

Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar

Debts and Savings from a Behavioral and Financial Literacy Perspective

By extending the neo-classical economic framework to a behavioral and financial literacy level this thesis intends to give a better understanding for how individuals make decisions concerning loans and savings. I find there is a broad support for the notion that these extensions can explain why some individuals are overindebted and accumulate insufficient savings for their retirement. As a direct

Samverkansgrundläggning i relation till pålning

Below every building there is a different type of foundation work, it can comprise point carried piles or floating piles that pursues down the loads in the ground. A foundation work without piles could also be used, but big subsidence can arise in particular at bigger building constructions, it is however most important that the differentiate subsidence becomes too big. These subsidences can influ

Stress and Strength Analysis of Curved Glulam Beams With Box Cross-Section

Glulam arches can be used when designing structures with large spans such as halls or arenas. Wood has low density compared to steel and concrete which keeps down the dead weight of the structure. The cross section of glulam arches is often built up as a box-section for efficiency reasons. However, wood shows strongly orthotropic behavior where maximum allowed stress perpendicular to grain is only

Vändpunkter - Viktiga faktorer i förändringen mot ett liv utan droger och kriminalitet

Sammanfattning Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie och intervjuat individer med en tidigare missbruksproblematik och kriminellbakgrund. Alla utom en av intervjupersonerna har deltagit i ett 12-stegsprogram. Det finns hjälp att få som missbrukare genom behandling, men det är ändå inte alla som klarar av att sluta fast den hjälpen finns. Det är viktigt och intressant att undersöka varför det är så. VWe have made a qualitative study that started from interviewees with substance abuse problems. All of the interviewees have a background as criminals and addicts and three of them have participated in twelve-step program. There is treatment that is intended to support and help addicts, but it's still not all that manage to get out of their addiction. That makes it important and interesting to

"Vi vill älska varandra, men vi vet inte hur" En kvalitativ studie av den moderna kärleksrelationen och dess villkor.

In today´s society it seems to be increasingly hard to make long-term relationships last. Divorce statistics in Sweden show that almost half of the marriages today end in divorce (SCB, 2012). Why then is it so difficult to make love work? Are we just harder to please, or can the trend be understood on the basis of the modern society we live in, where self-fulfilment and individuality clash with th

Impact of PPARγ Activation on Colon Cancer Cells and Tumor-Associated M2 Macrophages

Abstract Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) is expressed in multiple tumor cells as well as macrophages, and has been identified as a putative target for the development of novel therapies against colon cancer. Stimulation of the nuclear receptor PPARγ transcriptional activity can suppress colon carcinogenesis. To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-tumor

The Role of the State in Development: A Case Study of Food Security and Vulnerability among Beneficiaries of India's Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS)

This thesis discusses the role for states and centralised government policies in development intervention. The topic is explored through a case study of India’s Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS), a large-scale government intervention to enhance food security among India’s poorest households. The central questions of the study were, firstly, which function TPDS serves in the lives of benef

Genetic risk factors for type 2 diabetes and its complications: analyses of DNA extracted from serum

Upptäcka gener inblandade i diabetes I många sjukdomar, så som diabetes, spelar människans gener en viktig roll i vem som insjuknar och hur utvecklingen sker. Därför är det viktigt att, i den mån det går, identifiera dessa gener så vid insjuknande, ge varje patient en mer specialiserad vård som kan bromsa sjukdomsförloppet. Diabetes är en metabolisk sjukdom där kroppen inte kan reglera glukoshaAbstract Aims/hypothesis Diabetes, a metabolic disease rapidly increasing worldwide, is triggered by both genetic and environmental factors. Longitudinal studies, such as the Malmö Prospective Project (MPP), give a unique opportunity to study life-long risk of developing a disease. In MPP, more than 2,000 individuals developed diabetes during a mean 25-year follow-up time. However, patients with

Two Dimensional Design of Axial Compressor - An Enhanced Version of LUAX-C

The main scope of this thesis is to have a strong tool for a preliminar design and sizing of an axial compressor in a bi-dimensional way, this means that all the parameters are referred to the hub, to the midspan and to the tip of the blade. This goal has been reached improving a pre existent MatlabTM code based on a monodimensional design. The developed code, using different swirl law, allow to u

Power Sources for Hybrid Electric Vehicles

This thesis has been carried out to investigate a few areas concerning electric and hybrid electric powered land vehicles. The main objective has been to analyze the efficiency of such power trains to compare them with canonical combustion engines, both in a tank-to-wheels basis and a well-to-wheels basis. One of the question formulations is if an electric or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charge

Development and Validation of a Turbulent Flame Propagation Model

The aim of this thesis was to develop a model for flame propagation, to implement in a zero-dimensional engine simulation tool (DARS 0d-SRM) which previously only used fitted Wiebe-functions to describe the flame propagation. The idea was to create a model which could replace or complement the Wiebe function, but with predictive capabilities, avoiding the need to perform curve-fitting when certain

Development of a spectroscopic technique for assessment of optical properties and gas content in porous turbid media

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Spektroskopi handlar om teoretiska modeller och experiment där man observerar ljus som har växelverkat med materia. Spektroskopiska metoder används inom många olika ämnesområden som exempelvis kemi, fysik och biologi. Ett jordnära exempel på tillämpad spektroskopi är människans öga. Reflekterat ljus från olika föremål samlas in av linsen i ögat, avbildas på näthiIn this thesis a novel spectroscopic method consisting of a combination of frequency domain photon migration (FPDM) and gas in scattering media absorption spectroscopy (GASMAS) is developed, for assessment of the mean optical path length and gas absorption in porous media. The system stability is experimentally investigated and measurements are performed on balsa and pine wood to evaluate the rela

AF Bostäder’s house allocation problem

This paper evaluates the practicality and efficiency of different solutions to the house allocation problem faced by the company providing housing for students at Lund University. Both static and dynamic mechanisms are considered. A series of simulations show that the problem could be solved more efficiently by altering the booking period length of the currently used mechanism, and even more effic

"Porr är inget för tjejer" – en kvalitativ studie om hur pornografi kan påverka unga kvinnor i deras identitetsskapande

“Porn is not for girls” – a qualitative study concerning how pornography affect young women in shaping their identities The aim of this study is to enrich the understanding of how pornography affects young women. What does it mean to be female? How do young women relate and communicate about pornography? What kind of influence does pornography have on young women’s identity development? Is pornog

Civilrättsliga följder vid brott mot processuella avtal i skiljeförfarandet

Uppsatsen ämnar behandla vilka civilrättsliga följder ett brott mot ett avtal, som på något sätt styr processen i ett skiljeförfarande, kan få. En anledning till att allt fler näringsidkare väljer att lösa sina tvister i ett skiljeförfarande beror antagligen på att möjligheterna att kontrollera processen är större i jämförelse med ett motsvarande förfarande i allmän domstol. Det kan handla om att This essay examines which consequence a breach of contract aimed at dictating the process in arbitration can have under civil law. One of the reasons why more businesses choose to solve their disputes in arbitration proceedings probably depends on the fact that their possibilities to influence this process is greater in comparison to an equal process undertaken in general court. The parties might