

Din sökning på "*" gav 539590 sökträffar

Grain legume-cereal intercropping enhances the use of soil-derived and biologically fixed nitrogen in temperate agroecosystems. A meta-analysis

Grain legumes are known for their benefits to deliver ecosystem services on provisioning of protein-rich food and feed, reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the symbiotic nitrogen fixation function and diversification of cropping systems. Intercropping is an agroecological practice in which two or more crop species are grown simultaneously in the same field, thereby maximizing the use of reso

We do it our way – small scale farms in business model transformation for sustainability

Value creation is at the core of business model (BM) research, but the link between BM and value creation remains unclear. In this work, empirical data on BM transformation towards sustainable value creation in the agri-food sector, were obtained through case studies. Factors in BM transformation were identified, transformations in different BM segments were analysed and sustainable value created

Amyloid formation as a protein phase transition

The formation of amyloid fibrils is a general class of protein self-assembly behaviour, which is associated with both functional biology and the development of a number of disorders, such as Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases. In this Review, we discuss how general physical concepts from the study of phase transitions can be used to illuminate the fundamental mechanisms of amyloid self-assembly. We

Continuous-Discrete von Mises-Fisher Filtering on S2 for Reference Vector Tracking

This paper is concerned with tracking of reference vectors in the continuous-discrete-time setting. For this end, an Itô stochastic differential equation, using the gyroscope as input, is formulated that explicitly accounts for the geometry of the problem. The filtering problem is solved by restricting the prediction and filtering distributions to the von Mises-Fisher class, resulting in ordinary

Reglering av AI: för lite för sent, eller för mycket för tidigt? : En rapport om generativ AI och den europeiska AI-förordningen

Vi befinner oss i en formativ period gällande AI-reglering där de beslut som tas kommer att ha stor påverkan för en väsentlig tid framåt, globalt, i Europa såväl som i Sverige. Syftet med den här rapporten är att analysera processen med framtagandet av den europeiska AI-förordningen, dvs. placera in AI-regleringsaspekter i ett bredare perspektiv. Det görs genom att belysa rättsliga utmaningar kopp

Iterated Extended Kalman Smoother-Based Variable Splitting for L1-Regularized State Estimation

In this paper, we propose a new framework for solving state estimation problems with an additional sparsity-promoting $L-1$-regularizer term. We first formulate such problems as minimization of the sum of linear or nonlinear quadratic error terms and an extra regularizer, and then present novel algorithms which solve the linear and nonlinear cases. The methods are based on a combination of the ite

Gaussian Process Classification Using Posterior Linearization

This letter proposes a new algorithm for Gaussian process classification based on posterior linearization (PL). In PL, a Gaussian approximation to the posterior density is obtained iteratively using the best possible linearization of the conditional mean of the labels and accounting for the linearization error. PL has some theoretical advantages over expectation propagation (EP): all calculated co

Behövs licens för livsmedelssäkerhet - En fallstudie om behovet av livsmedelslicens inom restaurangbranschen

Misstänkta matförgiftningar uppskattas uppgå till 500 000 fall per år i Sverige, trots tillgängliga utbildningar inom livsmedelssäkerhet, tätare livsmedelskontroll från myndigheten, och skärpta lagar och regler (Norling, 1994). Sedan 1990-talet har det förts diskussioner om att införa ett "obligatoriskt matkörkort" för att förbättra situationen. Men någon sådan licens finns inte idag. LiDespite available training in food safety, regular inspections from the authorities and strict laws and regulations, the number of suspected food poisoning is estimated at 500,000 cases per year in Sweden (Norling, 1994). Since the 1990s, there have been discussions about introducing a "mandatory food driver's license" to improve food safety in Sweden. But no such license exists toda

A possible 5 km wide impact structure with associated 22 km wide exterior collapse terrain in the Alhabia–Tabernas Basin, southeastern Spain

The Tabernas–Alhabia Basin is a structural depression situated in the province of Almería, southeastern Spain. The basin is filled with Neogene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene sediments resting discordantly on a Paleozoic metamorphic basement. During the marine Tortonian sedimentation, a bed of breccia (Gordo megabed) was formed. It consists of rotated sedimentary megablocks commonly capped and/or surr

Toeplitz determinants with a one-cut regular potential and Fisher-Hartwig singularities I. Equilibrium measure supported on the unit circle

We consider Toeplitz determinants whose symbol has: (i) a one-cut regular potential, (ii) Fisher-Hartwig singularities and (iii) a smooth function in the background. The potential is associated with an equilibrium measure that is assumed to be supported on the whole unit circle. For constant potentials, the equilibrium measure is the uniform measure on the unit circle and our formulas reduce to we

Light-Induced Metastable Hidden Skyrmion Phase in the Mott Insulator Cu2OSeO3

The discovery of a novel long-lived metastable skyrmion phase in the multiferroic insulator Cu2OSeO3 visualized with Lorentz transmission electron microscopy for magnetic fields below the equilibrium skyrmion pocket is reported. This phase can be accessed by exciting the sample non-adiabatically with near-infrared femtosecond laser pulses and cannot be reached by any conventional field-cooling pro

Distriktssköterskans erfarenheter av att ge symtomlindring till den äldre patienten vid palliativ vård i livets slutskede i ordinärt boende - en kvalitativ intervjustudie.

I Sverige ökar andelen äldre som är i behov av vård i livets slutskede i det egna hemmet. Multisjuklighet och livshotande diagnoser kan försvåra dödsprocessen, vilket i sin tur förutsätter att distriktssköterskan besitter förmågan att skyndsamt identifiera besvärande symtom och åtgärda dem. Den palliativa vården förespråkar ett holistiskt perspektiv där patientens fysiska, psykiska, sociala och ex

Trajectories of immune-related serum proteins and quality of life in patients with pancreatic and other periampullary cancer : the CHAMP study

BACKGROUND: There is still a profound lack of efficient therapeutic strategies against pancreatic and other periampullary adenocarcinoma. Surgery is seldom possible, leaving palliative chemotherapy the only option for most patients. Chemotherapy treatment is however often accompanied by serious side-effects, and the identification of biomarkers for early prediction of disease and treatment-associa

Collaboration avenues and structures within local climate adaptation governance - The case of local climate adaptation governance in Sweden

Climate change adaptation is essential to future-proof societies around the world. It is a cross-sectorial undertaking which requires collaboration, structure, long-term planning, and resources. Sweden has placed highly in international indices ranking climate work, yet scholars have recently argued that Sweden’s approach to climate questions, especially adaptation, is fragmented. This thesis furt

Det hälsofrämjande folkbiblioteket : en fallstudie av Göteborgs bibliotek och kulturhus hälsofrämjande arbete inom området psykisk hälsa

In 2021, the public libraries and cultural centers of Gothenburg received initiated a project named “The Healing Force of Literature” (Litteraturens läkande kraft), aimed at promoting mental health among young adults through library programming. It included educating library workers on the topic of mental health, as well as methods of bibliotherapy and shared reading. Such health promotional activ

Institutional Quality, Trust, and Stock Market Participation: Learning to Forget

We explore the relations among institutional quality, households’ level of trust, and stock market participation. We find that institutional quality has a significant impact on both trust and participation. The individual level of trust significantly affects participation, but trust plays a small role in the effect of institutional quality on participation. Further, we demonstrate that immigrants