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Konferensbidrag (sida 60 av 77)
- Bohnacker, U. (2005). Misgivings about universal developmental sequences in nonnative acquisition of syntax. I Larsson-Ringqvist, E. & Valfridsson, I. (Red.) Forskning om undervisning i främmande språk. Rapport från workshop i Växjö 10-11 juni 2004. Acta Wexionensia 58/2005. (pp. 46-56), 58. Växjö University Press.
- Cabak Rédei, A. (2005). Mme de Staël’s självbiografisk reseskildring från Tyskland: En ‘jagets’ genre?. I Bodil, A. & Johan, F. (Red.) Kulturstudier i Sverige. Nationell forskarkonferens. Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Cariboni Killander, C. (2005). Le récit itératif à l'imparfait: est-ce bien un récit?. [Host publication title missing]. Köpenhamn / Roskilde universitet.
- Ekman, S. (2005). Establishing, Undermining, and Confusing Narratorial Authority in The Lord of the Rings.
- Ekman, S. (2005). Forces of Nature in Susan Cooper's The Dark Is Rising Sequence.
- Ekman, S. (2005). Safe Cities and Urban Jungles: Bridging the Nature/Culture Divide in Modern Fantasy.
- Enkvist, I. (2005). El Qujote, la idea del héroe y la reflexión ética de nuestros días. I González Quirós, J. (Red.) [Host publication title missing] (pp. 351-368), I. Sociedad española de conmemoraciones culturales.
- Enkvist, I. (2005). Las huellas del Siglo de las Luces en cinco pensadores españoles del siglo XX. XVI Skandinaviske Romanistkongres, Roskilde, 2005.. Romanska institutionen, Köpenhamns universitet.
- Enkvist, I. (2005). Los campos de concentración - núcleo del pensamiento actual de TzvetanTodorov. Simposio internacional sobre la obra de Tzvetan Todorov Lund 23-25 Septiembre de 2004.
- Enkvist, I. (2005). Un nuevo tipo de intelectual europeo. Simposio internacional sobre la obra de Tzvetan Todorov. Lund 23-25 septiembre de 2004, 7-16. Dpto Lenguas Románicas, Universidad de Lund.
- Granfeldt, J., Nugues, P. & Persson, E. (2005). Direkt Profil : un système d’évaluation de textes d’élèves de français langue étrangère fondé sur les itinéraires d'acquisition. Actes de la conférence Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, TALN & RECITAL 2005, Tome 1 – Conférences principales, 2005, 113-122. Association pour le traitement automatique des langues.
- Granfeldt, J., Nugues, P. & Persson, E. (2005). Direkt profil: A system for evaluating texts of second language learners of French based on developmental sequences. Proceedings of The Second Workshop on Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, 53-60. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Gyllstad, H. (2005). Developing and investigating the reliability and validity of tests of collocations for intermediate and advanced learners of English.
- Gyllstad, H. (2005). Developing Test Formats for Collocation Knowledge in Second Language Learners: COLLEX and COLLMATCH.
- Gyllstad, H. (2005). Devising and evaluating tests of collocation knowledge: COLLEX and COLLMATCH.
- Gyllstad, H. (2005). Devising Tests of Collocational Knowledge – Some Preliminary Results.
- Hansson, I.-L. (2005). Evidentiality in Akha.
- Hedling, E. (2005). Embodying Tolkien: Stars, Marketing, and The Lord of the Rings.
- Hedling, E. (2005). Företagsekonomiska motbilder i Thatchers Storbritannien.
- Hedling, E. (2005). The Welfare State Depicted: Post-Utopian Landscapes in Ingmar Bergman's Films.
- Håkansson, D. & Josefsson, G. (2005). Granbarrsprojektet -- ett försök till differentierad undervisning på en universitetskurs. I Järnefelt, I. (Red.) Proceedings 2005 (pp. 176-183). CED, Lund University.
- Jones, S., Murphy, L., Paradis, C. & Willners, C. (2005). Googling for opposites: a phraseological approach to assessing antonym canonicity.
- Källkvist, M. (2005). Does the use of translation exercises lead to enhanced L2 morphosyntatic accuracy?.
- Källkvist, M. (2005). Is there still room for translation?.
- Källkvist, M. (2005). What is the value of L1-to-L2 translation for advanced learners?.