

Din sökning på "*" gav 538163 sökträffar

The Degree Project: An Evaluation from Within

This chapter builds on a quality assessment of my teaching during the preparation seminars for the ‘degree project’ at the Malmö Academy of Music (hereafter: MAM). The evaluation is extended to review the way the course functioned on the basis of John Biggs’ (2003) theories on ‘constructive alignment’. As a result, this chapter also problematises the design of such coursework at a broader structur

Ensuring the citizenship rights of disabled people: A matter rights or a matter of costs?

While the rights of disabled people are widely recognised by gov-ernments around the world, the costs of disability measures seemto be a major barrier to their implementation. Disability researchneeds therefore to engage with the issue of costs in disability pol-itics. Drawing upon citizenship theory, this article considers thesalience of costs in the development of citizenship rights for vari-ous

Mot en ökad förståelse av Termination Setback: en processtudie om interventioner vid avslut i panikfokuserad psykodynamisk psykoterapi

Inom det psykodynamiska fältet har det länge funnits en teoretisk medvetenhet om att avslutet i psykoterapi ofta väcker starka känslomässiga reaktioner hos patienter. Symtomökning vid avslut har förståtts som en naturlig och övergående reaktion på den stundande separationen. I studier har symtomökningen visats vara vanligare i psykodynamisk terapi och vara övergående med återhämtning efter avslutaWithin the psychodynamic field, there has long been a theoretical awareness that termination in psychotherapy often evokes strong emotional reactions in patients. Increased symptoms at termination have been understood as a natural and transient reaction to the impending separation. Studies have shown symptom exacerbation to be more common in psychodynamic therapy and to be transient with recovery

Predicting Life Outcomes with Individual Differences in Personality and Cognitive Ability: A Longitudinal Heritability Study

Ett flertal studier har undersökt personlighet och kognitiv förmåga i förhållande till livsutfall. Det är däremot färre longitudinella studier som undersökt dessa samband, vilket medför oklarhet i hur mycket individuella skillnader kan förklara livsutfall. Syftet med denna studie var att använda senaste europeiska tvillingdata för att undersöka personlighet och kognitiv förmåga som prediktorer förNumerous studies have examined personality and cognitive ability in relation to life outcomes. However, longitudinal studies examining these relationships are relatively scarce, leaving the extent to which individual differences can account for life outcomes still unclear. The focus of this study was to use the latest European twin data to study personality and cognitive ability as predictors for

Upplevelser av autenticitet hos manliga gymnasieungdomar: En tolkande fenomenologisk intervjustudie

Inom forskningsfältet har autenticitet visat sig vara en viktig aspekt för välbefinnande, men det har genomförts få kvalitativa studier på fenomenet. Denna studies syfte var att ge en nyanserad beskrivning av och fördjupa förståelsen för svenska, manliga gymnasieungdomars upplevelse av autenticitet. Frågeställningarna undersöker hur autenticitet som tillstånd upplevs, upplevelsen av relationen melAuthenticity has been proven to be a significant component of well-being, but few studies with qualitative methodology have been conducted on the matter. The purpose of this study is to give a nuanced portrayal and an in-depth understanding of how state authenticity is experienced by Swedish, male high school students. We examine how state authenticity is experienced, the experience of the relatio

Att skriva om skrivande: en studie om metaforer i skrivhandböcker

I den här uppsatsen presenteras hur skrivande och skrivprocessen skildras genom metaforer. Fokus ligger på att kartlägga vilka metaforer som används för att beskriva skrivande, om det finns några mönster i användningen och om det finns skillnader i vilka metaforer som används beroende på vilken typ av skrivande det skrivs om. Materialet består av fyra skrivhandböcker som används som kurslitteratur

”Om man inte har ett eget intresse- varför ska man då jobba på ungdomsmottagning?” En kvalitativ studie om kuratorns syn på sin egen kompetens inom sexuell hälsa

Sexual health is an important and permanent component in an individual’s life, particularly during the early stages. Swedish youth tend to frequently visit their local youth guidance center with questions regarding sexual health, which therefore requires the social worker to be competent in this area of work. Therefore the study aimed to investigate how counselors working at youth guidance centers

Social Injustice, Group Membership and Epistemic Trust in Robots

This paper focuses on the intersection of social dynamics, knowledge production, and the implementation of identity features in robotic platforms. Concentrating on the concept of epistemic injustice, particularly in the context of trust, the study highlights the potential for justified distrust based on experienced injustice. The incorporation of social identity features, such as gender, signals g

Verification of FEM-model of Dynamic Strain in Bolts During Recoil

When creating finite element simulations, fasteners are often simplified or disregarded even though they are exposed to large loads and are reasons to cause failure in the model. Aimpoint AB produces electronic red dot sights that are exposed to high accelerations of at least 400G. The aim of this degree project is divided into two parts: develop and evaluate a test methodology for measuring strai

Framtiden på spel: klimatkampens ansikten - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om civil olydnad samt engagemang i Extinction Rebellion och Återställ Våtmarker

Frågan om klimatförändringarna har kommit att bli en av vår tids mest centrala utmaningar, och såväl om och hur det skall lösas splittrar människor världen över. Bland de mest hängivna finns klimataktivister som, utifrån sin uppfattning om klimatkrisen, tar till olagliga medel för att driva fram förändring. Grupper som Extinction Rebellion och Återställ Våtmarker har som uttalad strategi att använ

Barns bästa och rätt att uttrycka sin vilja i vårdnadsmål: En kvalitativ studie om rättens beaktande av barns bästa och delaktighet i domslut gällande vårdnadstvister

This study focuses on custody cases in Sweden, especially examining how children’s involvement is addressed in custody, residence, and visitation judgments. By analyzing court decisions and corresponding district court rulings after Sweden’s 2020 implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and especially referring to UNCRC articles 3 and 12. Through qualitati

Visible connections of cult and continuity

This thesis is an attempt to evaluate the pre-Christian and Christian and cult-place continuity question. This is done by investigating intervisibility between Christian Churches and pre-Christian grave monuments within the province of Halland Sweden. This analysis was done via large statistical GIS databases of which viewshed analysis was applied to, which in turn was then interpreted via theoret

Visualizing Territoriality. Studying the earliest Boundary Stones of Basel digitally and through a theoretical framework.

Recent social developments have led to an increased interest in borders. Today, borders are understood as highly dynamic phenomena, that are subject to political-territorial and socio-symbolic interaction. The emergence of new interdisciplinary border studies, as well as advances in technological tools, provide an opportunity for archaeology to examine the cultural phenomenon of boundary marking s

The Influence of Pubertal Development on Autoantibody Appearance and Progression to Type 1 Diabetes in the TEDDY Study

CONTEXT: The 2 peaks of type 1 diabetes incidence occur during early childhood and puberty.OBJECTIVE: We sought to better understand the relationship between puberty, islet autoimmunity, and type 1 diabetes.METHODS: The relationships between puberty, islet autoimmunity, and progression to type 1 diabetes were investigated prospectively in children followed in The Environmental Determinants of Diab

Measurement of nuclear interaction cross sections towards neutron-skin thickness determination

The accuracy of reaction theories used to extract properties of exotic nuclei from scattering experiments is often unknown or not quantified, but of utmost importance when, e.g., constraining the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter from observables as the neutron-skin thickness. In order to test the Glauber multiple-scattering model, the total interaction cross section of [Formula prese

Energy communities in Sweden: Challenging established ideas of aim, place and engagement

This paper contributes to the discussion about the importance of different energy community (EC) characteristics. Based on a questionnaire to the members of solar ECs in Sweden, it investigates (1) to what extent EC members agree with the established view of the “ideal” energy community, as described in previous literature, and (2) to what extent the studied ECs match the characteristics of such a

Advancing 5G Calibration Methods In The Compact Antenna Test Range

This project presents a study on the calibration methodologies for OTA testing in CATR chamber, focusing on the frequency span of 18 GHz to 110 GHz. We introduce a single-antenna method, proving it more efficient and accurate than tra- ditional multi-antenna setups. The research also delves into the challenges of high- frequency signal testing in 5G and upcoming 6G communications. These challenges