Access course in Swedish (SFSH30 or SFSH31)
Swedish as a foreign language, level 5–8
These courses require proficiency in Swedish. You can find information about the course on the Swedish pages.
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These courses require proficiency in Swedish. You can find information about the course on the Swedish pages.
Course administrator
Study advisor
Director of studies
Heltidskurs, campus, nivå 5-8 (SFSH30) - startar höst och vår
Halvfartskurs, distans, nivå 5-8 (SFSH31) - startar vårterminer
Halvfartskurs, distans, nivå 5 (SVEH15) - startar vårterminer
Halvfartskurs, distans, nivå 6 (SVEH16) - startar vårterminer
Halvfartskurs, distans, nivå 7 (SVEH17) - startar höstterminer
Halvfartskurs, distans, nivå 8 (SVEH18) - startar höstterminer