Cognitive Semiotics Seminar: "Linguistic Feeling in Real Life and in Linguistics" (Ad Foolen, Radboud University)
Welcome to this seminar on the notion of "linguistic feeling", to be given from Nijmegen by Prof. Ad Foolen, a long-term collaborator to colleagues from both cognitive semiotics and linguistics at Lund University. Join us in H402, or on the link with cameras turned on, starting from 15:00 for introductions.
Terms like English linguistic feeling, German Sprachgefühl, Dutch Taalgevoel are commonly used in the respective natural languages and in linguistic discourse. But what is meant by these terms? How do they relate to notions like linguistic intuitions, grammaticality judgments, and norms for good language use? In my talk, I will discuss older and more recent research on linguistic feeling, both as a natural part of linguistic competence and as part of linguistic methodology.
Om händelsen:
Plats: + room H402
Kontakt: jordan.zlatevsemiotik.luse