

Din sökning på "*" gav 128100 sökträffar

VR-pengar till LU

Published 13 September 2019 Vetenskapsrådet har fattat beslut om vilka ansökningar som beviljats bidrag inom utlysningarna Bidrag till Forskningsmiljö inom registerbaserad forskning respektive Forskarskolor inom registerbaserad forskning 2019. Totalt har man beviljat 102 mkr för perioden 2020–2023, varav 13 mkr gick till lU-projektet "Användning av artificiell intelligens inom registerforskning (A

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/vr-pengar-till-lu - 2025-03-14

European Prevention of Alzheimer's Dementia Registry: Recruitment and prescreening approach for a longitudinal cohort and prevention trials.

Published 16 September 2019 It is a challenge to find participants for Alzheimer's disease (AD) prevention trials within a short period of time. The European Prevention of Alzheimer's Dementia Registry (EPAD) aims to facilitate recruitment by preselecting subjects from ongoing cohort studies. This article introduces this novel approach. New publication in Alzheimers Dement.Read more here.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/european-prevention-alzheimers-dementia-registry-recruitment-and-prescreening-approach-longitudinal - 2025-03-14

Medication errors in primary health care records; a cross-sectional study in Southern Sweden

Published 17 September 2019 Drug-related problems due to medication errors are common and have the potential to cause harm. This study, which was conducted in Swedish primary health care, aimed to assess how well the medication lists in the medical records tally with the medications used by patients and to explore what type of medication errors are present. New publication in BMC Family Practice.R

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/medication-errors-primary-health-care-records-cross-sectional-study-southern-sweden - 2025-03-14

National platform for Rare Diseases Data Registry of Japan

Published 18 September 2019 In Japan, the are approximately 300 projects conducting research on rare deseases supported by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan (MHLW) and the japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). Diverse data, including clinical, genomic, and sample-related data, are generated by these projects. New publication in wileyonlinelibrary.comRead more

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/national-platform-rare-diseases-data-registry-japan - 2025-03-14

Development of a binational thyroid cancer clinical quality registry: a protocol paper

Published 19 September 2019 The occurrence of thyroid cancer is increasing throughout the developed world and since the 1990s has become the fastest increasing malignancy. In 2014, a total of 2693 Australians and 302 New Zealanders were diagnosed with thyroid cancer, with this number projected to rise to 3650 in 2018. The purpose of this protocol is to establish a binational population-based clini

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/development-binational-thyroid-cancer-clinical-quality-registry-protocol-paper - 2025-03-14

Discovery of biomarkers for glycaemic deterioration before and after the onset of type 2 diabetes: descriptive characteristics of the epidemiological studies within the IMI DIRECT Consortium

Published 20 September 2019 The IMI DIRECT cohorts are intensely characterised, with a wide-variety of metabolically relevant measures assessed prospectively. We anticipate that the cohorts, made available through managed access, will provide a powerful resource for biomarker discovery, multivariate aetiological analyses and reclassification of patients for the prevention and treatment of type 2 d

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/discovery-biomarkers-glycaemic-deterioration-and-after-onset-type-2-diabetes-descriptive - 2025-03-14

Gestational age‐related reference values for Apgar score and umbilical cord arterial and venous pH in preterm and term newborns

Published 23 September 2019 Despite much literature on reference values of acid-base status in umbilical cord blodd of birth, there are as yet no studies perfomed to determine gestational age-dependent references in cord venous blood and no studies on preterm acid-base standards. Similary, the normal reference range of Apgar scores for term and preterm infants has not yet been determined.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/gestational-age-related-reference-values-apgar-score-and-umbilical-cord-arterial-and-venous-ph - 2025-03-14

Big science i framtidens Lund

Published 23 September 2019 Ekonomihögskolan bjuder in till en bokdiskussion kring boken Big Science i småstaden med fokus på framtida utmaningar, prioriteringar och forskningspolitiska strategier. Med en panel av kunniga och insiktsfulla personer, där även bokens författare ingår, diskuteras viktiga framtidsfrågor kring etableringen av ESS och MAX IV i Lund. Läs mer här.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/big-science-i-framtidens-lund - 2025-03-14

The Future of Biobanking

Published 24 September 2019 The importance of biobanks as a nexus for the development of future diagnostics and treatments in healthcare is becoming increasingly obvious. Increasingly biobanks are emerging as the backbone of medical research, yet the full potential of biobanks has yet to be reached. This conference is organized around the theme of the future of biobanks. The talks will seek to go

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/future-biobanking - 2025-03-14

Impact of missing data on bias and precision when estimating change in patient-reported outcomes from a clinical registry

Published 24 September 2019 Clinical registries, which capture information about the health and healthcare use of patients with a health condition or treatment, often contain patient-reported outcomes (PROs) that provide insights about the patient’s perspectives on their health. Missing data can affect the value of PRO data for healthcare decision-making. We compared the precision and bias of seve

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/impact-missing-data-bias-and-precision-when-estimating-change-patient-reported-outcomes-clinical - 2025-03-14

Registry-Based Medical Research: Data Dredging or Value Building to Quality of Care?

Published 25 September 2019 Registry-based medical research is an important tool in assessing health care interventions in the general population. Observational studies are used to establish effectiveness whereas randomized clinical trials assess efficacy in an experimental manner targeting a carefully selected population of patients. Medical registries may be office or hospital based, state/provi

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/registry-based-medical-research-data-dredging-or-value-building-quality-care - 2025-03-14

Data verification of nationwide clinical quality registries

Published 26 September 2019 Clinical auditing is an emerging instrument for quality assessment and improvement.Moreover, clinical registries facilitate medical research as they provide ‘real world’ data. It is importantthat entered data are robust and reliable. The aim of this study was to describe the evolving procedureand results of data verication within the Dutch Institute for Clinical Auditi

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/data-verification-nationwide-clinical-quality-registries - 2025-03-14

Risk and outcome of hepatocellular carcinoma in liver cirrhosis in Southern Sweden: a population-based study

Published 27 September 2019 Liver cirrhosis is a risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). While the HCC risk is thought to be highest in hepatitis B and hepatitis C, the risk in other cirrhosis etiologies is not fully established. Therefore, we aimed to study the risk and outcome of HCC in alcoholic cirrhosis compared to cirrhosis of other etiologies, in Sweden. New publication in Scandinav

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/risk-and-outcome-hepatocellular-carcinoma-liver-cirrhosis-southern-sweden-population-based-study - 2025-03-14

Contextualizing selection bias in Mendelian randomization: how bad is it likely to be?

Published 30 September 2019 Selection bias affects Mendelian randomization investigations when selection into the study sample depends on a collider between the genetic variant and confounders of the risk factor–outcome association. However, the relative importance of selection bias for Mendelian randomization compared with other potential biases is unclear. New publication in International Journa

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/contextualizing-selection-bias-mendelian-randomization-how-bad-it-likely-be - 2025-03-14