
- Allmän språkvetenskap
- Språk- och litteraturcentrum
E-post niklas.erben_johanssonling.luse
Rum SOL:H505a
Helgonabacken 12, Lund
Box 201, 221 00 Lund
Internpost hämtställe 20
I received my PhD in General Linguistics at Lund University in 2020. My primary research interests include sound symbolism, iconicity, language evolution, semantic and phonological typology and linguistic universals.
My postdoctoral project investigates how vocal iconicity is used to access the meanings of words in spoken language from two angles. The first aim is to investigate the role iconicity plays in different noun categorization systems cross-linguistically by comparing lexically transparent classifier systems to highly grammaticalized noun class systems, which will cast light on how far iconicity reaches in morphology. The second aim is to determine whether iconic effects of segments in word onsets are stronger than iconic segments in word codas. This is accomplished by reanalyzing data from previous large-scale studies on vocal iconicity, and experimentally testing how people perceive different placements of iconic segments in different words.
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Min profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportal
- Allmän språkvetenskap
- Språk- och litteraturcentrum
E-post niklas.erben_johanssonling.luse
Rum SOL:H505a
Helgonabacken 12, Lund
Box 201, 221 00 Lund
Internpost hämtställe 20