Din sökning på "*" gav 533437 sökträffar
Identity Performance in British Rock and Indie Music : Authenticity, Stylization, and Glocalization
This master’s thesis, departing from the work done by Peter Trudgill and Paul Simpson, aims at widening the scope of research on the identity performance of British rock and indie musicians by taking into account the influences and intersections of local and global social contexts. It not only analyzes the musicians’ accents but also focuses on their lyrics, music videos and statements in intervie
Inductive energy transfer
With the diminishing reserves of oil and the growing public concern for environmental issues, the end of gasoline powered vehicles is getting closer each year. To prevent this from causing the personal and comfortable way of transportation mankind has gotten used to, to die with them, an alternative without the downsides of the gasoline engine must be developed. The environmentally friendly electr
Real-time precipitation suppression in video streams
In surveillance cameras rain and snow can introduce an unwelcome noise to the video stream. The resulting effect of the rain becomes bright streaks in the frames of the video. These streaks can disturb human viewers and image processing algorithms. Rain streaks can be hard to detect and remove as they are a very dynamic phenomenon dependent on camera settings and weather conditions. This thesis
Bosses, spam, and griefers: a study of how old words adopt new meanings in online computer games
This essay investigates 20 gaming words generally present in the genres of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, Real Time Strategy, and First-Person Shooter. From each genre, one game was chosen as a representative for their respective genre, namely Guild Wars 2, StarCraft II, and Quake III Arena. The 20 words were chosen on the basis that they all occur in at least two of the three ga
Att mötas utan att mötas: en kvalitativ studie om samskapande av värde vid digitala kundmöten
Vi gör ett försök till att konceptualisera gemensamt värdeskapande i ett digitalt kundmöte. I vår teoridel presenterar vi tre teorier; Servuctionmodellen för ett fysiskt möte, modellen för sfärer i gemensamt värdeskapande, samt DART-modellen för interaktion inom gemensamt värdeskapande. Vi kombinerar dessa modeller till en sammanslagen. Denna sammanslagna modell analyserar vi sedan ställd mot vårt
Miljöcertifiering av kommersiella fastigheter i Sverige - som värdeskapare och långsiktig konkurrensfördel
SAMMANFATTNING Examensarbetets titel: Miljöcertifiering av kommersiella fastigheter i Sverige - som värdeskapare och långsiktig konkurrensfördel Seminariedatum: 2014-06-04 Ämne/kurs: FEKH19, Examensarbete i Strategic Management på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare: Isak Albihn, Eric Jacobson och Emil Rydén Handledare: Christine Blomquist Nyckelord: Fastighetsbranschen, Miljöcertifiering, VärdeskapandUMMARY Title: Environmental certification of commercial real estate in Sweden – as a value creator and as a sustainable competitive advantage. Seminar date: 2014-06-04 Course: FEKH19, Degree project Undergraduate level, Strategic Management, 15 University Credits Points Authors: Isak Albihn, Eric Jacobson and Emil Rydén Advisor: Christine Blomquist Key words: Real estate, environmental certificati
Frequent Deadlines in Relation to Stress at Work: The Role of Self-Efficacy and Social Support at Work
When working against deadlines, individuals deal with the time pressure in different ways. Working against tight deadlines has been found to relate to stress (Herrero, Saldaña, Rodriguez & Ritzel, 2012), however frequency of deadlines has not been prevalent in studies in relation to stress. Participants were 84 employees at two transportation companies in Iceland. Frequency of deadlines was a
Portal för test automation
Environments with a high number of systems that are dependent on each other create complexity in the testing of each system. For a test to perform correctly, every dependency has to be fully functional. If this condition is not met, the test will fail and measures need to be taken into the systems that are causing the problem before it can be repeated again. This is a problem that the test departm
Simultaneous Calibration and Hedging of Options
Informative Insider Trading - An Investigation about whether Opportunistic Insiders Gain Abnormal Returns on the Swedish Stock Market
Compatibility between standards in societal security - A study of compatibility between standards developed by ISO/TC 223 – Societal Security and ISO/TC 262 – Risk Management
In this thesis, the compatibility between the standards developed in ISO/TC 223 – Societal Security and the standards developed in ISO/TC 262 – Risk Management, is examined. A joint qualitative method of analysis, consisting of document analysis and semi-structured interviews, is applied. With the help of an operational definition of compatibility, the study results in a coefficient of compatibili
Rapportdel; Analys av det egna skrivandet och arbetsprocessen
Returhantering inom e-handel ur ett konkurrensstrategiskt perspektiv
Seminariedatum: 2014-06-04 Ämne/kurs: Examensarbete i Strategic Management på kandidatnivå, 15 HP. Författare: Siri Albrecht, Adam Svingstedt och Hugo Wennberg Handledare: Magnus Nilsson Nyckelord: E-handel, Returhantering, Returns Management (RM), Avoidance, Gatekeeping, Konkurrensstrategi, Supply Chain Management (SCM) Syfte: Att undersöka i vilken utsträckning gatekeeping och avoidance integ
Automatic Ink Viscosity and Bucket Content Measurement for Printing Presses
Video on Demand - Faktorer som påverkar konsumentens användande av tjänsten
Video on Demand (VoD) is a service that delivers video seamlessly to the consumer on demand. This thesis examines the consumers’ opinion on the different VoD services that exists on the Swedish market. To conduct our research we collected quantitative data by using a survey and then conducted a qualitative analysis. As a theoretical framework we used our own modified version of The DeLone and
Åtgärdsförslag till identifierade högriskområden för fosforläckage inom Hörbyåns avrinningsområde
The study has focused on identifying high risk areas for phosphorus leakage in the catchment of river Hörbyån. Also what kind of measures that can be taken to reduce the leakage at different sites in the catchment have been investigated. The highest phosphorus leakage in the south of Sweden come from agricultural areas, where the dominating transport is erosion and runoff. Some of the factors infl
Gud och medikamenten : en studie av rödsotsepidemin i Madesjö socken år 1858
I studien studeras prästens och läkarens roll i lokalsamhället under en rödsotsepidemi år 1858. Rödsot har idag namnet dysenteri. Uppsatsen studerar även vilken utbredning epidemin hade och hur många som drabbades. Uppsatsen har en mikrohistorisk karaktär och endast en socken, småländska Madesjö, studeras. I studien används även diskursbegrepp.
Wonder in London Below: A comparison of G. K. Chesterton's The Napoleon of Notting Hill and Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere
Får jag lov att ta en promenad? En kvalitativ undersökning av äldres inflytande i sin vardag
Author: Pernilla Palm Title: May I take a walk? A study of elderlys influence in their everyday life. Supervisor: Yvonne Johansson The aim of this study was to examine the aspects of the elderlys influence on their everyday life when they are living at nursing homes. The problem that discussed was in what ways the elderly have influence in their daily lives and on those routines that are imprin