

Din sökning på "*" gav 526298 sökträffar

Volitional and strategic retrieval-orientation adoption in reality monitoring: an ERP study

Retrieval orientations refer to cognitive states that, if adopted, tonically orients episodic retrieval attempts towards the sought-after type of information. Such orientations can enhance episodic retrieval by modulating the processing and effectiveness of retrieval cues. The current study investigated if retrieval orientations are adopted volitionally and spontaneously, as previous studies have

On Modeling Operational Risk using Extreme Value Theory

The main goal of this thesis is to show how operational risk can be measured if even the use of standard extreme value theory fails to explain single catastrophic events in the tail of the distribution. Against the background of regulatory requirements imposed by the Basel Accords, an Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA) is developed for a dataset of operational losses occurred in US businesses bet

The Geography of Swedish ICT Innovation

Innovation has in recent years been getting an increasingly important role in both industrial policy and in the academic discourse. In both the United States and the European Union policy-makers have tried to kick start slumbering economies by launching new innovation policies and academics write about innovation like never before. In this environment, Sweden has become something of a role model a

En icke-debatt : Vuxnas läsande och vikten av skönlitteratur i BBL

Over the last few years there has been considerable debate about the reading habits of Swedish children and teenagers in both library journals and the mainstream press. This debate has been sparked by the alarm caused by reports on comparatively poor language skills and poor school results among kids in elementary school. Since 2013, children, and thus the promotion of children’s literature, have

Larynxmasken AuraGain och användarvänlighet vid högt BMI

Bakgrund: Det fanns inga tidigare utförda studier på larynxmasken (LM) AuraGain och överviktiga patienter. Traditionellt har endotrakealtuben varit förstahandsvalet framför LM vid anläggandet av fri luftväg hos överviktiga patienter p.g.a. riskfaktorer som regurgitation med gastropulmonell aspiration. LM AuraGain skiljer sig från andra liknande typer av LM genom att lumen för ventrikelsond tillåte

Numerical continuation of standing waves for the Davey-Stewartson equation

Denna uppsats behandlar stående våg-lösningar till Davey-Stewartson-ekvationen som är en modell för ytvågor på en tredimensionell kropp av vatten med ändligt djup. Modellen härleddes 1974 av A. Davey och K. Stewartson och utökades senare för att även ta hänsyn till ytspänningseffekter. I ett specialfall reduceras Davey-Stewartson-ekvationen till den tvådimensionella icke-linjära kubiska SchrödingeThis thesis considers solitary standing wave solutions to the Davey-Stewart-son equation, which is a model for surface waves on a body of water in three dimensions. In a special case, the Davey-Stewartson equation is reduced to the well-known non-linear Schrödinger equation with cubic power which is known to have a countable familiy of radial standing waves. One of the aims of this thesis is to in

On the Determinants of Underpricing in Corporate Bond Offerings

Money is often left on the table when corporations issue new securities. Explanations for the underpricing phenomenon are often related to information asymmetry between the investor and the issuer. In this study we investigate factors affecting underpricing on corporate bonds in the Swedish market. To some extent contrary to what was expected, the results indicate that bonds are on average overpri

Can FAVAR improve Swedish inflation forecasting?

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether factor augmented vectorautoregression (FAVAR) models estimated using principal component analysis are able to improve monthly inflation rate forecasts for Sweden. We produce 42 forecasts for the period January 2012 to June 2015 and evaluate the forecasts by their root mean square errors as well as their ability to correctly predict the sign of t

Är läkemedel lösningen? En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares uppfattningar kring läkemedelsassisterad behandling

The aim of this study was to examine social workers perceptions of medication assisted treatment. We have made a qualitative interview study in which we interviewed seven municipal social workers that have knowledge and experience of working with people who have substance abuse problems and medication assisted treatment. We found that the social workers are describing both advantages and disadvant

Assessment of anti-innovative mergers in high technology markets. What kind of substantive test should be done to protect innovation?

Den här uppsatsen undersöker de avancerade metoder av effektivt innovationsskydd under företagskoncentrationsprövningar som finns i USA och EU. Syftet är att finna synergier mellan dessa två system och föreslå nödvändiga förbättringar av det europeiska systemet genom att introducera innovation som en reell standard för prövning, inkludera dynamisk effektivitet, omstörtande innovation och icke-prisThis thesis analyses advanced methods of effective protection of innovation in merger control in the USA and in the EU, finds synergies between the systems and suggests the necessary improvements of the European system of merger control in high technology markets: introduction of innovation as a real antitrust standard, inclusion of dynamic efficiencies, disruptive innovations and non-price consid

Improving the Finite Difference Approximation in the Jacobian-Free Newton–Krylov Method

The Jacobian-free Newton–Krylov (JFNK) method is designed to solve a linear system of equations that appears in Newton’s method. It uses the generalized minimal residual (GMRES) method to solve the linear system and a simple function to approximate the matrix-vector multiplications required in GMRES. An advantage of GMRES is the ability to check the residual of a potential solution without doing a

Fatal Aesthetics : A study on the theatrical representation of the public execution in the Islamic State's Palmyra execution video

Since the rise of the Islamic State the world has seen a proliferation of public executions in which spectacle and theatricality have come to play an important role. Their propaganda has adopted an aesthetic style in which violence is openly displayed, celebrated and glorified. This thesis explores the role that aesthetics has in the performed and mediated execution videos of the Islamic State, by

Working in a Cross-Border Situation - A Study on the Concepts of Employment and Self-Employment

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka möjligheten att bemöta missbruket av egenföretagande genom att applicera arbetstagarbegreppen i Sverige och i EU. Den fria rörligheten för tjänster och arbetare inom den interna europeiska marknaden öppnar upp för gränsöverskridande arbete mellan EU:s medlemsstater och det kan hävdas att egenföretagande kan användas för att kringgå nationella arbetsrättslaThe aim of this thesis is to investigate the possibility to combat the abuse of self-employment by applying the concepts of employment in Sweden and the EU. The free movement of services and workers within the internal market of the EU opens up for cross-border work between EU Member States and some claim that self-employment can be used as a way to circumvent national labour laws, collective agre

Identifying asset pricing bubbles: Testing for explosive behavior in the NASDAQ and STOXX 600 Europe Technology indices

A forward recursive estimation method is used to examine stock market data on unit root against explosive behavior as an indication of financial exuberance. Through specific dividend-stock pricing modeling, the recursive implementation of a right-tailed ADF test allows for directly testing the price index series on explosive behavior and its corresponding dividend series on non-explosive behavior.

Mobile Finance and Financial Risk A Study of Mobile Financial Services, its Value Model and the Distribution of Risk

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of mobile financial services on the behavior of young adults on the financial market, particularly how mobile financial services effect the distribution of risk amongst consumers. The risk examined are twofold; how the risk of a financial transaction looks like for both the consumer of the financial instrument and the distributor (Avanza) and how

Livet som behovsanställd - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om behovsanställdas upplevelser inom vård- och omsorgssektorn

Den moderna globaliserade arbetsmarknaden kännetecknas av att anställningsförhållandena blivit tillfälliga och flexibla. Konsekvenserna av de nya anställningsförhållandena är ämnet för denna studie. Syftet med studien har varit att få en djupgående förståelse av unga kvinnors upplevelser som behovsanställda inom vård- och omsorg och anställningsformens effekt på deras upplevelser av arbets- och li

The Silence of Dissatisfied Customers: An Exploratory Research in an Online Context

Purpose: To explore the phenomenon of silent dissatisfied customers in an online context. Theoretical perspective: In addition to the strategic brand management a customer perspective is grasped. Furthermore, the study explores areas related to service recovery and consumer behaviour. Methodology: We apply an explorative approach in the form of a case study of silent dissatisfied customers from

Efficient induction of astrocyte-like cells from human embryonic fibroblasts by defined factors

Direct cell reprogramming converts fully differentiated cells into other cell types by forced expression of defined sets of cell-type specific transcription factors (TFs). This enables studies of biological processes and disease mechanisms in neural cells that today are hampered by limited accessibility of human tissue. Astrocytes are crucial for brain function and their dysfunction is associated

Human Capital and Cash Holdings of Foreign Companies: An Evidence from Developing Economies

This study investigates the relationship between human capital investment opportunities in developing economies and cash holdings of foreign firms. Using a sample of 1838 foreign firms operating in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, I find a positive relationship between cash holdings of foreign firms and human capital investment opportunities, measured by human capital opportunities i