
LAMiNATE Talks: Jeffrey Steele — Articulatory Approaches to Second Language Speech Learning: Insights from the Acquisition of English and French

20 maj 2025 15:15 till 16:30 Seminarium

Jeffrey Steele, University of Toronto

Alongside acquiring abstract phonological representations and learning to perceive novel phonetic contrasts and prosodic patterns, acquiring second language speech involves mastering the articulatory patterns of the target language. Most previous research in this area has relied on acoustic analyses. While useful, multiple articulations may map to the same acoustic output and certain aspects of phonetic production (e.g., vowel nasalization, coarticulation) are not easily studied via acoustics. In this talk, I review collaborative electropalatography work and as well as ultrasound studies conducted by other linguists that provide unique, new insights into the L2 acquisition of English and French speech.

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20 maj 2025 15:15 till 16:30



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