

Din sökning på "*" gav 533103 sökträffar

Studenters uppmärksamhet under föreläsningar

Föreläsningar är vanlig undervisningsform på Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH). Deras stora fördel är att information överförs ekonomiskt och effektivt till många studenter samtidigt men de har även sina begränsningar. Kritiker menar att information överförs till passivt mottagande studenter och att bristande uppmärksamhet och engagemang hos studenterna begränsar mängden kunskap som faktiskt tas emot.

Characterization and analysis of the astrometric errors in the global astrometric solution for Gaia

Popular Abstract in Uncoded languages [abstract language: Dutch] [Figure 5.1 can be found in the uploaded files] Populair wetenschappelijke samenvatting --- Van Hipparchus tot Gaia --- Sterrenkunde is waarschijnlijk één van de oudst bekende wetenschappen van de mensheid. Prehistorische culturen waren al gefascineerd door de manier waarop de sterren, planeten en kometen zich aan de hemel voortbewThe space astrometry mission Gaia, planned for launch in 2013 by the European Space Agency (ESA), will provide the most comprehensive and accurate catalogue of astrometric data for galactic and astrophysical research in the coming decades. It will observe roughly one billion stars, quasars and other point like objects for which the five astrometric parameters (position, parallax and proper motion)

Laboratory and stellar spectroscopy of the complex ions Fe+, Mo+, Th+ and U+

Popular Abstract in Swedish Större delen av den kunskap vi har om Universum får vi genom att undersöka det ljus som olika kosmiska objekt sänder ut. Det synliga ljuset från en stjärna består av kontinuerlig strålning (Planckstrålning) vars färg ger ett mått på temperaturen av stjärnans yta på samma sätt som färgen hos upphettade metallföremål. Vid en närmare undersökning av stjärnans spektrum kan The new generation of high resolution astronomical instruments such as the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) or the Very Large Telescope (VLT) has renewed the demand for accurate atomic parameters like wavelengths, oscillator strengths and line profiles accompanied by reliable uncertainty estimates. Fourier transform spectroscopy has proven to be a powerful tool when measuring these parameters. In this

Extracellular serine proteases as virulence factors in nematophagous fungi: Molecular characterization and functional analysis of the PII protease in Arthrobotrys oligospora

Nematophagous fungi are parasites of nematodes, thus they have been considered and tested for biological control of parasitic nematodes, but so far with limited success. Due to the fact that the nematode cuticle is composed of proteins it is likely that fungal extracellular proteases are involved in the infection of nematodes. I have isolated a gene (designated PII) encoding an extracellular cutic

Design as a linguistic activity

Design starts with a cognitive model and ends with a solution worked out in a way that fits into the human context of meaning which is socially decided. The bridge between the cognitive model and the final system, or thing, is a proper description that has to be possible to socially communicate. The necessary description part leads to the understanding that design, like sciences, is a kind of lear

Effects of created habitats on farmland biodiversity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stora förändringar har skett i jordbrukslandskapet under det senaste drygt halva århundradet. Ett allt intensivare jordbruk med krav på större skördar för att möta en allt större efterfrågan på livsmedel har satt sina spår. För att klara de högre kraven, men också som en följd av den teknologiska utvecklingen, så har jordbruket rationaliserats. Landskapet har strukturerAgricultural intensification has caused severe declines among biodiversity in European farmland over the last half century. The transformation of the agricultural landscape has led to reduced availability of key resources such as food, nesting habitat and shelter. In this thesis I have investigated a way of ameliorating the negative effects of agricultural intensification, through the creation of

Ur kyrkofädernas brev

An anthology of letters from church fathers and their Christian contemporaries, third to sixth centuries. Translated in full from the original Latin and Greek into Swedish.

Vandalism as a Symbolic Act in Free Zones

The concept of vandalism is analyzed as a symbolic act. An analysis of vandalism from a situational-positivistic, or a motivational-psychological, approach hardly gives an understanding of vandalism as a meaningful individual and social act. A humanistic and cultural perspective can supply ways to understand a nonprescribed behavior such as vandalism. The original meaning of vandalism is plunderin