uses correlational analysis to measure the relations

Banning Plastic Straw by Straw: Why California needs a more harmonized approach to plastics management

Over 150 local communities in California have implemented plastic product bans as a way to decrease stress on landfills, reduce non-recyclable materials, and manage litter. Plastic product bans such as plastic bags, polystyrene, or single-use plastics, are used to address both local (e.g. litter reduction or community aesthetics), and global (e.g. microplastic pollution or wildlife entanglement) p

Patient and Planet: Developing a Tool to Facilitate Design of Medical Products for a Circular Economy

Transitioning to a circular economy requires designing products that are meant to remain within and cycle through economic systems. While circular product design principles have been applied across industries, the medical industry presents unique challenges with its complex regulatory requirements and the high-risk nature of innovating with medical products. This thesis aims to contribute to the i