

Din sökning på "*" gav 533162 sökträffar

Klimat och Konsumtion. Tre fallstudier kring styrmedel och konsumentbeteende.

I varje samhälle har konsumenter en avgörande roll för att klimatanpassade varor och tjänster köps, används och till sist källsorteras. En alldeles övervägande andel svenskar har under flera decennier visat sig vara i hög grad miljömedvetna. Klimatförändringar såsom global uppvärmning och ett växande ozonhål har varit bland de aspekter på klimatförändringar man oroat sig mest för. Kunskap om miljö

Finance-specific Factors as Drivers of Cross-border Investment - An OLI perspective

In this paper we empirically test the role of firm-specific financial characteristics as drivers of international investment and production. We hypothesize that financial strength generates advantages that can be exploited through cross-border investment activity. The hypothesis is tested in a series of binary-response models, using a sample of 1379 European non-financial firms’ international acqu

Cygnet or ugly duckling – what makes the difference? A tale of heat-pump market developments in Sweden

Who can pick a winner? Since 1974, various types of targeted support have at different times been directed at the development of the heat pump market in Sweden – which in the following decades oscillated violently between soaring sales and collapse. Eventually, however, small heat pumps for space heating of residential buildings have in recent years securely established themselves as a mature and

Motivating factors towards willingness to contribute in collaborative tasks: A crisis cooperation perspective

The interaction among various stakeholder organizations in modern crisis response is very similar to negotiation where each organization has its own goal in addition to a common goal. Decision makers in stakeholder organizations most often have to settle for win-win situations to attain higher joint benefit. In such cases willingness to contribute in joint tasks becomes a prerequisite. In our pres

Sex allocation in Savi’s Warblers Locustella luscinioides: multiple factors affect seasonal trends in brood sex ratios.

Sex allocation theory predicts that whenever the relative fitness of sons and daughters differ, females should invest more in the sex with the greatest fitness return. In this study, we evaluated the influence of various ecological factors on the brood sex ratio (BSR) of Savi’s warblers (Locustella luscinioides) across several breeding seasons. There was a slight but significant female production

Satellite remote sensing of primary production in semi-arid Africa

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ökningen av växthusgaser i atmosfären har orsakat en global temperaturhöjning. Afrika anses vara en av de kontinenter som kan komma att bli mest utsatta av effekterna kring ökande temperaturer med mer frekventa torkor som följd. Satellitdata ger oss möjligheten att uppskatta biomassa över stora områden vilket i sin tur kan leda till att öka vår förståelse kring hur utbyWith the challenges Africa faces with respect to the predicted warming due to climate change, the continents role in the global carbon cycle has been increasingly recognized. Earth observing satellites have played a significant role in the study of vegetation, particularly in Africa where climate stations are sparse. Satellite data can provide the means to map plant primary production for monitori