SVEE: Introductory meetings and registration
Final admission
The final admission will take place when the student registers at the mandatory introductory meeting. Your coordinator on behalf of the SOL-Centre will sign your enrolment forms for these courses and the administrator at SOL will register you in ladok, once you participated in the introduction meeting.
Please note! A student who was preliminary admitted but does not attend (or is late) to the introductory meeting without communicating to us a valid reason in advance might lose his/her place. An already performed registration in our system will be removed and the place in the course will be released to the next student on the waiting list.
Unable to attend the introduction meeting?
A student who has a justifiable reason for not attending the introductory meeting and wishes to keep his/her place, must notify the course administrator by e-mail before the meeting.
Date and time for mandatory introductory meetings, autumn 2025
- 8 September at 17:00: SVEE11 and SVEE12, EXTA24 and EXTA25. If you applied for level 1 or 2, you attend via this zoom link:
- 8 September at 19:00: SVEE13 and SVEE14, EXTA26 and EXTA27. If you applied for level 3 or 4, you attend via this zoom link Please note that level 3 and 4 will most likely be offered as online courses (daytime) and study together with SVEH13 and SVEH14.
Important for all online introduction meetings and online lessons: You must log in as an LU student. This is how to do it:
- When you are invited to a Zoom meeting, the Zoom link will take you directly to the meeting.
- Connect to the Zoom meeting in your browser on your computer, tablet or smartphone. You will be prompted to download and install Zoom when you click a join link. You can also download the client here ("Zoom Client for Meetings")
- It is vital that you log in with your LU-credentials when this is asked for.
You will NOT be able to register yourself for SVEE/EXTA courses. Once you participate in the introduction meeting and in the first mandatory meeting of each course level you have been admitted to, an administrator will register you and give you access to the right Canvas page, provided that you are eligible for the course at course start.