

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Identifying multidisciplinary research gaps across Arctic terrestrial gradients

Global warming is driving environmental change in the Arctic. However, our current understanding of this change varies strongly among different environmental disciplines and is limited by the number and distribution of field sampling locations. Here, we use a quantitative framework based on multivariate statistical modeling to present the current state of sampling across environmental disciplines

Spatio-temporal patterns of traffic-related air pollutant emissions in different urban functional zones estimated by real-time video and deep learning technique

The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between spatial-temporal patterns of vehicles types and numbers in different urban functional zones and traffic-related air pollutant emissions with real-time traffic data collected from traffic surveillance video and image recognition. The data were analyzed by using video-based detection technique, while the air pollution was quantified via po

Cognitive reserve and clinical progression in Alzheimer disease : A paradoxical relationship

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between cognitive reserve (CR) and clinical progression across the Alzheimer disease (AD) spectrum. METHODS: We selected 839 β-amyloid (Aβ)-positive participants with normal cognition (NC, n = 175), mild cognitive impairment (MCI, n = 437), or AD dementia (n = 227) from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). CR was quantified using standa

“I didn’t understand, i'm really not very smart”—How design of a digital tutee’s self-efficacy affects conversation and student behavior in a digital math game

How should a pedagogical agent in educational software be designed to support student learning? This question is complex seeing as there are many types of pedagogical agents and design features, and the effect on different student groups can vary. In this paper we explore the effects of designing a pedagogical agent’s self-efficacy in order to see what effects this has on students´ interaction wit

New-onset atrial fibrillation among patients with infection in the emergency department : A multicentre cohort study of one-year stroke risk

BACKGROUND: Patients with new-onset atrial fibrillation in relation to infection are frequent in emergency departments (ED) and may require antithrombotic therapy due to increased risk of stroke. Our objective was to describe the one-year risk of stroke in ED patients with infection, new-onset atrial fibrillation and no antithrombotic therapy.METHODS: Population-based cohort study at four EDs in D

The illusion of routine as an indicator for job automation with artificial intelligence

The resurgence of artificial intelligence (AI) has empowered organizations to concentrate their research efforts on enhancing decision-making and automation capabilities. This is being pursued with the goal of increasing productivity, whilst reducing costs. With this, it is perceived that the jobs within these organizations that are considered subject to ‘routine’, or repetitive and mundane tasks,

Walk the talk when technology fails

The aim of our project was to explore the effectiveness of a web-based mindfulness program for families living with mental and/or somatic illness by the means of a randomized controlled study including an experiment group (n=196) and a wait-list control (WLC) group (n=202) (Stjernswärd & Hansson, 2018). The test period for the 8-week program was set to 10 weeks, with pre– and post-test assessm

Isospin dependence of electromagnetic transition strengths among an isobaric triplet

Electric quadrupole matrix elements, Mp, for the Jπ=2+→0+, ΔT=0, T=1 transitions across the A=46 isobaric multiplet 46Cr-46V-46Ti have been measured at GSI with the FRS-LYCCA-AGATA setup. This allows direct insight into the isospin purity of the states of interest by testing the linearity of Mp with respect to Tz. Pairs of nuclei in the T=1 triplet were studied using identical reaction mechanisms

Measurement of prompt photon production in sNN=8.16 TeV p + Pb collisions with ATLAS

The inclusive production rates of isolated, prompt photons in p+Pb collisions at sNN=8.16 TeV are studied with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider using a dataset with an integrated luminosity of 165 nb−1 recorded in 2016. The cross-section and nuclear modification factor RpPb are measured as a function of photon transverse energy from 20 GeV to 550 GeV and in three nucleon–nucleon cen

Hbtq+ och psykologi i en historisk tillbakablick

De individer, identiteter, uttryck och samlevnadsformer som idag kan sammanfogas under akronymen hbtq+ har genom historien betraktas på många olika vis. Psykologin har varit central för hur hbtq+ har förståtts, definierats och behandlats. I detta kapitel betraktas hbtq+historien därför med psykologiska glasögon.