Divergent Narratives

Divergent Narratives | Rozbieżne narracje: Identity, Politics, and Home in Contemporary Polish Literature

Join us for an inspiring two-day seminar that delves into the intricate intersections of identity, politics, and the notion of home as portrayed in contemporary Polish literature. This event brings together a dynamic mix of academics, researchers, translators, and writers to explore how modern Polish authors confront and reinterpret themes such as gender, ethnicity, Jewishness, migration, and belonging. Through engaging lectures, thought-provoking discussions, and collaborative roundtables, we will also examine the impacts of historical memory, class dynamics, and intersectionality, situating Polish literature within a broader global cultural and literary dialogue.

Event Details:
Date: 24–25 April 2025
Venue: SOL, Lund University  (L123,  A214)

Opening Lecture at 11.30  SOL LINGVISTEN L123 
The Identity and Violence: Shifts in Identification in Polish Literature at the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries
– Przemysław Czapliński, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

  • Anita Pluwak, University of Copenhagen
  • Ursula Phillips, Translator & Researcher, UCL London
  • Maciej Hen, Writer, Warsaw
  • Knut Grimstad, University of Oslo
  • Magdalena Slyk, Uppsala University
  • Katarzyna Tubylewicz, Translator, Stockholm
  • Krzysztof Stala, Copenhagen University
  • Renata Ingbrant, Stockholm University
  • David Szybek, Translator, Lund
  • Przemysław Czapliński, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to engage with leading voices in Polish literary studies and to contribute to a vibrant conversation on the evolving narratives of identity, politics, and home. Register now and be part of a transformative dialogue that bridges history, literature, and global cultural studies.


Full programme

9:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Registration & Welcome Coffee

10:00 AM – 10:10 AM
Opening Remarks

  • Welcome address by the organizers
  • Introduction to the seminar’s theme and goals

10:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Keynote Lecture: Identity in Contemporary Polish Literature

  • Speaker: Prof. Przemysław Czapliński

Tożsamość i przemoc. Literatura i przemiany identyfikacyjne w kulturze polskiej na przełomie XX i XXI wieku

The Identity and Violence: Shifts in Identification in Polish Literature at the Turn of the 20th and the 21st Century.

  • Followed by comment and Q&A session, led by Ulla Chowaniec Krzysztof Stala

Coffee break

12:30 PM – 13:30 PM
Author Spotlight: Maciej Hen

  • Lecture: “The Role of Historical Memory in Shaping Contemporary Polish Narratives”

Reading of the fragments of the forthcoming book in Polish and in Translation by Ursula Phillips. Distribution of excerpts from Hen’s upcoming book for participant review

  • Discussion: Featuring Ulla Chowaniec and Ursula Phillips

13:30 PM – 15:00 PM   Lunch Break

15.00 - 16.30 PM Panel Discussion: Translation and Polish Literature.

  • Talks on Recent Translations from and into Polish. Translation Choices, Translation paths  Katarzyna Tubylewicz, David Szybek, and Ursula Phillips, Moderator: Renata Ingbrant

16.30-17.00 Małgorzata Dawidek Przekłady Afektywne. Medieval Women’s Writers and Contemporary Art

  • Q&A Session

18:00 PM
Dinner & Informal Networking

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Roundtable Discussion: Intersectional Perspectives on Polish Studies, Polish Research,  and The Role of Polish Language and Literature in Sweden.

  • Presentations of ongoing research, projects and collaborations from universities in Copenhagen, Uppsala, Stockholm, Lund, and Oslo 

10.00-11.00 PM

Dr. Magdalena Slyk Polish Studies and Uppsala. Research spotlight

 Dr. Knut Grimstad Polish Studies and Oslo. Research spotlight

Dr. Renata Ingbrant, Polish Studies and Stockholm. Research spotlight

  • Moderator: Krzysztof Stala

11.15-12.15 PM

Dr. Anita Pluwak Polish Studies and Copenhagen. Research spotlight

Dr. Ulla Chowaniec, Polish Studies and Lund. Research spotlight: Wioletta Grzegorzewska’s Writing and the Poetics of Autofiction

11.45-12.30 NAWA possibilities of the future cooperation, projects, programmes

  • Moderator: Krzysztof Stala

12:30 PM – 13:30 PM Lunch Break

13:30 PM – 14:30 PM
Archival Work & Research. Polish Archives in Sweden


  • Archives of Polish Immigrants after WW2,  and Solidarity/ Research Tomasz Leśniak, Lunds Universitets Bibliotek.
  • The role of archives in uncovering narratives of Polish and Polish-Jewish migrants and refugees,  dr. Victoria Martinez.
  • Ulla Chowaniec, Zenia Marcinkowska Larsson and Building Archives in Holocaust Museum in Stockholm
  • Future Directions &  Closing Remarks. Summary of seminar discussions, Opportunities for future research and collaborations. Thank-you address
  • Moderator: Barbara Plewa - Torquist

Academics, researchers, writers, and students of East-European Studies, European studies, Jewish studies, literature and cultural studies

  • Dr. Urszula Ulla Chowaniec, Lund University
  • Prof. Barbara Törquist Plewa, Lund University

  • Analyse contemporary Polish literature: Examine key texts through the lens of identity, politics, and belonging.
  • Explore intersectional approaches: Discuss the interplay of gender, ethnicity, and class in shaping literary narratives.
  • Foster scholarly exchange: Create a vibrant platform for academics, writers, and enthusiasts.

Highlight Polish contributions: Position Polish literature as a vital part of global literary discourse.

Conference is sponsored by Einar Hansens Allhemsstiftelse

How to find us

It is easy to reach Lund, by road, rail and air.  

Our address is Helgonabacken 12.

Sidansvarig: johanna.lindbladhslav.luse | 2025-03-19