
Henriette Arndt


  • Allmän språkvetenskap
  • Språk- och litteraturcentrum


E-post henriette.arndtling.luse

Rum SOL:H526a

Helgonabacken 12, Lund

Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Internpost hämtställe 20

Postdoctoral Researcher in General Linguistics and the research platform LAMiNATE (Language Acquisition, Multilingualism, and Teaching). My research primarily focuses on how people use, and consequently learn, languages beyond the classroom, in their everyday lives (on–and offline). Myresearch also tends to have strong methodological components, since I have a greatinterest in research methods and statistics, and aim to contribute to the innovationand evaluation of methods and instruments in research on informal second language learning and the broaderfield of applied linguistics.

I hold a DPhil in Education and an Msc in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition from the University of Oxford. Prior to my current appointment, I worked as Postdoctoral Research Fellow on the LANG-TRACK-APP project.

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Henriette Arndt


  • Allmän språkvetenskap
  • Språk- och litteraturcentrum


E-post henriette.arndtling.luse

Rum SOL:H526a

Helgonabacken 12, Lund

Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Internpost hämtställe 20

Sidansvarig: webmastersol.luse | 2017-02-13