Grammatik i fokus 38 / Grammar in focus 38
Torsdagen den 8e februari
Plats / Venue: Lunds universitet: LUX: C121
13.00–13.05 Symposiet öppnas / Opening remarks
13.05–13.35 Nigel Vincent (University of Manchester) & Kersti Börjars (St. Catherine's College, Oxford): Where does a GO verb go?
13.35–14.05 Arthur Holmer (Lunds universitet): Expletive subjects in South-East Asia
14.05–14.15 Kort paus
14.15–14.45 Ann-Charlotte Gutsjö: Byte av kasus eller av deklination? Förändringar i ett substantivs kasusändelser i fyra språkliga varianter från 900 till 1300 A.D.
14.45–15.15 Filip Larsson (Lund University): Spatial referencing in the Caucasus – the heights of preverbs and local cases
15.15–15.45 Kaffepaus
15.45–16.15 Victor Bogren Svensson & Johan Blomberg (Lund University): West Greenlandic motion
16.15–16.45 Sandra Cronhamn (Lunds universitet): “One side of my pair of ears": The antidual construction with paired body parts in Baniwa
16.45–17.00 Kort paus
17.00–17.30 Ann Hermansson, Fredrik Heinat & Eva Klingvall (Lunds universitet). The (Im)possible antecedent: Subject Predicatives in Pronoun Resolution
17.30–18.00 Alexander Katourgi (Lunds universitet). Satsperiferin och dess grafiska avgränsare
Fredagen den 9e februari
Plats / Venue: Lunds universitet: SOLs Hörsal H104 / SOL Auditorium H104
9.00–9.30 Therese Landh (Uppsala universitet): Development of productive preterit rules in the grammar of Swedish-speaking children
9.30–10.00 Eva Klingvall & Fredrik Heinat (Lunds universitet): Agreement preferences in production
10.00 – 10.30 Kaffepaus
10.30–11.00 Lars Larm (Göteborgs universitet): Non-displaceable language
11.00-11.30 Satu Manninen (Lunds universitet) & Maria Wiktorsson (Malmö universitet): Processes that form ideophonic vocabulary in Swedish and Finnish comic strips
11.30 Symposiet avslutas / Closing remarks
About the event:
Location: Thursday LUX:C121; Friday SOL H104 Hörsal
Contact: arthur.holmerling.luse