

Din sökning på "*" gav 528046 sökträffar

Hard X-ray wavefront correction via refractive phase plates made by additive and subtractive fabrication techniques

Modern subtractive and additive manufacturing techniques present new avenues for X-ray optics with complex shapes and patterns. Refractive phase plates acting as glasses for X-ray optics have been fabricated, and spherical aberration in refractive X-ray lenses made from beryllium has been successfully corrected. A diamond phase plate made by femtosecond laser ablation was found to improve the Stre

A pixel level evaluation of five multitemporal global gridded population datasets : a case study in Sweden, 1990–2015

Human activity is a major driver of change and has contributed to many of the challenges we face today. Detailed information about human population distribution is fundamental and use of freely available, high-resolution, gridded datasets on global population as a source of such information is increasing. However, there is little research to guide users in dataset choice. This study evaluates five

Ecological, biophysical and production effects of incorporating rest into grazing regimes : A global meta-analysis

Grazing can have considerable ecological impacts when managed inappropriately, however livestock production is a significant contributor to global food security and the removal of land from production is not always a viable option. Grazing management practices that incorporate periods of planned rest (i.e. strategic-rest grazing) may be an alternative to grazing exclusion or continuous grazing tha

Complementor competitive advantage: A framework for strategic decisions

Platform ecosystems include complementary product markets that are creating unprecedented business oppor-tunities. Competition within complementary product markets is increasingly intense and fast-changing, and this leads to increased complexity in designing strategies to gain competitive advantage. Prior literature has exten-sively analyzed the key drivers of platform adoption by end users. Recen

Sustainable solutions to mitigate occupational heat strain - an umbrella review of physiological effects and global health perspectives

BACKGROUND: Climate change is set to exacerbate occupational heat strain, the combined effect of environmental and internal heat stress on the body, threatening human health and wellbeing. Therefore, identifying effective, affordable, feasible and sustainable solutions to mitigate the negative effects on worker health and productivity, is an increasingly urgent need. OBJECTIVES: To systematically

Future climate resilience through informed decision making in retrofitting projects

High energy use for space conditioning in residential buildings is a significant economic factor for owners and tenants, but also contributes to resource depletion and carbon emissions due to energy generation. Many existing dwellings should thus be retrofitted in order to fulfil the ambitious EU carbon emission mitigation goals by 2050. To investigate how future climate resilience can be implemen

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, hexyl hexanoate, CAS Registry Number 6378-65-0

The existing information supports the use of this material as described in this safety assessment. Hexyl hexanoate was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity/photoallergenicity, skin sensitization, and environmental safety. Data from read-across analog hexyl isobutyrate (CAS # 2349-07-7) show that hexyl hexanoate is not

Health care utilisation among older people with Down syndrome compared to specific medical guidelines for health surveillance : a Swedish national register study

Background: Specific medical guidelines for health surveillance exist for people with Down syndrome (DS) since 25 years but knowledge of adherence to the guidelines is lacking. The guidelines were developed to avoid unnecessary suffering from preventable conditions. The aims of the study were to investigate 1) planned health care visits in relation to the co-morbidities described in specific medic

Combined two-phase co-flow and counter-flow in a gas channel/porous transport layer assembly

This paper considers a detailed numerical analysis of combined liquid-gas co-flow in a gas channel, with liquid-gas counter-flow in a porous transport layer, as is typically found on the cathode side of a polymer electrolyte fuel cell. The geometry is obtained by digital reconstruction of nano-computer tomography images. From this, the domain is tessellated with an unstructured castellated or octr

Microphase Separated Cation Conducting Polymers : Design, Synthesis, and Properties

Avhandlingen beskriver syntes och egenskaper hos fem stycken olika katjonledande polymersystem. Dessa system designades så att polymererna skulle kunna mikrofasseparera i distinkta faser med en fas för mekanisk styrka och en för jonledningsförmåga. Tre stycken studier inriktade på litiumjonledande polymer för batterier och två på protonledande polymermembran till bränsleceller är inkluderade i avhThis thesis describes the synthesis and properties of five different cation conducting polymer systems. These systems were designed so that the polymers would be able to microphase separate into distinct phases with one phase for mechanical strength and one for ionic conductivity. Three studies focused on lithium ion conducting polymers for batteries and two on proton exchange membranes for fuel c

An Integrated Thermal Sensor Array For Multianalyte determination demonstrated With Glucose, Urea And Penicillin

An integrated thermal biosensor array was designed and fabricated for the simultaneous determination of glucose, urea and penicillin. The sensor contains ten thin-film thermistors which were fabricated on quartz chip by micromachining and semiconductor technologies. This sensor allows to determine maximum five different analytes nearly simultaneously by serially dividing the single microchannel in

A Biosensing Strategy for Fast Profiling of Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance threatens global public health. Clinical methods that simplify and accelerate resistance diagnosis are urgently needed. Here we describe a function-based antibiotic resistance detection and classification strategy to improve diagnosis. The method identifies resistance enzymes by directly measuring the thermal signal generated when an antibiotic i enzymatically degraded. A sub

Prevalence and diversity of Chlamydiales and other amoeba-resisting bacteria in domestic drinking water systems

A growing number of human infections incriminate environmental bacteria that have evolved virulent mechanisms to resist amoebae and use them as a replicative niche. These bacteria are designated amoeba-resisting bacteria (ARB). Despite the isolation of these ARB in various human clinical samples, the possible source of infection remains undetermined in most cases. However, it is known that the ARB

Concluding comments : The reflective manager in action

This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the concepts covered in the preceding chapters of this book. The book argues that a vision can make explicit values and priorities in an organization. It elaborates on the use of strategic cost management and how it can be used, not solely but in connection with other more qualitative data. The book discusses performance management. It elaborates o

Sociodemographic factors and uncomplicated pyelonephritis in women aged 15-50 years : a nationwide Swedish cohort register study (1997-2018)

Objective: To study the relationship between sociodemographic factors and pyelonephritis. Methods: A nationwide open cohort study consisting of 2,052,873 women (76.2% Swedish-born) aged 15-50 years was conducted (1997-2018). The outcome was the first event of acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis diagnosed in primary healthcare settings in relation to the sociodemographic factors. Cox regression mode

Bridges, Walls, Doors : On Democracy and Nature

Begreppet grön demokrati har förts fram inom grön politisk teori som ett sätt att inkludera den naturliga världen i den politiska och på så vis komma förbi en föreställd mur som separerar människor och natur i moderniteten och ersätta den med en brygga mellan dem. Begreppet tänks också härbärgera kraften att omvandla samhället i hållbar riktning. I denna studie argumenteras att grön demokrati diskThe concept of green democracy has been advanced in green political theory as a way to include the natural world in the political and, by that, overcome an alleged wall, a fundamental disunity, separating humans and nature in modernity and substitute it with a unity of identity that would bridge the gap between them. It has also been vested with the coupled power to transform society in a sustaina

Multimodal ex vivo methods reveal that Gd-rich corrosion byproducts remain at the implant site of biodegradable Mg-Gd screws

Extensive research is being conducted on magnesium (Mg) alloys for bone implant manufacturing, due to their biocompatibility, biodegradability and mechanical properties. Gadolinium (Gd) is among the most promising alloying elements for property control in Mg alloy implants; however, its toxicity is controversial. Investigating Gd behavior during implant corrosion is thus of utmost importance. In t