

Din sökning på "*" gav 526207 sökträffar

The Art of Adaptation: Explaining changes in Nordic security and defense policy

Changes in Nordic security have been discussed often recently in light of the emergence of the European Security and Defense Policy. Taken up primarily by constructivist arguments, much of the work asserts that Nordic security policy is changing in light of the increasing significance of the European Union's security dimensions and even becoming Europeanized. However, this essay argues that se

Good Governance: En utvecklingsagenda i Världsbankens regi

Good governance-begreppet introducerades av Världsbanken på slutet av 1980-talet som riktlinjer för hur en stat på bästa sätt skall organiseras och styras för att nå ekonomisk utveckling. Good governance-idealen innefattar bland annat öppenhet, transparens, rättsäkerhet och effektivitet, som sägs uppnås genom åtgärder som liberalisering och decentralisering. Banken har använt sig av konditionalite

Ryssland och det civila samhället - ett teorikritiskt analysförsök

Based on an analytical overview of post-Communist civil society development in Russia, the present thesis attempts a critical discussion of general civil society theory from the perspective of its relevance for the case study in question. The text consists of three closely interconnected, mutually reinforcing parts. In the first part, major issues of current civil society research are being themat

Aboriginerna - andraklassens medborgare? Etnisk diskriminering i ett multikulturellt samhälle

Abstract Aboriginerna i Australien har sedan kolonialtiden blivit diskriminerade och har trots sitt relativt nyvunna medborgarskap inte blivit fullständigt upptagna i samhället. Vi undersöker i denna studie huruvida diskrimineringen av denna ursprungsbefolkning kan förstås utifrån delar av genusforskaren Nira Yuval-Davis medborgarskapsteori som förordar en flerskiftkonstruktion för att resonera k

Från nykonservatism till socialliberalism? En förändringsstudie av Moderata Samlingspartiet

Abstract This thesis discusses ideological and rhetorical change of the Moderate Party of Sweden. The aim of the thesis has been to study the party during a time-span of almost 20 years, trying to identify changes related to each of the three party leaders. A hypothesis was developed, suggesting that the three party leaders each represented a different kind of ideology namely neo-conservatism, n

Fred ? till vilket pris? ? En studie om etiken kring kärnvapeninnehav

This bachelor thesis focuses on the ethics concerning the possession of nuclear weapons seen from a deontological and utilitarian perspective. I have also considered the aspects of International law, the Just-war Theory, and Michael Walzer's Legalist Paradigm. The research question that guides my essay is: Is it possible to ethically justify a country's possession of nuclear arms, which re

US Foreign Policy and the Iraq War. An empirical study of realism?

This BA-thesis examines whether realism can be empirically tested on the Iraq war in 2003. I am inspired by Mearsheimer's offensive realism, which holds that all states are aggressive because of the structure of international politics. Realism has a lot of theories about power, which I examine extensively and then apply empirically. Realism states that there are two strategies for a states? su

Sociala rörelser. Politiska möjligheter, framing och samhällsvärderingar. En fallstudie på Sovjetunionen och transitionen till demokrati.

This thesis is a study of social movements and their possibilities to effect politics by infuencing values in society through framing. I've looked upon social movements from a functionalistic-structuralistic perspective, as if they were carriers of values from people that otherwise won't be represented in the political life. The values that the social movements are struggling for can affec

Ny världsordning, nya utmaningar? En teorianvändande studie om förhållandet mellan USA och Europa sedan Kalla krigets slut

In this thesis I discuss and analyse the relationship between USA and Europe since the end of the Cold War. Many authors claimed that the Soviet threat was the glue that kept the continents together. Now that threat is gone and new challenges have risen. In what way has this relationship been influenced by the new challenges this new era stands for? By doing a case study and by using two quite dif

Institutions and Ideals. Exploring Perceptions of Democracy in Jamaica.

This thesis focuses on democracy, which here is seen as both certain institutional arrangements (notably competitive elections and multipartyism) and more abstract ideals that these arrangements are intended to secure (such as accountability and responsiveness). The intention is to explore how citizens of a polity characterized by competitive elections and high levels of political participation -

Peacekeeping and Prostitution: A Case Study of the Swedish Experience From Kosovo and Bosnia

This thesis analyses the connection between Swedish peacekeeping and prostitution. Initially an explanatory model is developed based on the concept of hegemonic masculinity. The model indicates that it is likely that Swedish peacekeepers? demand for prostitution can be explained as a result of a need to confirm manhood and homo-social bounding. However, it is also pointed out that more research h

The Internet : a Kula Ring of today

This study aims to investigate whether the Internet can be a useful tool in organisations in developing countries that are working for empowerment, democratisation and an increased global justice. I have elucidated the opportunities involved and the prerequisites for it to happen. The ability for groups to interact at great distances and at a rapid speed raises interesting questions about collecti

Judikalisering och demokrati: Lagprövningsrätten i förändring?

In this thesis I examine the development and expansion of judicial power in Sweden. The concept of judicial review is defined and related to democratic theory, and the various forms of judicial review in use in Sweden are explained. The main focus is on the political and scientific discussion concerning judicial review since the mid 1970s. It is shown that judicial review so far has been used only

Why was the European civilisation the first to expand? The Eurocentric vs. the anti-Eurocentric view.

In this essay the question of why the European civilisation was the first to rise and expand will be analysed. As there is more than one answer to this question two of the explanations: the Eurocentric and the anti-Eurocentric have been chosen for a comparison and analysis. The Eurocentric explanations see the expansion of Europe as caused by its inner qualities such as: environment, state-system,

Extended Producer Responsibility and Local Government Exploring Municipal Roles in Managing Packaging and Paper Wastes

This thesis profiles the experience of four municipalities under Swedish Extended Producer (EPR) systems for newsprint and packaging. Rationales behind a role for local governments and the experience of the municipalities are explored. EPR policies in principle relieve public sector actors of responsibility for waste management however local governments play several roles under the systems, partic

McPeace? Ett storföretags roll i fråga om mellan- och inomstatlig fred.

The Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention stipulerade att länder med McDonald's inte bekrigar varandra. Uppsatsen undersöker varför denna hypotes falsifierades efter att ha varit giltig i 32 år. Med i första hand kvantitativa metoder identifieras ett antal utslagsgivande faktorer för att ett land ska få McDonald?s. Det konstateras att demokrati förr var en mycket viktig faktor men idag h

Kan skola, fritid och familj hjälpa barn som befinner sig i riskzonen till kriminalitet?

Vi har valt att titta på om familj, skola och fritid kan hjälpa barn som befinner sig i riskzonen för att utveckla en kriminell livsstil. Syftet med undersökningen är att studera om man kan förebygga kriminalitet för barn som befinner sig i riskzonen genom tidiga insatser i skola, familj och på fritid. För att få djupare information har vi använt oss av kvalitativ metod. För att få en djupare förs

I goda grannars lag : en studie av två fotbollsföreningars organisation och relationer

I denna uppsats studeras två fotbollsföreningar hemmahörande i Malmö, Husie IF och Kvarnby IK. Dessa föreningar har under den senaste 10-årsperioden haft väldigt olika utveckling vad gäller medlemsantal och föreningsprofil. Vid analysen används Bourdieus teorier med begrepp som kapital, fält, habitus och agent samt Webers teorier kring tjänstemän och byråkrati. Frågeställningarna är "Hur ser