

Din sökning på "*" gav 526670 sökträffar

Sarah Anne Rennick Interviewed About Tunisia in BBC Podcast

Published 17 August 2022 Photo: Ulrika Oredsson CMES scholar Sarah Anne Rennick has been interviewed about Tunisia in the BBC World Service Podcast "The Inquiry". The podcast episode (from July 28, 2022) addresses the question of why Tunisia turned its back on democracy. Tunisia was a beacon of hope for democracy after the Arab Spring. The country rid itself of dictator Ben Ali after 24 years of r

https://www.cmes.lu.se/article/sarah-anne-rennick-interviewed-about-tunisia-bbc-podcast - 2024-12-26

Water Scarcity Modeling in Iran

Published 19 August 2022 CMES Deputy Director Ronny Berndtsson has co-authored the article "Towards an integrated system modeling of water scarcity with projected changes in climate and socioeconomic conditions" together with S. Dehghani (University of Tehran), A.R. Massah Bavani (University of Tehran), A. Roozbahani (University of Tehran) and A. Gohari (Isfahan University of Technology), publishe

https://www.cmes.lu.se/article/water-scarcity-modeling-iran - 2024-12-26

The Gender-Resilience Nexus in Peacebuilding: The Quest for Sustainable Peace

Published 16 August 2022 CMES Director Karin Aggestam and Coordinator Linda Eitrem Holmgren have authored the article "The gender-resilience nexus in peacebuilding: the quest for sustainable peace" published in the Journal of International Relations and Development. Resilience and gender have become new buzzwords for expressing renewal in peacebuilding. This article unpacks the gender-resilience n

https://www.cmes.lu.se/article/gender-resilience-nexus-peacebuilding-quest-sustainable-peace - 2024-12-26

New LU-policy for open access

Published 20 October 2021 Open access (OA) means that research results are published freely available to everyone on the web. The university's open access policy is a way of contributing to open access being the norm for research information. There are several ways for researchers to make publications freely available. Read more at https://www.ub.lu.se/en/publish/open-access

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/new-lu-policy-open-access - 2024-12-26

Vetenskapsrådets samordningsuppdrag om öppen tillgång till forskningsdata – delredovisning

Published 22 October 2021 Vetenskapsrådet har i uppdrag av regeringen att främja och samordna det nationella arbetet med att införa öppen tillgång till forskningsdata. Denna rapport är en delredovisning av Vetenskapsrådets uppdrag och beskriver arbetet och insatserna som genomförts, samt ger en internationell utblick. Ladda ner rapporten på https://www.vr.se/analys/rapporter/vara-rapporter/2021-10

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/vetenskapsradets-samordningsuppdrag-om-oppen-tillgang-till-forskningsdata-delredovisning - 2024-12-26

Nu kan du anmäla informationssäkerhetsincidenter!

Published 29 October 2021 Har du tappat bort ett USB-minne med känsliga uppgifter? Eller har du sett någon stryka omkring i universitetets lokaler med en möjlig avsikt att tillskansa sig värdefull information? Det finns gott om exempel på tänkbara informationssäkerhetsincidenter som måste anmälas. En informationssäkerhetsincident är ”en oönskad händelse med negativa konsekvenser som handlar om säk

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/nu-kan-du-anmala-informationssakerhetsincidenter - 2024-12-26

Ny studie från Region Skåne: Återfall av Clostridium difficle

Published 2 November 2021 Vid verksamhetsområdet infektionssjukdomar på Skånes universitetssjukhus planeras en studie kring återfall av Clostridium difficile (nyligen namnbyte till Clodstridoides difficile). Studien ska utreda vilka faktorer som kan vara avgörande för att få fler återfall. Läs mer på https://www.lupop.lu.se/aterfall-av-clostridium-difficle

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/ny-studie-fran-region-skane-aterfall-av-clostridium-difficle - 2024-12-26

The Case Time Series Design

Published 4 November 2021 The case time series design represents a general and flexible tool, applicable in different epidemiologic areas for investigating transient associations with environmental factors, clinical conditions, or medications. Read the paper at https://journals.lww.com/epidem/Fulltext/2021/11000/The_Case_Time_Serie…

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/case-time-series-design - 2024-12-26

Strength in causality: discerning causal mechanisms in the sufficient cause model

Published 5 November 2021 In this article, we discuss how to discern the causal mechanisms of interest in the sufficient cause model, which pays closer attention to the relationship between the sufficient cause model and the Bradford Hill viewpoints. Read the paper at https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10654-021-00798-6

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/strength-causality-discerning-causal-mechanisms-sufficient-cause-model - 2024-12-26

Extension of Mendelian Randomization to Identify Earliest Manifestations of Alzheimer Disease

Published 8 November 2021 In an extension of Mendelian randomization, we leveraged variation in genetic risk for late-onset AD risk to estimate the causal effect of AD on BMI and the earliest ages at which AD-related weight loss (or lower BMI as a proxy) occurs. Read the paper at https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/190/10/2163/6222073

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/extension-mendelian-randomization-identify-earliest-manifestations-alzheimer-disease - 2024-12-26

Effect of Adjustment for Case Misclassification and Infection Date Uncertainty on Estimates of COVID-19 Effective Reproduction Number

Published 9 November 2021 Adjusting for epidemic curves based on surveillance data is necessary if estimates of missed cases and the effective reproduction number play a role in management of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the paper at https://journals.lww.com/epidem/Fulltext/2021/11000/Effect_of_Adjustmen…

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/effect-adjustment-case-misclassification-and-infection-date-uncertainty-estimates-covid-19-effective - 2024-12-26

Development and Validation of a Large Synthetic Cohort for the Study of Cardiovascular Health Across the Life Span

Published 10 November 2021 We developed and validated a synthetic cohort approach to examine numbers of cardiovascular risk factors (CRFs) and adverse clinical events, including incident cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality, across the life span from ages 20 years to 90 years. Read the paper at https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/190/10/2208/6274861

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/development-and-validation-large-synthetic-cohort-study-cardiovascular-health-across-life-span - 2024-12-26

Big data for big issues: Revealing travel patterns of low-income population based on smart card data mining in a global south unequal city

Published 11 November 2021 Smart card data (SCD) allow analyzing mobility at a fine level of detail, despite the remaining challenges such as identifying trip purpose. The use of the SCD may improve the understanding of transit users' travel patterns from precarious settlements areas, where the residents have historically limited access to opportunities and are usually underrepresented in surveys.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/big-data-big-issues-revealing-travel-patterns-low-income-population-based-smart-card-data-mining - 2024-12-26

Replication of Oncology Randomized Trial Results using Swedish Registry Real World-Data: A Feasibility Study

Published 12 November 2021 Nationwide healthcare registries are potential important real-world data (RWD) sources for assessing drug effectiveness in oncology. However, it is unclear whether registry-derived RWD are suitable for clinical development. Read the paper at https://ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cpt.2424

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/replication-oncology-randomized-trial-results-using-swedish-registry-real-world-data-feasibility - 2024-12-26

Utilization of a National Registry to influence opioid prescribing behavior after hernia repair

Published 13 November 2021 Despite progress toward curtailing opioid prescribing, physicians are often slow to adopt new prescribing practices. Using the Abdominal Core Health Quality Collaborative (ACHQC), we aimed to demonstrate the ability of a national, disease-specific, personalized registry to impact opioid prescribing. Read the paper at https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s10029-0

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/utilization-national-registry-influence-opioid-prescribing-behavior-after-hernia-repair - 2024-12-26