

Din sökning på "*" gav 538833 sökträffar

Grundämnessammansättning i olika partikelstorleksfraktioner av den atmosfäriska aerosolen

Beskrivning ges av analysteknik (protoninducerad röntgenstrålning), provtagningsteknik (kaskadimpaktor av Battelle-typ) och provberedningsteknik. Utfört arbete i form av provbehandlingsförbättringar, konstruktion och förbättring av provtagare, bestämning av lämpliga analysparametrar samt uppbyggnad av ett dataprogramsystem presenteras. Sammanställning av resultat i form av beräknade medelvärden i

Managing overflow in affluent societies

Abstract in Undetermined“It is simply too much” is a common complaint of the modern age. This book looks at how people and institutions deal with overflow - of information, consumption or choices. The essays explore the ways in which notions of overflow – framed in terms of excess and abundance or their implicit opposites, scarcity and dearth – crop up in a number of contexts such as sociological

Event-Based Response Time Estimation

Response time is a measure of quality of service in com- puter systems. Estimation techniques, suitable for support systems for mobile phone systems, are explored. These sys- tems are complex queueing systems with large databases. The trac generated by users and system adminstrators changes rapidly, some loads can be measured other cannot. Attempts to capture all details give models that are not s

Borgar i Skåne

In Skåne there are 167 casles and castle sites. 40 of these sites are described in the book. The intoduction charpter gives a broad view of the danish castle developement from Viking age to renaissance.

Subcortical stroke

Subcortical Stroke is a new and fully revised edition of Lancunar and Other Subcortical Infractions(OUP, 1995). Stroke is one of the most common causes of death and subcortical stroke accounts for 20-30% of all cerebrovascular infarcts. Our understanding of stroke processes in general, and subcortical stroke in particular, has advanced considerably in recent years. Research findings from the field

On the etiology and pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus with special reference to environmental factors

Popular Abstract in Swedish Systemisk lupus erythematosus (SLE) är en autoimmun reumatisk systemsjukdom som drabbar flera av kroppens olika organsystem, såsom rörelseapparat, hud och inre organ. Vidare ses en mångfald störningar i kroppens immunsystem. Sjukdomen drabbar oftast kvinnor. Vad som orsakar SLE är ännu så länge ofullständigt klarlagt, men man vet att yttre faktorer (miljöfaktorer) samveSystemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a complex autoimmune disease in which environmental factors interact with genetic factors in the development of the disease process and evolution of clinical manifestations. In this thesis both exogenous factors and host factors were investigated, as well as important immunopathological aspects including involvement of immune complex (IC), the complement syste

Advanced Technology Paths to Intergenerational Justice

Traditionally, the green narrative has rejected “big science” in favour of small-scale solutions, local knowledge, and the development of “soft” or “intermediate” technologies. In a similar vein, concern for future generations is often used to propose dramatic reductions in energy- and material flows, as well as the adoption of a more frugal lifestyle thought to be “sustainable”. Contrary to this

The appropriateness of colonoscopy: a multi-center, international, observational study

Objective. To examine the appropriateness and necessity of colonoscopy across Europe. Design. Prospective observational study. Setting. A total of 21 gastrointestinal centers from 11 countries. Participants. Consecutive patients referred for colonoscopy at each center. Intervention. Appropriateness criteria developed by the European Panel on the Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, u

Changes in plant community diversity and management effects in semi-natural meadows in southern Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bruket av slåtterängar som fodermarker har mycket gamla anor i Sverige. Slåtterängar karaktäriseras av att huvuddelen av de arter som växer här har inhemskt ursprung. De uppkom när människorna blev bofasta och klimatet så kallt att kreaturen behövde stallas under vintern (tidig Järnålder) och man därmed behövde vinterfoder till djuren. Idag är ängen en hotad biotop efteThe objectives of this thesis were to: 1) survey the vegetation in semi-natural meadows in south-central Sweden, 2) discern meadow vegetation changes in eight semi-permanent plots between studies performed in the 1960s and in 1990, 3) experimentally investigate the effects of variations in management intensity in one dry and one mesic meadow, 4) experimentally investigate the effects of different