SVEE: Swedish language courses

Lund University offers Swedish Language courses to exchange students in all faculties. The courses are offered exclusively to exchange students.

­­­As an added value to the student exchange programme and to awaken an interest in the language and culture of the host country as well as to facilitate communication, Lund University offers Swedish Language courses to exchange students.

Depending on availability, SVEE courses can be taken as part of, or in addition to, your approved course load. Courses are offered from level 1–4.

Be aware that the SVEE courses may not be recognised by your home university for credit transfer purposes. It is therefore important that you check this information with your coordinator here in Lund and your academic advisor at your home university.

Teaching is offered through different modules worth 7.5 credits each. Regular students, regardless if they study at bachelor, master or doctoral level, are not eligible to register to these courses.

Courses offered during autumn semester 2025

Please use the course links below to get to the course home pages, where you can find schedules, literature lists etc. Note! The information on each page is normally updated at least a month before the course starts.

Swedish for Exchange Students, the higher levels 5, 6, 7 and 8 are specially designed for exchange students who have profuse knowledge in Swedish and have this language as a major subject at their home university (i.e. skandinavister). Levels 1-4 all start at the beginning of the semester and are offered with 25% pace.

During autumn 2025 (space permitting), level 5 and 6 may be offered as fulltime courses on campus and level 7 and 8 will be offered either fulltime on campus or together with the students studying SFSH31 (part time, online) 

Always check your options with your LU coordinator first!

Workload, credits, attendance and withdrawals

The workload for these courses is as demanding as other regular courses. It is highly recommended to participate in as many of the lessons offered as possible, to increase your chances for getting a grade of pass in the end.

SVE-courses must be an integral part of the student's study plan in Lund and as with all other courses you must inquire at your home university if they will also recognise the credits that you might obtain in these language courses.

If you wish to withdraw from a course to which you have been admitted you must notify both your own coordinator and the course administrator.


Questions regarding the SUSA-courses:
Course administrator
Gunilla Ek Werner

Questions regarding application for SVEE/EXTA: 
Please contact your coordinator at LU.

Questions regarding groups and levels (after admission), and registrations and results in the Ladok system :
Course administrator
Gunilla Ek Werner 

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