Sören Norby och Östersjöpolitiken 1523-1525
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Study design: Prospective case series. Objective: To evaluate the effect of three repetitive transforaminal steroid injections in a large series of selected patients with cervical radiculopathy caused by spondylosis. Methods: Consecutively, 140 patients with long-lasting medical history, clinical findings, and MRI indicating a cervical nerve root origin based on degenerative disease and a positive
This dissertation presents cryptanalysis of several symmetric lightweight primitives, both stream ciphers and block ciphers. Further, some aspects of authentication in combination with a keystream generator is investigated, and a new member of the Grain family of stream ciphers, Grain-128a, with built-in support for authentication is presented. The first contribution is an investigation of how au
Om skillnaden mellan historia som vetenskap och historia på film.
This article discusses the post-war star image of Zarah Leander as a gay icon.
Popular Abstract in Swedish De fyra essäerna i Sickness Insurance: Design and Behavior studerar sjukförsäkringens utformning ur både ett empiriskt och ett teoretiskt perspektiv. Den första essän bygger på en enkätstudie och innehåller två delar. I den första delen undersöks människors preferenser för olika utformningar av sjukförsäkringen, där de olika utformningarna förväntas ge ungefär samma kosThe first essay presents the results from a questionnaire study of sickness insurance and sickness absence behavior in Sweden. In the first part, people’s preferences for the design of a sickness insurance are discussed. Three combinations of qualifying days and compensation rates, with approximately the same costs within the insurance system, are compared. From the questionnaire it is concluded t
Many adverse events occur due to poor communication between surgical and anesthesia unit personnel. The aim of this study was to identify strategies to reduce risks unveiled by a national survey on patient safety.
OBJECTIVE: To compare umbilical and uterine artery Doppler in predicting outcome of pregnancies suspected of fetal growth restriction (FGR). DESIGN: A prospective study included 353 singleton pregnancies complicated by an FGR fetus. SETTING: University Hospital setting. SAMPLE: Pregnancies suspected of FGR diagnosed by ultrasound fetal biometry during a 5-year period. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Perinat
During ageing, total testosterone (TT) declines and SHBG increases, resulting in a greater decrease in calculated free testosterone (cFT). Currently, guidelines suggest using TT to diagnose androgen deficiency and to reserve cFT only for men with borderline TT.
The present study examines the team climate for innovation in work teams within a newly merged organization. Four teams working at a regional head office of a Social Insurance organization answered the Team Climate Inventory. The results were compared to those of a study by Agrell and Gustafson of more stable teams. The compareson showed that parti¬cipative safety and support for innovation were r
By measuring the currents associated with the streamer discharge along silicone rubber surfaces, parameters of streamer propagation such as the minimum field of streamer crossing, the field of stable streamer propagation, the mean velocity and the streamer charge distribution have been analyzed and compared to the streamer discharge in air alone. Clear differences were observed in the measured cur
OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this study was to examine how a group of Swedish teachers rate aspects of their working environment that can be presumed to have an impact on vocal behavior and voice problems. The secondary objective was to explore the prevalence of voice problems in Swedish teachers. METHOD: Questionnaires were distributed to the teachers of 23 randomized schools. Teaching st
The present review discusses two types of biological rhythms, namely, circadian rhythms and circannual rhythms. Humans possess a circadian rhythm of approximately 24 hours, which is regulated by neural and hormonal processes. The synchronisation of this rhythm with the solar day and night is maintained through entrainment mainly by light. Dark environments completely lacking windows may have a neg
Essä om upplevelsen av att ständigt vara kontrollerad och om dokusåpor.
Taking its starting point from a critical dialogue with feminist and postcolonial theory, this dissertation explores processes of othering in a feminist adult educational institution, Women’s Room, in Sweden. Women’s Room is a women-only school and half of the student body has a migrant background. The project is an ethnographic study consisting of nine months of participant observations and inter