

Din sökning på "*" gav 528291 sökträffar

Uplink power-based admission control in multi-cell WCDMA networks with heterogeneous traffic

Wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) is an interference-limited system. When the system operates at nearly full capacity, admitting another user may affect the stability of the system. Therefore, proper Call Admission Control (CAC) is crucial and should balance between Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for the new user and also for the existing users and at the same time keep the acc

Om Queerfeministisk politik

This article discusses queer feminist politics in relation to leftist politics, and argues against the neoliberal co-optation of radical leftist political notions.

How speakers of different languages extend their turns : Word-linking and glottalisation in French and German

A speaker who issues a confirming turn starting with particles like yes, oui, ja, and so on, may mean to extend it and provide further material. This study shows that French and German speakers employ the same phonetic contrast to indicate the nature of that turn continuation. In spite of the typological difference between the German use of glottalization and the French use of linking phenomena fo

Transfer Function Parameter Identification by Modified Relay Feedback

This paper proposes a transfer function parameter identification method, applicable to SISO systems of any order. Parameter identification is posed as a (non-convex) squared output error minimization problem, numerically solved utilizing Newton-Raphson iteration with back tracking line search. Focus lies on computing the cost function gradient and Hessian with respect to the parameter vector and o

Kontrollen av brandskydd har allvarliga brister

Slutsatserna från en nyligen avslutad studie av ett fyrtiotal brandskyddsdokumentationer är oroväckande. Studien visar på allvarliga brister när det ska visas – verifieras – att samhällets krav på brandsäkerhet uppfyllts. Bristerna har inte heller uppmärksammats vid kontroll av brandskyddsdokumentationerna, vilket är både anmärkningsvärt och oroväckande.

Fast CMOS nonbinary divider and counter

A new kind of nonbinary CMOS divider and counter is presented. The divider directly gives a nonbinary dividing ratio without any decoder and, therefore, no speed degradation. They can be directly cascaded to form a nonbinary ripple chain and can be programmable. The principle is particularly useful for a nonbinary prescaler. A synchronous nonbinary counter using this principle is also presented. S

Laparoscopic extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair versus open mesh repair: long-term follow-up of a randomized controlled trial.

BACKGROUND: We have conducted a randomized controlled trial of totally extraperitoneal hernia repair (TEP) versus tension-free open repair (Lichtenstein repair); we have presented the results previously up to 1 year after the operation. The aim of this study was to compare patient outcome in both groups at a median follow-up of 7.3 years after operation. METHODS: Of 168 patients included in a pros

A computational model for understanding stem cell, trophectoderm and endoderm lineage determination

Background. Recent studies have associated the transcription factors, Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog as parts of a self-regulating network which is responsible for maintaining embryonic stem cell properties -- self renewal and pluripotency. In addition, mutual antagonism between two of these and other master regulators have been shown to regulate lineage determination. In particular, an excess of Cdx2 over

Cutaneous Human Papillomaviruses and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin: Nested case-control study.

Cutaneous Human Papillomavirus (HPV) types have been associated with non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC), including a previous nested case-control study using HPV serology with bacterially derived fusion proteins with the major HPV capsid protein L1 (GST-L1). However, HPV serology using conformationally intact pseudovirions has been shown to correlate better with natural infection. Prospective studies

A fully Integrated Standard-Cell Digital PLL

A fully integrated digital phase-locked loop (PLL) used as a clock multiplying circuit is designed. The PLL is made from standard cells found in almost any commercial standard cell library and therefore portable between processes in netlist format. Using a 0.35 μm standard complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor CMOS process and a 3.0 V supply voltage, the PLL is designed for a locking range of 17

Environmental management in Swedish manufacturing industries

This study illustrates how Swedish manufacturing industries are managing issues that pertain to how their business activities and operations impact the external environment. This is a follow-up study of Arnfalk and Thidell ’s study Environmental Management in Swedish Manufacturing Industries? Facts or Fiction?(1991). The 1998 study was based on telephone interviews with company representatives fro

När gamla texter talar. Om att tolka det förgångna

This article is based on the author’s inaugural lecture as professor of New Testament studies at Lund University and articulates his view of the hermeneutics of text and history by reference to the notion of memory. The old veneration of Mnēmosynē and her daughters Clio and Polyhymnia indicates the close and yet complex relationship between historical truth and persuasion and points to the decisiv

Characterization of pulsed gas sources for intense laser field-atom interaction experiments

We describe the application of a tunable differential interferometer to the characterization of pulsed gas valves, operating in the low-pressure regime (less than or similar to 100 Torr). The spatial profile of the pressure in the gas jet has been studied for piezoelectric and electromagnetic valves in various experimental conditions, for both Ne and Ar gases. Moreover the time response of the val

Informationsutbyte i internationellt myndighetssamarbete – e-förvaltning, sekretess och personuppgiftsskydd i Försäkringskassans samverkan med utländska socialförsäkringsorgan

Genom EU-rätten och Sveriges konventioner om social trygghet ingår Försäkringskassan och andra svenska socialförsäkringsorgan i internationella administrativa samarbetsstrukturer. I dessa utbyts uppgifter om enskilda i fråga om exempelvis namn, familjeförhållanden och hälsotillstånd. I artikeln undersöks hur Försäkringskassan ska delta i sådant informationsutbyte och samtidigt tillämpa den svenska

A New Numerical Characterization of DNA Sequences

The main contribution of this work is a novel numerical characterization of a DNA sequence based on the 2-D graphical representation of DNA introduced by Yau et al. [12]. We construct a 3-tuple of the normalized leading eigenvalues of the Q matrices associated with the three characteristic curves of a DNA sequence. The approach is illustrated with an examination of dissimilarities of exon-1 of bet

Psychosocial perspectives on health care utilization among frail elderly people: An explorative study.

The aim was to explore the relationship between health care utilization over 2 years and psychosocial variables measured at the end of this period in a sample of older people with high health care consumption. Sixty-three people aged 69-96 years were included in the study. Data were collected from two different registers covering health care utilization from 2004 to the end of 2008, and baseline d