Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar
Does Microcredit Reduce Poverty?
Despite efforts to end it, poverty still persists in the world today. Lately, microcredit has received much attention as a possible remedy. Even though there are many studies investigating the effects of microcredit there is a lack of research on the impact of microcredit on national poverty. Therefore the purpose of this study is to investigate that particular aspect by analyzing the impact so fa
Det nya skatterättsliga låneförbudet – en granskning av 2010 års lagstiftning
Med verkan från den 12 februari 2009 har Sverige regler som begränsar lånemöjligheterna från utländska företag. Lagstiftningen trädde formellt i kraft den förste januari 2010 och har införts till följd av att Skatteverket uppmärksammat en ökad aktivitet av skatteplanering innefattande utländska holdingbolag. Ägarledda svenska företag överlät sin verksamhet till ett egenkontrollerat utländskt holdiWith effect from 12 February 2010, Sweden has adopted rules which limit the right to accept loans from foreign companies. The legislation took formal affect 1 January 2010 and were in forced due to an inquiry made by the Swedish Tax Agency (Sv. Skatteverket), which highlighted an increasing activity of tax avoidance schemes through foreign holding companies. Management owned Swedish companies tran
En internationell inköpsanalys.
Illustration of a purchase process beyond Europe's borders. BM Impex is a construction company that specializes in developing and improving the flow of prefabricated materials, from drawing to the fitting in place. By looking at suppliers internationally, you can reduce the cost of the purchases, which in turn increases the more price competition in the industry. llustration of the purchasing
EU:s framtidskonvent : en undersökning utifrån liberal intergovernmentalism och deliberativ demokratiteori
The European Union as an International Actor : What Roles the EU is Percieved to Play by NGOs in the New ACP-EU Partnership Agreement
Svensk säkerhetspolitisk riksdagsdebatt i förändring : en idéanalys
Om hur en idé omformuleras : diskursers inverkan i implementeringsprocessen och genomförandet av intergrationspolitiken i Malmö kommun
Women in the Panchayats : a Study of Gender Structures and the Impact of the 73rd Amendment to the Indian Constitution
Poker eller patiens? multilaterala förhandlingar i Europaparlamentet; : en explorativ studie om förhandlingskultur i Europas folkvalda parlament
ASEAN och möjligheterna för demokrati i Burma
Enighet lika med slagkraftighet : en studie om hur ett politiskt ungdomsförbund skapar politisk enighet
Kommunalt handlingsprogram - En handledning för arbetet med skydd mot olyckor, med fokus på räddningstjänst
Based on a new Swedish legislation for accident prevention and protection, this report is thought to be a guidance of making a municipality accident prevention programme. This work is following the process introduced by the Swedish Rescue Service Agency, Räddningsverket.
Semi-quantitative valuation of risk treatment - A model for premium distribution based on fire loss prevention
The objective of this master’s thesis has been to develop a model for valuation and comparison be- tween SCA plants with reference to fire loss prevention work. The aim of this report has been ful- filled by analysing results from literature studies, interviews and questionnaires answered by per- sons experienced within fire loss prevention work and paper industry. The report resulted in a Loss Pr
Kommunal beredskapsplanering för pandemier - underlag till förbättringsåtgärder
The purpose of this report is to investigate the preparedness planning concerning pandemics on different levels of the society but with focus on the municipal level. The study was funded by the city of Malmö and hence the proposal is based on the city ́s organization. The methodology used was interviews, a questionnaire and vulnerability analysis. The analysis resulted in guidelines for the prepar
Arbetsmetodik för samordnad riskhantering inom processindustri med avseende på säkerhet, hälsa och miljö
The aim of this master thesis is to coordinate risk management for process facilities. This has been done through several inventories concerning process facilities and their ability to coordinate risk management regarding Safety, Health and Environment. The inventories along with literature studies have resulted in a framework for coordination of SHE for risk management in process facilities. An e
Riskhanteringprocessen på OKG AB med inriktning på riskidentifiering
The aim of the thesis is to bring clarity to what extent the routines for risk management in different divisions comply with the ones used at OKG AB as a whole. A mapping of the risk management was made through interviews with members of staff. It was observed that a common risk identification method at OKG would serve many purposes. Literature on COSO’s framework for Enterprise Risk Management an
En jämförelsemetod för kommunala risker - ett underlag för SÄRFs handlingsprogram
This essay describes a comparison method that SÄRF can use to work in a simpler way to describe how the protection against accidents is within its area of activity. The method assume from the IDA-tool which is a tool The Swedish Rescue Services Agency has developed so the Swedish municipalities should be able to compare their own protection against accidents.
Brännbart damm och riskhantering inom processindustri - En vägledande arbetsmetodik
This master of thesis evaluates three methods for classification of areas where combustible dusts are or may be present. The methods have been applied to fictitious plant where chipboards are pro- duced. Current European directives that concern combustible dusts are also evaluated. The aim of this report is to accomplish a guiding work methodology for handling of combustible dust in the process in