

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Accuracy of Equivalent Roughness Height Formulas in Practical Applications

This paper presents a discussion on the application and accuracy of roughness height formulas from a practical point of view. Such formulas have been proposed to describe the equivalent roughness height for plane bed conditions on the basis of the Shields parameter. The application of these relationships requires an iterative solution technique. However, as this paper demonstrates, the roughness e

Vetenskaplig osäkerhet i policyprocessen : En studie av svensk klimatpolitik

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen handlar om vetenskaplig osäkerhet i policyprocessen, det vill säga när vetenskaplig kunskap om en fråga saknas eller den existerande kunskapen är osäker. Studiens huvudsyfte är att förstå om och hur vetenskaplig osäkerhet påverkar policyprocessen. För att undersöka detta har utvecklingen av den svenska klimatpolitiken från 1975 fram till 2007 studerats. MatThe dissertation is about scientific uncertainty in the policy process, that is when scientific knowledge about an issue is lacking or the existing knowledge is uncertain. The aim of the study is to understand if and how scientific uncertainty affects the policy process. For that purpose, the development of climate change policy in Sweden is studied, from 1975 until 2007. The material studied cons

Localization of sunitinib, its metabolites and its target receptors in tumor bearing mice: a MALDI mass spectrometry imaging study

A functional blood vessel network is essential for maintaining the necessary oxygen and nutrient levels in solid tumors. Thus, the inhibition of blood vessel growth by different antiangiogenic agents has become one of the most important topics in cancer research over the past few decades. The in vitro studies of these drugs are promising, but both the in vivo and the clinical experiences are contr

Mitos, ciudades y cine: un viaje de ida y vuelta.

Myth, from the Greek mythos: “Mar-velous narration situated outside historic time told by divine or heroic characters. Often interprets the world’s origin or great human events”. The dragon, ex-cept for in China, has always been a symbol of “evil”, but, at the same time, the fire and power represented by the dragon are essential elements for hu-mankind. The modern city, symbolically under-stoo

Thrombolysis for lower extremity bypass graft occlusion

Background: Thrombolysis is a common method in the treatment of lower extremity bypass graft occlusion. The purpose of this study was to investigate the results of thrombolytic therapy in the management of acute bypass graft occlusion and to identify risk factors for technical failure and amputation. Methods: All patients at two tertiary referral centers undergoing thrombolysis for acute graft occ

Quantitative X-ray phase-contrast microtomography from a compact laser-driven betatron source.

X-ray phase-contrast imaging has recently led to a revolution in resolving power and tissue contrast in biomedical imaging, microscopy and materials science. The necessary high spatial coherence is currently provided by either large-scale synchrotron facilities with limited beamtime access or by microfocus X-ray tubes with rather limited flux. X-rays radiated by relativistic electrons driven by we

Self-awareness of heart failure in the oldest old-an observational study of participants, ≥ 80 years old, with an objectively verified heart failure.

One of the primary reasons for hospitalisation among elderly individuals with heart failure (HF) is poor self-care. Self-awareness of having HF may be a key-element in successful self-care. The prevalence of self-awareness of HF, and how it is affected by age-and HF-related factors, remains poorly understood. The aims of the present study were to determine the prevalence of self-awareness of HF in

Work stress, worries, and pain interact synergistically with modelled traffic noise on cross-sectional associations with self-reported sleep problems

To examine the risk of sleep problems associated with work stress (job strain, job demands, and decision authority), worries and pain and to investigate the synergistic interaction between these factors and traffic noise. Sleep problems and predictor variables were assessed in a cross-sectional public health survey with 12,093 respondents. Traffic noise levels were assessed using modelled A-weight

A comprehensive 1000 Genomes-based genome-wide association meta-analysis of coronary artery disease

Existing knowledge of genetic variants affecting risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) is largely based on genome-wide association study (GWAS) analysis of common SNPs. Leveraging phased haplotypes from the 1000 Genomes Project, we report a GWAS meta-analysis of similar to 185,000 CAD cases and controls, interrogating 6.7 million common (minor allele frequency (MAF) > 0.05) and 2.7 million low-fre

SHUT UP 'N' PLAY! Negotiating the Musical Work

'SHUT UP ’N’ PLAY! Negotiating the Musical Work’ is a piece of artistic research that attempts to merge artistic practice, qualitative research methods and critical analysis in a project concerned with contemporary performance practices, and specifically how these practices are created and transmitted in the interaction between composer and performer. By way of a critical reading of the musico-phi

Three essays on our planetary future

Föreliggande avhandling argumenterar för värdet av ett långsiktigt planetärt perspektiv i politiken. Vi har blivit vana att tänka på de risker som moderniteten genererar utifrån ett vidgat tidsligt och rumsligt perspektiv (till exempel utgör år 2100 en återkommande referenspunkt för forskningen kring globala klimatförändringar). På samma sätt bör vi fråga oss vilka politiska möjligheter som mänsklThis thesis propounds a techno-environmentalist position. Seeking to combine the need for natural restoration with human development, the thesis explores to what extent more radical forms of ecological modernization can offer a basis for political compromise and open new paths to global long-term sustainability. Based on three published articles, the thesis engages with existing literature on (a)

Common Missense Variant in the Glucokinase Regulatory Protein Gene Is Associated With Increased Plasma Triglyceride and C-Reactive Protein but Lower Fasting Glucose Concentrations

OBJECTIVE-Using the genome-wide association approach, we recently identified the glucokinase regulatory protein gene (GCKR, rs780094) region as a novel quantitative trait locus for plasma triglyceride concentration in Europeans. Here, we sought to study the association of GCKR variants with metabolic phenotypes, including measures of glucose homeostasis, to evaluate the GCYR locus in samples of no

Cartilage destruction - Release of type IX collagen in joint disease

Cartilage is of vital importance for the function of joints. It is characterized by a prominent extracellular matrix (ECM) that is produced and maintained by relatively few cells of one type, the chondrocyte. The cartilage ECM consists of collagen fibrillar networks, proteoglycan aggregates, and a number of other molecules united in numerous interactions. This work focused at identifying catabolic

Propane Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by ZSM-5 Zeolites. A Mechanistic Study Based on the Selective Energy Transfer (SET) Theory.

Experimentally determined activation energies of propane dehydrogenation catalyzed by ZSM-5 zeolites have been used to test the SET theory. The basis of this theory is that the catalyst system transfers vibrational energy via a resonance process to a specific vibration mode of the reacting molecule. Being excited up to a certain number of vibrational quanta the molecule is brought to reaction. By