SUSA: A short introduction

Lund University offers a short introduction to the Swedish language. The course is called SUSA and it is designed to give exchange students a smooth integration into the Swedish society.

A successful exam will result in 3 credits. Instruction is offered at two levels; beginning/no previous knowledge of Swedish (SUSA11) and intermediate (SUSA12). The SUSA courses always start on arrival in Sweden, before the semester starts.

An application for SUSA can be added to your application for exchange studies to Lund University in SoleMove.

If interested in this very short but useful Swedish course:

  • Remember to add the SUSA course as a main choice in your proposed study plan if you want it include in the total amount of credits for the semester.
  • You can also chose to add SUSA on top of your other courses (not as main choice).
  • If you have previous knowledge of Swedish corresponding to level A2-B1 on the CEFR-scale, you should consider applying for SUSA12 instead.

Read more about our SUSA-courses here:

If you are at a more advanced level there is a possibility to apply for our regular Swedish courses at different levels (see information about SVEE courses in the menu). This is done via your LU or LTH coordinator.


Course administrator:
Gunilla Ek Werner


Evening courses in Swedish (7.5 credits) at various levels.

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