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Artiklar (sida 28 av 87)
- Andersson, L. G. & Sundholm, J. (2017). The cultural practice of minor cinema archiving : The case of immigrant filmmakers in Sweden. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 7, 79-92. Intellect Ltd..
- Avery, H. (2017). At the bridging point : tutoring newly arrived students in Sweden. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 21, 404-415. Taylor & Francis.
- Avery, H. & Hoxhallari, I. (2017). From policy to practice : Roma education in Albania and Sweden. The Urban Review, 49, 463-477. Springer.
- Avery, H. & Nordén, B. (2017). Working with the divides : Two critical axes in development for transformative professional practices. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 18, 666-680. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Avery, H. & Said, S. (2017). Higher Education for Refugees: The Case of Syria. Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review. Centre for Global Education.
- Bardel, C., Erickson, G., Granfeldt, J. & Rosén, C. (2017). Offering research education for in-service language teachers. Language Teaching, 50, 290-293. Cambridge University Press.
- BERNARDINI, P. (2017). Weak interest in the weaker language. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 20, 29-30. Cambridge University Press.
- Bernardini, P. & van de Weijer, J. (2017). On the direction of cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of object clitics in French and Italian. LIA Language, Interaction and Acquisition, 8, 204-233. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Bianchi, I., Paradis, C., Burro, R., van de Weijer, J., Nyström, M. & Savardi, U. (2017). Identification of opposites and intermediates by eye and by hand. Acta Psychologica, 180, 175-189. Elsevier.
- Brandt Larsen, R. (2017). Competing Historical Narratives in Belarusian Textbooks. CFE Conference Papers Series, 8. CFE (centrum för europaforskning).
- Burenhult, N., Hill, C., Huber, J., van Putten, S., Rybka, K. & San Roque, L. (2017). Forests : the cross-linguistic perspective. Geographica Helvetica, 72, 455-464. Fotorotar AG.
- Carling, G. & Cronhamn, S. (2017). Deixis in narrative : a study of Kamaiurá, a Tupí- Guaraní language of Upper Xingu, Brazil. Revista Brasilieira de Linguística Antropológica, 9, 13-48.
- Clement, J., Gidlöf, K., Smith, V., Zlatev, J. & van de Weijer, J. (2017). Assessing information on food packages. European Journal of Marketing, 51, 219-237. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Dahlman, R. C. (2017). The ambiguity of sapere. Italian Journal of Linguistics, 29, 3-28. Rosenberg & Sellier.
- Dahlman, R. C. (2017). The protagonist projection hypothesis. International Review of Pragmatics, 9, 134-153. Brill.
- Devylder, S. (2017). Cutting and Breaking the Embodied Self. Cognitextes, 16.
- Dunér, D. (2017). On the Plausibility of Intelligent Life on Other Worlds : A Cognitive-Semiotic Assessment of fi · fc · L. Environmental Humanities, 9, 433-453. Duke University Press.
- Dutceac Segesten, A. & Bossetta, M. (2017). A typology of political participation online : How citizens used Twitter to mobilize during the 2015 British general elections. Information Communication and Society, 20, 1625-1643. Taylor & Francis.
- Edwards, D. & Svensson, M. (2017). Show us life and make us think: engagement, witnessing and activism in independent Chinese documentary today. Studies in Documentary Film, 11, 161-169. Taylor & Francis.
- Enkvist, I. (2017). Alice Munro hade inte klarat normen. Svenska Dagbladet. Svenska Dagbladet.
- Enkvist, I. (2017). El lector que convirtió la lectura en un modo de vivir. Carnets de Formentor, 23-29.
- Fuoli, M., van de Weijer, J. & Paradis, C. (2017). Denial outperforms apology in repairing organizational trust despite strong evidence of guilt. Public Relations Review, 43, 645-660. Elsevier.
- Granfeldt, J. & Ågren, M. (2017). Une évaluation formative de FLE basée sur les itinéraires d'acquisition est-elle possible? : La perspective des enseignants. Le Francais dans le Monde. Recherches et Applications, 61.
- Gyllstad, H. & Suhonen, L.-V. (2017). Is attrition a type of learning? : Modelling change in the multilingual mental lexicon. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 7, 700-703. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Haettner Aurelius, E. (2017). Feministisk skräckroman, litterär Twin Peaks - Hannele Mikaela Taivassalos författarskap. Nya Argus, 9-10, 276-278. Garantiföreningen för Nya Argus r.f..