

Din sökning på "*" gav 527408 sökträffar

The Greek Tragedy - En studie om Greklands korruption i europeisk press under Greklandskrisen

Inledningen av Eurokrisen var dramatisk på många sätt. När Greklands egentliga ekonomiska situation uppdagades blev relationen till övriga euroländer ansträngda. Solidariteten inom Unionen var nu under prövning, något som inte minst reflekterades i media. Europeisk nyhetsrapportering började alltmer fokusera på den korruption som fanns inom landet och hur detta varit en bidragande orsak till krise

EU och medborgarna - En studie om politisk kommunikation och legitimitet

Valdeltagandet i Europaparlamentsvalen ligger ständigt långt under de siffror som uppmäts till riksdagen. Samtidigt minskar antalet svenska journalister i Bryssel och därmed också bevakningen av EU, den institution som ligger till grund för en majoritet av våra lagar. Utifrån en enkätundersökning på Lunds universitete och intervjuer med såväl Europaparlamentariker som en tjänsteman på näringsdepar

En insats för fred - En fallstudie av fredsbevarande insatser i Demokratiska Republiken Kongo

Demokratiska Republiken Kongo är ett land med en synnerligen blodig historia med upprepade övergrepp, krig och interna etniska motsättningar. Det senaste kriget där både interna och externa aktörer stred är formellt avslutat sedan 2003 men väpnade konflikter pågår fortfarande i delar av landet. Över fem miljoner människor beräknas hittills ha omkommit och miljontals lever som internflyktingar. Båd

Romers rätt till utbildning : en jämförande studie av skolverkets rapporter

The purpose of this essay is to research the Roma People’s present education situation in Sweden. The research is based on a comparison of two reports from the Swedish Education Administration. These two reports focus on the Roma students high absence from school, because this is one if the major reasons why Roma students does not finish primary school. The harassment of the Roma People through t

EU som sekundär rättighetsgivare : en studie av EUs handelspolicy med fokus på socioekonomiskt ansvar för länder i utveckling

The European Union is a major global political actor both in fields of trade as well as that of human rights. While the union is engaged in holding their members responsible for human rights abuses and reducing world poverty through aid and beneficial trade, its trade policy is often subject to criticism. Such critique serves as a valuable gate opener to relevant trade policy documents for this es

Riskanalys av vätgas- och vätgasfabriken vid Ringhals

The report is a risk analysis of the hydrogen production plant at Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant, Sweden. The report also discusses potential hazards from the handling and storage of hydrogen gas. Principles of hydrogen gas detection and sensor technology are presented. A HAZOP-analysis of the plant is carried out, and recommendations of improvements based on the results of the analysis are made. Co

Fullskaleförsök av brand i ett rum med boendesprinkler

A serie of ten full scale fire scenerios has been analysed in a compartment with and without residentiual sprinkler. The production of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxygen was measered in two different heights in the compartment during the tests. (Swedish)

Släckvattenflödesmätning i Ågesta brandövningshus

A waterflow measurement device has been developed with which it will be possible to simultaeously study both amount of water applied and its effect temperature, during firefighting in an firetraining house. Major part of the applied water is used to cool the surface of the non-flaming fuel. Short showers with the nozzle does not seem to be as effective as the longer showers, regarding both time to

Ett förslag till modell för att mäta kvalitet på brandskydd vid brandsyn

The aim of this project was to develop a model that can be used during fire inspections to measure the quality of the fire safety in a building. The model was created by using method for Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM). Ten factors were identified, each of them contributing to the total fire safety in a building. Each factor was given a weight to specifiy its importance to the fire safet

Riskanalys av AB Elektrokoppar

This report performs a risk analysis of AB Elektrokoppar in Helsingborg with consequence analysis of a few hazards. Theoretical background about risk analysis is given by IEC standards.

Självantändning av arkoffsettryckfärger i kombination med bärare

The purpose of this report is to evaluate spontaneous combustion of two vegetable binders, linseed oil and tung oil. Binders with driers are common in sheet-fed offset inks. The methods used are literature research and experimental studies. The experimental study is divided in two parts, experiments in a preheated cupeling furnace, and experiments with differential scanning calorimetry-apparatus.

Riskanalys av Trelleborgs hamn och rangerbangård

This report is a risk analysis of the harbour area in Trelleborg, Sweden. The purpose is to provide basic data for decision- making concerning the harbour neighbourhood. The conclusions are based on calculations and computer simulations concerning the chemical spread in case of an incident.

Brandteknisk riskanalys av Kungsbacka trästad

The report presents a quantitative riskanalysis of historical wooden buildings in Kungsbacka, Sweden. The risk is shown as the expected cost per year for the insurance companies. Five firesafety strategies are analysed using the same method. These are systematic firesafety work, systematic firesafety work with education of the occupants in the buildings, smokedetectors and fireextinguisher, automa

Riskanalys på Svenska lantmännens anläggning i Helsingborg

This report is a risk analysis of Svenska lantmännen in Helsingborg, Sweden. In the analysis probabilities is appraised with event trees and consequences is described in economic terms. The report also contains a chapter in which suitable means to fight fires in silos is examined.

Evakuering genom rök

The objective of this work was to examine the evacuation process in a smokefilled environment. In a series of six experiments, eight subjects (in each experiment), were instructed to walk through a smoke filled room. The time and the smoke density were measured and the subjects comments were collected. Geometry, lighting and smoke density was varied during the experiments. The smoke was of a non-i

Sprinkler för personskydd

The report puts together existing experiences about residential sprinkler on issues as its ability to save lives in a fire, its reliability in activation and reasons for failure of fulfilling these tasks. The project also conducts a series of tests with activation of sprinkler in a room with a fire in order to record and evaluate the environment in the room after the sprinkler activated and compar

Jämförande analys av förebyggande metoder för skogsbränder

This report contains an analysis of the work conducted by the Swedish local authorities regarding the prevention of wild land fires. The results shows that information and prohibiting of lighting fires outdoor are effective methods to reduce the number of wild land fires provided that the guide lines issued from the Swedish Rescue Services Agency (SRV) are followed. Furthermore, the web applicatio