Din sökning på "*" gav 534977 sökträffar
Female led sustainability in the UAE
Gendered and Sexualized Violence in Colonial Vietnam
En case study om våld och humanitära insatser i DR Kongo
The Life of Sacred Texts: Ritual Production and Migration of Scriptures in World Religion
The Spirit in the World: Emerging Pentecostal Theologies in Global Contexts
Critical motions in Euclidean structure from motion
Quality Assessment of the Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation at Utrecht University
Atomistic tensile and bending simulations of BCC-Iron nanowires and nanobeams
The Staff’s View on Dementia and the Care in three Cultures – a Qualitative Study in France, Portugal and Sweden
Abstract in UndeterminedThis article discusses the staff’s view on dementia and its impact on the care delivered arising outof a qualitative comparative study focusing on long-term care of older people in France, Portugaland Sweden. The aim was to explore the staff’s view on the illness dementia; on older peoplesuffering from dementia; the care provided and the impact of various views on the care.
Coherence among prosodic phrases.
This paper deals with the quality aspects of e-learning courseware as seen by different quality stakeholders. In 2011, researchers and practitioners from more than 12 countries joined an initiative called “epprobate” with the aim of building a consensus on how to create a quality label and related consultative services for those who wish to enhance the educational value of their e-learning coursew
Sweden’s national system of innovation.
Internkommunikation - inte bara en fråga om effektiv informationsspridning
Multiple View Geometry and the L-infinity Norm
Wind turbine noise propagation over flat ground – measurements and predictions
Protein aggregation and unfolding studied using an all-atom model with a simplified energy function
Sker det fortsatt en kompetensutveckling i industriarbete - I såfall för vem?
Kommentar till Rådets förordning (EEG) nr 2658/87 av den 23 juli 1987 om tulltaxe- och statistiknomenklaturen och om Gemensamma tulltaxan
Drottning Kristinas självbilder
Kristinas självbild präglades av föreställningen "theatrum mundi", hennes jaguppfattning kan karakteriseras som ett rollspel. I artikeln klargörs de olika litterära mönster hon hade för själporträtten i självbiografi, bl a Plutarkos Alexanderbiografi