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Hyperfine induced interference effects in the 4s4d D-3(2)-4s4f F-3(2,3) transitions in GaII

We report relativistic multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculations of transitions between the hyperfine levels of 4s4f F-3(2,3) and 4s4d D-3(2) in Ga II. The capacity of two newly developed programs connected to the grasp VU package for generating synthetic spectra is explored. The obtained theoretical spectra are compared to Fourier transform spectra and good agreement is found. The import

Utvärdering av halonersättningsmedlen Halotron II och FM-200

Under hösten 1993 har vi på uppdrag av FortF utfort rapporten "Utvärdering av halonersättningsmedlen Halotron II och FM-200". Rapporten har utarbetats vid Institutionen för Brandteknik, Lunds Universitet under ledning av doc Göran Holmstedt. Syftet med rapporten är att den skall fungera som en vägledning vid val av ersättningsmedel till Halon 1301. Vi har bl a behandlat de parametrar som är väsent

Use of unicompartmental instead of tricompartmental prostheses for unicompartmental arthrosis in the knee is a cost-effective alternative. 15,437 primary tricompartmental prostheses were compared with 10,624 primary medial or lateral unicompartmental prostheses

Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) is known to have a higher risk of revision than tricompartmental arthroplasty (TKA), while UKA implants are generally less expensive than TKA implants. We estimated the costs of implants and hospital stay of both procedures and related the cost difference at primary operation to the difference in number of revisions to be expected. We compared 15,437 primar

Euroquest: the validity of a new symptom questionnaire

The new questionnaire Euroquest was designed to study effects from exposure to organic solvents, and it covers the most commonly reported symptoms associated with long-term solvent exposure. Its convergence and criterion validity were evaluated by means of comparison with the two well-established generic symptom questionnaires Symptom Checklist (SCL-90) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30). M

Modulation of postendocytic sorting of G-protein coupled receptors

Recycling of the mu opioid receptor to the plasma membrane after endocytosis promotes rapid resensitization of signal transduction, whereas targeting of the delta opioid receptor (DOR) to lysosomes causes proteolytic down-regulation. We identified a protein that binds preferentially to the cytoplasmic tail of the DOR as a candidate heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein (G protein)-coupled receptor-as

Ubi est unitas? : The Latin Letters from Johannes Annorelius, a Swedish Catholic Convert, to his Brother. A Critical Edition with an Introduction

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen utgörs av en kritisk edition av Johannes Annorelius? latinska brev till brodern Julius (G3, Uppsala universitetsbibliotek). I början av 1700-talet lämnade Johannes Annorelius Uppsala och blev katolik och kapucinmunk i Flandern. Från klostret skrev han många, långa brev på franska och latin till sin lutherske bror i Sverige. I breven förklarar han varför hanThis book presents a critical edition of the Latin letters in ms. G3 (Uppsala University Library) from Johannes Annorelius to his brother. Johannes Annorelius left Sweden as a young student in the beginning of the 18th century and settled down in Flanders, where he converted to the Catholic faith and became a Capuchin friar. In the Capuchin friary Annorelius wrote several extensive letters in Fren

Changes of bone mineral mass and soft tissue composition after hip fracture

The aim of this prospective longitudinal study was to measure prospectively the bone mineral density (BMD) and anthropometric variables after a hip fracture. In particular, we studied changes in the BMD in both the injured and uninjured hips, and examined if the postoperative mortality rate and complications, including pseudarthrosis of the fracture and late segmental collapse of the head of the f

Lamellar miscibility gap in a binary catanionic surfactant-water system

The coexistence of two lamellar liquid-crystalline phases in equilibrium for binary surfactant-water systems is a rare and still puzzling phenomenon. In the few binary systems where it has been demonstrated experimentally, the surfactant is invariably ionic and the miscibility gap is thought to stem from a subtle balance between attractive and repulsive interbilayer forces. In this paper, we repor