Grammatikseminarium - Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri (Università Roma Tre): Implicit contradictions bypass critical scrutiny better than explicit ones
The talk investigates whether contradictory arguments are less likely to be noticed when they are expressed implicitly, as compared to explicitly. It presents an experiment with ecological material. In a Facebook post, Italian journalist Selvaggia Lucarelli conveyed two contradictory arguments as implicatures. Her text has been submitted to experimental subjects. Half of them read it in the original version, half in a slightly modified version where implicatures had been made explicit. Their responses to specific questions show that the contradiction is noticed more easily when it occurs between explicit assertions as opposed to when it occurs between contents to be at least partially inferred. Interestingly, there seems to be no effect on the level of overall approval of the text by young subjects. Approval remains the same when the subjects notice the contradiction. A strong effect is shown, on the contrary, for age and education differences between groups of subjects.
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