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Tourist Itineraries, Spatial Management, and Hidden Temples: The Revival of Religious Sites in a Water Town,” in Tim Oakes and Donald Sutton
Large antenna array and propagation environment interaction
In conventional MIMO, propagation conditions are often considered wide-sense stationary over the entire antenna array. In massive MIMO systems, where arrays can span over large physical dimensions, the situation is quite different. For instance, significant variations in signal strength, due to shadowing, can be experienced across a large array. These effects vary with propagation environment in w
Isolerad idyll och svart barndom: Mari Jungstedt (1962-)
Att bygga broar eller att stå på andra sidan
Expected Life-Time Utility and Hedging Demands in a Partially Observable Economy
Roots and Routes : Life stories of exiled Hungarian women in Sweden
Popular Abstract in English How do people shape a life in exile? What does nation or homeland mean in such a life situation, and how is the inevitable social and moral turbulence – embedded in the migrant’s biography – employed and interpreted by the migrant herself? This study addresses these issues through an imaginative analysis of five life stories as presented by Hungarian women living in SwThis dissertation analyses the narrated life stories of Swedish Hungarian women, sharing the numerous values and experiences of Hungarian exiles. With the help of interview transcripts of five women from the first generation of Hungarians living in exile in southern Sweden, the study presents seldom-discussed angles of ascertained membership in the Hungarian nation, moving beyond traditional defin
Söt reklam och feta ungar
Modets natur
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Tin in the Aegean Bronze Age
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The Shape Transition of Block Copolymer/Nonionic Surfactant Complexes
New results from the campaigns of 2003-2006 in Casa di Caecilio Iucundus (V 1,22-27)
Företagsekonomi 100
Den skånska regionen i tid och rum : högtidstal hållet vid Skånska Akademiens 20 års jubileum 17/3 2001
När det personliga blev politiskt: 1970-talets kvinnliga bekännelse och självbiografi
I avhandlingen redogörs för hur den så kallade kvinnolitteraturen växte fram på 1970-talet i samklang med den nya kvinnorörelsen. Av central betydelse är mottagandet av denna litteratur och hur den samspelar med tidens politiserade med även misogyna offentlighet. Fokus är Kerstin Thorvalls författarskap, Kerstin Strandbergs, Kerstin Bergströms, Sun Axelssons och Åsa Nelvins.