

Din sökning på "*" gav 526324 sökträffar

Efficient induction of astrocyte-like cells from human embryonic fibroblasts by defined factors

Direct cell reprogramming converts fully differentiated cells into other cell types by forced expression of defined sets of cell-type specific transcription factors (TFs). This enables studies of biological processes and disease mechanisms in neural cells that today are hampered by limited accessibility of human tissue. Astrocytes are crucial for brain function and their dysfunction is associated

Human Capital and Cash Holdings of Foreign Companies: An Evidence from Developing Economies

This study investigates the relationship between human capital investment opportunities in developing economies and cash holdings of foreign firms. Using a sample of 1838 foreign firms operating in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, I find a positive relationship between cash holdings of foreign firms and human capital investment opportunities, measured by human capital opportunities i

Millennials and Healthy Food Consumption: Factors Influencing Intentions and the Intention-Behavior Gap

The current thesis aimed to explore the knowledge in the field of Healthy Eating Behavior with a particular emphasis on the consumers of Millennial generation. The main focus laid on the Millennial consumer healthy eating decision-making process and intention-behavior gap. Moreover, the authors of this thesis strove to understand factors influencing healthy eating intention, as well as the gap bet

For the readers, by the readers : Crowdsourcing books – an analysis of the power relations between professional producers of media and an active audience

There is a call for more analysis and case knowledge of how the media use the participatory architecture of social media in media production. The research field of audience participation comes from the integration of concepts and theories about an active audience with production research, and social and cultural theory. This thesis analyses cultural participation from the perspective of profession

Elektroniska dokumenthanteringssystem och slutanvändaren: Hur användaren upplever systemets påverkan

För att organisationer ska kunna ta del av organisatorisk information på ett effektivt och strukturerat sätt har det elektroniska dokumenthanteringssystemet etablerat sig allt mer hos företag. Akademiska studier har kartläggt de för- och nackdelar som dessa system medför till ett företag och vikten av slutanvändarens involvering i implementationsprocessen för deras upplevda för- och nackdelar. Vi

Föräldrars upplevelser av prematurvården. En litteraturstudie.

Föräldrar till ett prematurfött barn kan hamna i ett tillstånd av chock, där förväntningar på föräldrarskapet raseras. En bergochdalbana av känslor kan uppstå och föräldrarna är ofta i behov av sjuksköterskans stöd för att hantera situationen. Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie är att beskriva föräldrars upplevelser av vården av deras prematura barn. De 12 inkluderade kvalitativa studierna r

Halmstad Arena - En brandteknisk riskvärdering av hall D

This work evaluates the personal safety in case of a fire in Halmstad Arena hall D, an ice rink which is also used for exhibitions during the summer. Simulations and calculations were performed on possible design fires based on information given by an on-site visit and given design drawings. Solutions were discussed and conclusions drawn to increase the maximum number of people allowed in the buil

The Country of Ownership Paradox

Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to explore how the ownership transfer from a developed country to a developing country influences consumers’ perception of the brand. Design/methodology/approach: After the extensive review of the literature about the concept of country of origin and brand image, three premium automobile brand acquisition cases (Jaguar, Land Rover and Volvo) were investigated.

Fabrication and evaluation of nickel containing nanofibres for solid oxide fuel cell anodes using electrospinning technique

The energy demand of the world continues to increase, while world's resources are exploited over its capacity. One way of facing these demands is to extend the use of fuel cells. A fuel cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy through a series of chemical and electrochemical reactions. A solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is unique since it only contains solid materials and the cell has

Identifiering av Critical Success Factors vid en ERP-implementation

ERP-implementationer är ett vanligt förekommande fenomen då företag strävar efter effektivare arbetsprocesser. Som ett verktyg för att öka chansen av en framgångsrik ERP-implementation har användandet av Critical Success Factors (CSFs) fötts. Trots den mängd kunskap som finns i området överskrider 90 % av budget och/eller tidsram. Av den anledningen har det framförts en del kritik mot CSFs där for

Ett enklare exploateringsavtal? - En studie av PBL 6:40

Sen den 1:a januari 2015 regleras för första gången innehållet i exploateringsavtal i Plan och bygglagens 6 kap 40 §. Hur paragrafen ska tolkas och tillämpas i praktiken råder det stor oklarhet kring. I arbetet utreds hur paragrafen ska tolkas, med fokus på vad som är ”nödvändiga åtgärder” för genomförandet av en detaljplan samt vad som är ett ”rimligt förhållande” mellan en exploatörs åtaganden oSweden’s Planning and Building Act has been updated several times since it was introduced, and the most recent updates entered into force on 1st January 2015. One of the changes is that for the first time, in the 6th chapter 40th section, the contents of land development agreements are regulated in law. However, how the new law section shall be interpreted and used in practice is unclear. This mas

Queer Migrants in Sweden: Subjectivities and Spatiotemporal Multiplicities

Departing from the field of queer migration, the aim of the thesis is to grasp the experience of queer migrants in Sweden. Inspired by Les Back’s notion of sociology as an art of listening that engages critically with research participants, and guided by feminist sociologists’ methodological contributions, the study is carried out through in-depth interviews with twelve queer migrants from differe

Approaches to sustainable urban freight transport and the impacts on CO2 emission and ecosystems services - From the perspective of public and private sectors

With the growing of urban population, local and national economic prosperity expand rapidly. Consequently, demands of urban freight transport have been perpetually increasing leading to series of freight-induced problems such as congestion, air pollution, noise, environmental impacts, etc., which required some reactions from relevant stakeholders. Public authorities and private companies are the t

Multifunktionella dagvattendammar - Utformningens möjligheter och begränsningar

Multifunktionella dagvattendammar - Utformningens möjligheter och begränsningar Dagvatten är regnvatten som i städer hindras från att infiltrera marken på grund av hårdgjorda ytor så som gator och byggnader. Kraftiga skyfall gav under sommaren 2014 upphov till stora dagvattenflöden som ledde till överbelastade ledningssystem och att många hushåll runt om i Skåne drabbades av källaröversvämningar.In recent years, stormwater ponds have become a common feature in urban environments to manage an increasing amount of stormwater caused by densification of cities combined with increased precipitation due to climate changes. Stormwater ponds can be multifunctional, by providing several ecosystem services and functions as water purification, recreation and habitats for biodiversity in addition to

Successful Personal Branding on Social Media

This thesis investigates the phenomenon of personal branding on social media and, in particular, it examines how successful YouTubers create and build their personal brand via content. The thesis provides valuable input to the existing literature on personal branding, which is predominantly found in self-help books and articles by self-proclaimed gurus within personal branding. Using the method of

Optimizing the sealing of tubular heating elements

Tubular heating elements, produced by Backer AB are today commonly used, serving as systems for intelligent heating in automotive, medical and household industries. Tubular heating element consists of a mantle, resistance wire, electrical insulation (magnesium oxide) and a sealing. When active, an electric current transfers heat from the resistance wire of the heating element to the surroundings w

What do we need to know to preserve species?

Du lyssnade säkert på Johan Rockströms sommarprat förra året. Hans radioprogram vände upp och ner på de flestas uppfattning om klimatkrisen. I samband med klimattoppmötet i Paris tog klimatet och miljön upp mycket plats i media. Vilket inte bara är bra, utan fantastiskt. Att kunskap om vad vi gör med vår planet sprids något av det viktigaste vi har att jobba med för tillfället. Med min studie påviOur planet is facing the largest loss of biodiversity since the extinction of dinosaurs (Chiante, 2016). This great loss will affect our ecosystems which in turn means that humankind and our needs are affected. It is therefore important to know what factors affect the allocation of resources between species. In the future this will decide how the conservation work for different species will turn o

Sista avrättningen i Skåne

Klockan fem på morgonen den 23 augusti år 1900 avrättades den dödsdömde fången Lars Nilsson på länsfängelset i Malmö genom halshuggning. Det var sista gången i Skåne och tredje sista gången i Sverige som staten ansåg sig ha rätten att verkställa det ultimata kroppsstraffet: att en dömd mördare fick plikta med sitt liv. Nilsson hade mördat butiksbiträdet Katarina Romare i Löderup utanför Ystad två

Projektcheferna - De osynliga ledarna

Abstract Title: Project managers – The invisible leaders Authors: Stefan Karlsson and Christoffer Karlsson Supervisor: Radhlinah Aulin, Division of Construction Management, Lund Faculty of Engineering Problem: * What are the most important work tasks for a project manager * What are the most important skills in the role as a project manager * What kind of common problems and difficulties are a pro