

Din sökning på "*" gav 526324 sökträffar

Individsamverkan- En kvalitativ intervjustudie om förutsättningar och hinder i samverkan

Organisational collaboration among clients – a qualitative interview study about opportunities and obstacles in collaboration. The purpose of this qualitative study was to, from a new institutional theory, examine how five different organisations cooperate with work rehabilitation to help individuals with complex difficulties reach employment or studies. The collaboration is more precisely called

Bokstölder : konsekvenser för bibliotekens tillgänglighet

The purpose of this master’s thesis, based on literary and empirical studies, is to illustrate and discuss how libraries with special collections are affected by thefts. All institutions working with cultural heritage are possible targets of theft. The study examines how thefts from library special collections affect the libraries. In Sweden only a few regional and university libraries own collec

Resursstarka mammor och osynliga pappor - en diskursanalys av synen på föräldraskap och familjebildning i svensk lagstiftning om assisterad befruktning

I den här uppsatsen lyfts synen på föräldraskap och familjebildning i det samtida Sverige. Med fokus på den nya lagstiftningen om assisterad befruktning för ensamstående syftar uppsatsen till att klarlägga rådande normer kring moderskap, faderskap och familjepraktiker. Vidare utforskas på vilket sätt lagstiftningen är del i samhällets förändrade syn på familjebildning. Studien är en diskursanalys

ECOWAS and WAEMU as Tools for Promoting Export Diversification

This paper examines export diversification with main focus on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), a union promoting economic integration in the region of West Africa. The West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), another Regional Integration Agreement (RIA), is also of main importance for the study. The study was conducted in order to determine whether ECOWAS and WAEMU,

Understanding nanoscopical images and exosomatic vision through visual literacy.

In this paper I explore the visual literacy of images produced by nanoscopes picturing objects the naked eye cannot see. In the first part of the paper I introduce three nanoscopical images supposed to be read without knowing what they are picturing, and how they are produced. Visual literacy and exosomatic vision are introduced and used to open for a discussion whether the images are read or obse

Kan minnesframplockning underlättas med hjälp av visouspatiala ledtrådar?

Framplockning av tidigare inlärda minnen har visat sig hämma framplockningen av konkurrerande minnen, då dessa interfererar med varandra. Denna företeelse kallad framplockningsinducerad glömska (eng, retrieval-induced forgetting, RIF), tros bero på en inhibitorisk kontrollmekanism som aktiveras för att försvåra framplockningen av irrelevanta konkurrerande minnen. Inhibitionen av irrelevanta minnenRetrieval of previous memories has been shown to inhibit retrieval of competitive memories. This phenomenon often referred to as retrieval-induced forgetting, is believed to occur because of an inhibitory control mechanism which is activated in order to obstruct the retrieval of non relevant competitive memories. Inhibition of irrelevant memories thus facilitates retrieval of the specific memory y

Människor under konstruktion? - En kvantitativ studie om sexuella trakasserier i skolmiljön

Syftet med denna uppsats var att bland niondeklassare i tre skånska städer utforska och jämföra hur tjejer och killar uppfattar händelser som kan definieras som sexuella trakasserier, utförda gentemot sig själva och andra i skolmiljön, och deras erfarenheter av dessa. En kvantitativ metod användes för att undersöka de två hypoteserna som lyder: de som identifierar sig som tjejer uppmärksammar flerThe aim of this study was to investigate and compare the way girls and boys in the ninth grade of Swedish compulsory school in three cities in Skåne county, perceive events in their school environment that can be defined as sexual harassments, where either themselves or others were subjected to these harassments and their experiences of said events. A quantitative method was used in order to exami

Att se till den som liten är: En studie om arbetet att upptäcka barn som fallit offer för människohandel för sexuella ändamål.

To see those who needs us the most: A qualitative study of how social work is organized in order to identify children who has fallen victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Trafficking in human beings is a crime against human rights and an international social problem. Refugee minors have been distinguished as an extra vulnerable group to become victims of trafficking and sexual exp

Skapandet av en världsbild - En kvalitativ studie om genus i uttalat genusmedveten barnlitteratur

Authors: Sandra Feif and Linnéa Kronqvist Title: Shaping a Worldview - A Qualitative Study of Gender in Pronounced Gender Conscious Children’s Literature Supervisor: Marta Kolankiewicz Assessor: Malin Arvidson The aim of this study was to understand how gender and belonging norms are constructed in Swedish children’s literature that is pronounced gender conscious. To examine this, we also studie

A study of the convergence of art and anthropology

This Bachelor’s thesis focuses on the reconceptualization of ethnographic method and object through the implementation of experiences from contemporary participative art forms. Which in their methods and representational practices present similarities with anthropology and ethnography. The thesis discusses how these ethnographic-like art processes at various inclinations can serve as guidelines fo

In Nudge we trust- En kvalitativ studie om Systembolagets digitala nudging

Den här studien syftar till att skapa förståelse för hur digital nudging fungerar som en integrerad del av Systembolagets marknadskommunikation. Studien ämnar att klargöra utmaningarna med en integrering av digital nudging då den kan utgöra ett hinder för organisationers förtroendeskapande. Studien utgick från ett kvalitativt angreppssätt och empirin utgörs av observation och intervjuer. Utifrån eThe purpose of this study is to generate knowledge concerning how digital nudg-ing functions as an integrated part of Systembolaget’s marketing communication. The study intends to clarify the difficulties following an integration of digital nudging since it may hinder an organization’s trust building. A qualitative ap-proach has been applied and the empirical material consists of observations and

Exploatering- en möjlighet till sanering. -Tillsyn enligt miljöbalken och planläggning för att hantera förorenade områden i samband med markarbeten och exploatering.

Kunskap om förorenade områden förebygger risker vid markarbeten Förtätning av städer för att motverka bostadsbristen medför att bostäder byggs på före detta industri¬mark som kan vara förorenad. Även inom nuvarande bostadsområden finns risk för mark-föroreningar från verksamheter såsom t.ex. kemtvättar och trädgårdsmästerier. När förorenade områden exploateras ökar risken för att människor och milThis report aims to investigate how Swedish municipalities work and could work to step up building developers responsibility to remediate polluted sites. This is done through the study of reports from environmental authorities, environmental legislation, legislation for society planning and interviews with officials at the municipalities Malmö, Lomma, Landskrona and Helsingborg. The study shows th

Practical Orientalism in Mass Media : An Analysis of the Media Reporting in Relation to the Sexual Assaults in Cologne by the German TV Channel ZDF

In the present thesis I analyse the image of the Oriental or the Other in German public-service media reporting. In times of the refugee crisis, right-wing movements strengthening in several European countries and Islamist extremist terrorist threats, the West is confronted with the question of integrating people from other cultures. The discussion about the sexual assaults in Cologne from 31 Dece

Optimal processtemperatur vid mesofil samrötningsprocess

Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur en förändring av processtemperatur kan påverka processtabilitet och produktion av biogas hos OX2. Anläggningen som drivs och förvaltas av OX2 Bio produktion AB i Helsingborg producerar biogas från främst matavfall från hushåll och från livsmedelsindustrin. Idealt produceras bio-gas i anläggningen vid 37 °C men under året finns en variationThe purpose of this master thesis has been to investigate how a change in process temperature can affect the stability and production of biogas. The plant which is operated and administrated by OX2 Bio Produktion AB located in Helsingborg produces biogas from primarily household food waste and waste from food industry. An ideal temperature to produce biogas at the plant is 37 °C but there is a flu

Strongly First Order Phase Transitions and The Possibility of Electroweak Baryogenesis in General Two-Higgs-Doublet Models

Vad har egentligen kokande vatten, Higgspartikeln och det faktum att någonting snarare än ingenting existerar gemensamt? Jo, om vi tittar ut i universum och jämför mängden vanlig materia, d.v.s. materia bestående av partiklar så som protoner och neutroner, med mängden s.k. antimateria (materiens nemesis i den bemärkelse att dessa förgör varandra vid kontakt och som med god anledning därför har fåtThe possibility to have a strongly first order electroweak phase transition, which is one of the Sakharov conditions for electroweak baryogenesis together with $\mathcal{CP}$ violation and baryon number violation, in general Two-Higgs-Doublet Models (2HDMs) is here investigated. Different kinds of $\mathbb{Z}_{2}$ breaking beyond standard assumptions are studied, in particular by allowing it to be

Finite Element Simulations of Harmonic Structured Materials in Two Dimensions

Most of today’s materials show either high strength with low ductility, or relatively low strength combined with high ductility. It is strongly desired in the industry to obtain materials whose mechanical properties can display a combination of high strength and elongation. That is why the new concept of harmonic structure has been introduced recently. This structure consists of strong ultrafine g

The Effect of Microinsurance on Investment Levels among Farmers

Variable incomes and under-investment due to risks of economic loss is an often overlooked aspect of poverty. Affordable insurance against risks such as loss of harvest due to low rainfall may be a key factor in reducing poverty. This study aims to examine the relationship between microinsurance against weather-related risks and levels of investment among covered farmers. The analysis is done by r

Determinants of Syndicated Loans: Does Financial Development matter?

Previous research has shown the significance of syndicated loans as an alternative financing source to corporate bonds. This thesis investigates the influence of the financial development of a country on specific syndicated loan terms. Our estimates show that country level dimensions such as banking stability, the efficiency of financial institutions and their depth play a limited economic role in

A Theorem of Wedderburn and Applications

Inom matematiken finns något som kallas ringar. En ring är en mängd element i vilken man också har definierat de två operationerna addition och multiplikation. Elementen kan vara av olika slag. Det som krävs är att ett antal regler, så kallade axiom, ska också vara uppfyllda i mängden. Dessa axiom ska gälla för att en mängd R ska vara en ring: Om a och b är element i R så är a+b och ab också eleThe main focus of this thesis is Wedderburn's theorem that a finite division ring is a field. We present two proofs of this. The thesis also contains a proof of a theorem of Jacobson and a proof of a generalisation by Artin and Zorn that a finite alternative ring is associative, and therefore a field.