

Din sökning på "*" gav 534784 sökträffar

Dampness in buildings as a risk factor for health effects, EUROEXPO: a multidisciplinary review of the literature (1998-2000) on dampness and mite exposure in buildings and health effects

The scientific literature on health effects from dampness in buildings, including mite exposure over the period 1998-2000 has been reviewed by a European group (EUROEXPO) of eight scientists in experience from medicine, epidemiology, toxicology and engineering. Forty studies deemed relevant have been the foundation for the conclusions. Dampness in buildings is a risk factor for health effects amon

Crayfish in lakes and streams: individual and population responses to predation, productivity and substratum availability

1. In a correlative study, we investigated the relative importance of fish predation, refuge availability and resource supply in determining the abundance and size distributions of the introduced and omnivorous signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in lakes and streams. Moreover, the biomass and food selection of predatory fish was estimated in each habitat type and stable isotopes of carbon

Even-Odd Alternation of Evaporation Rates and Vapor Pressures of C3-C9 Dicarboxylic Acid Aerosols

Aliphatic straight-chain dicarboxylic acids have been identified as common water-soluble organic components of atmospheric aerosols. To model the partitioning of such compounds between gas and particle phase in the atmosphere, information about their vapor pressures is essential. In this work, vapor pressures of C3-C9 dicarboxylic acids are derived from measured evaporation rates of submicron aero

Affinity partitioning for membrane purification exploiting the biotin-NeutrAvidin interaction - Model study of mixed liposomes and membranes

Biotinylated negatively charged liposomes as well as membranes were affinity partitioned in an aqueous poly(ethylene glycol)-dextran two-phase system using NeutrAvidin conjugated to dextran as affinity ligand. Both liposomes and membranes redistributed from top to bottom phase upon addition of NeutrAvidin-dextran. The presence of 35-60 mM Li2SO4 was necessary both to force the components into the

Sensitivity study of the finite element model for wood-framed shear walls

A sensitivity study was performed with a nonlinear elastic finite element model for monotonic analyses of wood-framed shear walls. The objective was to provide information about simplifying a model of wood-framed shear walls with no significant loss in accuracy. The simplifications concern features such as slips in joints between frame members, slips in hold-down connections, and bearing between a

Comparison of factors limiting bacterial growth in different soils

Lack of carbon has been assumed to be the most common limiting factor for bacterial growth in soil, although there are reports of limitation by other nutrients, e.g. nitrogen and phosphorus. We have studied which nutrient(s) limited instantaneous growth rates of bacteria in 28 Swedish soils using the thymidine or leucine incorporation technique to measure increased growth rate after adding differe

Nyfynd av Heppia lutosa på Öland.

A new find of the rare and red-listed lichen Heppia lutosa was made near Tornrör on the NE part of the Great Alvar during a lichenological excursion to Öland in april 2001. A few weeks later, another find was made on the NW part of the Great Alvar near Lilla Vickleby. Only one other recent find has been made of this species, which in Sweden is only known from the Baltic islands of Öland and Gotlan

Sprickbildning i puts på isolering - undersökning av grundläggande mekanismer - del 2

Denna rapport avser redovisning av den undersökning som har gjorts för att identifiera de grundläggande mekanismerna som leder till att putsen spricker. Rapporten är en fortsättning på en tidigare rapport med samma titel av samma författare. Denna rapport redovisar de experimentella parameterstudier som hittills har genomförts inom ett SBUF-projekt. Syftet med parameterstudierna är att skapa en up

Föreställd hedendom. Tidigmedeltida skandinaviska kyrkportar i forskning och historia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen diskuterar tidigmedeltida skandinavisk konst, främst kyrkdörrar och portaler från Sverige och Norge. Kyrkans ingång är särskilt lämplig att studera dels eftersom den markerade en gräns för det heliga rummet, dels därför att den var en viktig mötesplats i lokalsamhällena. Genom kontextualiseringar och kritisk forskningshistorik skapas en delvis ny bild av deThe thesis discusses Medieval Scandinavian art, in particular church doors and portals from 12th and 13th century Sweden and Norway. The entrance of the church was a demarcation of holiness, but also a meeting place for the local communities, where otherwise secular activities could be legitimatized by the ecclesiastical context. This makes the doors and portals of special interest for the study o

High-spin Shell-model States in the Isotope 90Tc

High spin states in the nucleus Tc-90 have been identified for the first time via the fusion evaporation reaction (Ni(Ar,3pn)Tc)-Ni-58-Ar-36-Tc-90, at 149 MeV beam energy. The OSIRIS spectrometer with an additional high purity Ge detector at 162-degrees and several particle detectors were used to measure gammagamma and particle-gammagamma coincidences, directional correlations of oriented states (

Multisjuklighet och polyfarmaci bland äldre

The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of co-morbidity and polypharmacy among elderly, and how these variables were associated with the need of help with activities in daily living. The study revealed that co-morbidity and polypharmacy were common, and that both variables were significantly correlated with personal activities in daily living as well as to instrumental activities i

Lågdos-DT bättre än vanlig röntgen vid diagnostik av rinosinuit. Bör vara förstahandsval

Lågdos-DT (datortomografi) av näsans bihålor vid rinosinuit ger en god visualisering av samtliga näsans bihålor, även av etmoidal-, sfenoidal- och frontalsinus, där konventionell röntgenundersökning är förenad med stor osäkerhet. Lågdos-DT ger värdefull tilläggsinformation om både anatomi och patologiska förändringar, som inte kan erhållas med konventionell röntgenundersökning. Stråldosen till pat

Self-organized dynamics in spatially structured populations

Self-organization and pattern formation represent the emergence of order in temporal and spatial processes. Self-organization in population ecology is gaining attention due to the recent advances concerning temporal fluctuations in the population size of dispersal-linked subunits. We shall report that spatially structured models of population renewal promote the emergence of a complex power law or

Absolute cerebral blood flow measured by dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI: a direct comparison with Xe-133 SPECT

Absolute regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) was measured in ten healthy volunteers, using both dynamic susceptibility-contrast (DSC) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and Xe-133 SPECT within 4 h. After i.v. injection of Gd-DTPA-BMA (0.3 mmol/kg b.w.), the bolus was monitored with a Simultaneous Dual FLASH pulse sequence (1.5 s/image), providing one slice through brain tissue and a second slice thro

A second mutant allele (V199I) at the PRKAG3 (RN) locus - I. Effect on technological meat quality of pork loin

The effect of three alleles (RN-, rn(+) and a second mutant allele V1991, denoted rn*) at the PRKAG3 (RN) locus on such meat quality traits as pH, internal reflectance (FOP), Warner-Bratzler shear force, water-holding capacity and cooking loss were studied. M. longissimus dorsi (LD) from a total of 334 crossbreed pigs, entire males and females, Hampshire (H) and Finnish Landrace (L) of three combi

Applying sampling to improve software inspections

The main objective of software inspections is to find faults in software documents. The benefits of inspections are reported from researchers as well as software organizations. However, inspections are time consuming and the resources may not be sufficient to inspect all documents. Sampling of documents in inspections provides a systematic solution to select what to be inspected in the case resour

Medical risk factors in diabetic patients with foot ulcers and severe peripheral vascular disease and their influence on outcome

The association between medical risk factors and the outcome of foot ulcers was evaluated in 208 consecutive diabetic patients with severe peripheral vascular disease (systolic toe blood pressure < or = 45 mm Hg). All patients were treated and followed by the same foot care team. Eighty patients healed primarily, 83 healed after a minor or major amputation, and 45 died. The systolic toe blood pres